I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 825: Flying mount

"Angel, Song Jian, have you seen it, angel? It is really an angel!" Wang Qi held the worm egg in his hand and said excitedly;

的 The angel in the pet's egg looks very vague and can't distinguish the sex, but Song Jian vaguely feels that this is the angel Crower;

"Master Arman, if it is hatched at this time, can it still have the memories of its lifetime?" Song Jian asked suddenly.

"The memories of the angel family will not disappear!" Ahrman glanced at Song Jian and said, "Only the newborn angel will seal his memory. Only when its strength reaches a certain level will the memory be unsealed!"

Song Jian nodded and said nothing more. After the death of an ordinary angel, in most cases, it will disappear directly, with a small chance of condensing an angel's heart;

As for condensing into a pet of war, I am afraid that there will not be a thousand angels who can do it. For the angels, this is almost a means of resurrection and rebirth;

After a bit of busyness, Wang Qi carefully put the angel war pet into a solution with a faint golden light. At least half of the one million doomsday coins were for the preparation of a Holy Spirit solution in a nutrition trough;

许多 Many rare materials in the Holy Spirit solution are valuable and unavailable. Even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it. If Wang Qi is not the deputy city lord, Lauren would not necessarily make the Holy Spirit solution;

The instrument started, and the angel war pet eggs began to absorb the Holy Spirit solution in the nutrition tank. Soon, the Holy Spirit solution was absorbed, and the pets of the war pet slowly broke apart. ;

天使 This angel only has a white gauze around his waist, holding a mini bow and arrow in his hand, looks very cute, but does not seem to have much fighting power;

"Unfortunately, there is no upgrade!" Wang Qi said with regret;

"It does n’t need to upgrade the rank at all. This is the Holy Light pet. In other words, it is an evolutionary pet. As long as it is cultivated, it can continue to advance, four wings, six wings, eight wings, and even the most powerful. Twelve Winged Archangels! "Laureny said immediately;

"What, evolution pets?" Wang Qi opened his eyes wide and looked unbelievable;

"It's just that it's very difficult to evolve autonomously, and sometimes you need some precious materials!" Laurenni seemed to think of something, giggled, covering her mouth, and said, "Be careful of your family!"

Angel war pet fluttered his wings, flew to Wang Qi's shoulder, sat down with one butt, and then began to look at the bow and arrow in his hand, looking at it, looking very lively;

"The initial intimacy is seventy-eight, which is not bad!" Wang Qi said with a smile on his face;

Song Jian nodded, it seems that the pets still have to hatch in pet stores, even if the probability of advancement is very low, the initial intimacy will increase a lot;

Now his black dragon war pet and his intimacy are only sixty-two, and the stone man is slightly higher, only seventy-three. Each time they are injured, they will reduce their intimacy by a few points. Song Jian is really a bit Worried that the intimacy has dropped too much, the two pets will directly defect;

"Yes, do you have anything to increase the intimacy of war pets here?" Song Jian asked suddenly;

As soon as Laurenny's eyes lighted up, she immediately said, "Of course, there are different types of war pets, and the items used are different. I heard that Song Cheng's war pet is a dragon. My shop is just improving. Food for dragon pets! "

After purchasing several sets of foods that improve the favorability of dragon war pets and the favorability of earth element war pets, Song Jian and his team left the pet shop;

"Yes, call a few brothers, take Zhao Yu down a few times to the wolfman cave, brush all the equipment he needs, and then take him to the next level!" Song Jian said;

Zhao Yu's level is too low. If you play with Song Jian, you will not have any experience at all. You can only let players in the Battle League bring him;

"Song Jian, thank you very much!" Zhao Yu said with some complex eyes;

In the real world, Zhao Yu, as a rich second-generation, helped Song Jian always have a sense of superiority, but did not expect that in just a few months, the identity between them had changed dramatically.

Even if Zhao Yu is slow, he now knows that the owner of the entire city of hope is the colleague who only distributes flyers every day.

Ang ~

At this moment, a sharp cry came suddenly from the sky. Several people looked up. Over their heads, a huge hawk was slowly falling towards the square. On the hawk's body, they still stood. With the figure of a player;

"Flying mount, flying mount!" Some players in the square yelled out loud;

When the flying mount dropped, Song Jian discovered that Li Ke'er was sitting on it;

The huge eagle owl is over five meters in size, and when it falls, it has a strong energy, and a group of people who want to watch close up are directly pushed to five or six meters away;

"Well, brother Song Jian, and brother Wang Qi!" Li Ke'er jumped off the eagle eagle, and saw Song Jian and Wang Qi at a glance, and his happy eyes narrowed into a crescent;

"Ker, where did you get this flying mount?" Wang Qi asked in surprise.

You know, flying mounts do not occupy the pet position, and everyone can get a land mount and a flying mount at the same time;

"A hundred miles away near the cliff, there is a large group of eagle owls. I secretly grabbed a small eagle owl from a bird's nest, hee hee!" Li Ke'er spit out his tongue and laughed. ;

"Song Jian, if we can get a batch of flying mounts, we can definitely speed up the expansion of the city. As long as there are five hundred, no, three hundred such eagle mounts, I am confident that within three months, I will be the city of hope Territory, expanding to the entire city of doomsday! "Wang Qi said with excitement;

Until now, Li Ke'er has obtained a flying mount ~ www.novelhall.com ~ You know, after the city was built, the flying monsters around it will no longer dare to approach the city of hope, otherwise, It will be directly destroyed by the defensive facilities on the city wall;

But the sky outside belongs to the flying monsters outside the city of hope. The eagle owl captured by Li Ke'er is a particularly fierce mount. Even if it is in the wild, it is not afraid of flying monsters;

If the city of hope can have a batch of such flying mounts, it can build a flying cavalry of its own, and then it can play a magical role in the territorial expansion battle;

"Keer, take me to that cliff to see how?" Song Jian laughed;

当然 "Of course!" Li Ke'er nodded and said, but a look of embarrassment quickly appeared on his face, and said, "Xiao Hui can only take one person, and two people, it can't fly."

Xiao Xiaohui is the eagle owl captured by Li Ke'er and can only take one person;

Song Jian smiled, summoned the black dragon, and a dragon chant resounded through the square. Almost all the pets of the battle trembled, and they dared not lie on the ground when they moved;

Even the eagle owl captured by Li Ker was originally proudly holding his head up, and looked like a look of hope, but after a dragon groan, the eagle owl spread its wings directly and lay down on the ground, sending out a deep mourning. ;

"Brother Song Jian, can the black dragon fly by man?" Li Ke'er's eyes glowed with a radiant light, and he looked like he wanted to ride the black dragon.

Uh ...

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