I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 827: Chance encounter

I have a doomsday city 827 author hair loss full text count 2183 words

Song Jian didn't dare to climb up like Li Ke'er. When he just flew up, he used the hidden necklace to enter the stealth state. Soon, Song Jian entered a cave closest to the ground. As soon as he stood at the cave door, Song Jian heard a low humming sound from the cave. The eagle owl seemed to notice something, but found nothing. , Just feeling a bit dangerous, and became uneasy; Song Jian slowly touched in, he saw that in this cave, there is only a forty-five-level eagle owl, and the grass nest deep in the cave is more than one meter in diameter In the middle, there are seven or eight white bird eggs; "How come there are so many bird eggs?" Song Jian was surprised. If there were so many bird eggs in each cave, then Wang Qi wanted the flying cavalry. I'm afraid I can get it together soon; but if I want to get close to the bird's nest, I'm afraid to kill this forty-five ordinary-quality eagle owl, but once the battle occurs, these caves are too close to each other, I am afraid it will cause the whole The hatred of the Hawks. "Get it out of the way first!" Song Jian hid behind a protruding rock, his heart moved, and a figure exactly like him appeared at the cave door; the sword shadow was split, and the moment the split appeared, Song Jian watched Then, the forty-five-level eagle owl, the feathers around the neck, stood up one by one, the wings spread, and the whole bird was in a fighting state, screaming loudly, and fluttered towards Song Jian's clone; the clone and Instead of entanglement, he leapt forward and jumped out from the entrance of the cave. In midair, the steel feathers stretched out, rolled in the air twice and flew to the distance; the hawk rushed out of the cave and rushed out of the cave. In an instant, Song Jian rushed towards the bird's nest quickly .... In the dead wood forest not far from the cliff of Eagle Mountain, a group of people in the temple were led by Zeus and slowly approached the cliff. "Zeus, right in front, there is a large eagle owl, which is the easiest place to get flying mounts." A thief in leather armor pointed at the cliff in front; "Stealing God, with your strength, you haven't Is there a way to steal an eagle owl egg, must we pull us all over? "A knight holding a warhammer sneered;" the monsters in that area are weird, hatred turned out to be linked, you only need to be found by an eagle owl , It will attract a large area of ​​hatred of eagles around! "The thief known as Pirate God looked ugly, and explained:" And there is a boss of level 50 boss, it can see through my stealth state! "" No, hasn't your stealth level been upgraded to the full level, why can you still be seen? "Someone next to him was surprised;" This will be the case if the level is too different, but I heard that after the skill is upgraded to the full level, It's not the end, I heard that he can continue to improve! "A player holding a staff hesitated;" It's just that, but no one has seen it! "The player who was called Pirate God gave the man a glance And said, "Maybe that The skills themselves can be upgraded, so they can continue to improve after reaching the full level! "" Well, let's talk about how to get a flying mount! "Zeus frowned slightly and said," If we had three hundred at first, no, One hundred players with flying mounts, how can it make the city of hope dominate! "" Leader, even if there are mounts now, it will not help. The walls of the city of hope cannot be approached at all. The power is too powerful! "Said a player with a lingering fear, but he had seen the power of the magic crystal railgun at first, even if it was a boss of level 30 or 40, he could kill it with one shot; It can reach more than 300 meters. Now all arrow towers and strong crossbows can only reach a maximum range of 180 meters. The range of the magic crystal rail gun is far away, but it cannot be controlled and the angle is not enough! " Pirates said coldly: "With flying mounts, if we launch a siege battle, the success rate can be increased by at least 10%, and I heard that the flying mounts have now appeared in the city of hope, think about it Think, once the next territorial expansion campaign begins, the other party has flying mounts, and we do n’t, how can we fight back then? ”If the temples were thinking about attacking before, then after the successful establishment of the City of Hope and the Alliance, many people All players have gone out of their minds, and some players have even left the temples and entered the city of hope. Even if they ca n’t join the city of hope, they buy a safe house in the city of hope and usually upgrade and upgrade. Very comfortable, at least the security can be guaranteed; although the temples now say that they want to fight the city of hope with the Alliance of Hope ~ www.novelhall.com ~, but most people think in their hearts, how to expand the battle Save yourself; "This time we have to acquire the Eagle Hawk flight mount, we must succeed! Below, I will arrange for you to do, and strive to obtain at least ten flying mount eggs this time!" Zeus gritted his teeth; At this moment, there was a sudden hissing in the distant cliffs. Everyone looked up in surprise. They saw a double behind them behind them. The figure is fleeing in a panic in the distance, and behind him is a large group of hawksbills chasing after him. Zeus even saw a few hawksblades among the hawksbill, and there are several forty-level elite bosses. . "Look, that portrait doesn't look like Song Jian!" Someone yelled; the steel wings, now a symbol of Song Jian, everyone was startled, squinting, and sure enough, the wings behind the figure, pan The metallic luster is indeed a pair of steel wings; "Looks like, the city of hope has also laid its mind on this hawk." Zeus' face suddenly became darkened; "Hey, there is a good show, then A monster with more than forty levels, even if it is Song Jian, I'm afraid it won't be cheap! "Pirate God smiled, his face showing a gloating look. The avatar in the sky is almost exactly the same as Song Jian in terms of appearance. The hawk-behind behind him continues to send sonic attacks towards him and the avatar keeps dodging, but it does not turn back to attack. The command it receives is to escape as far as possible, So not long after, hundreds of hawks were chased after the clone. The distance between the two is getting closer and closer, and the damage to the clone is also increasing. Finally, after flying more than a hundred meters, the blood value is emptied and it falls directly toward the ground; seeing Song Jian being The Eagles attacked, and the players in the Temple of God were still very happy, but they just watched Song Jian die by the Eagles, which made many of them feel incredible; ...