I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 823: Shadowclaw

When Wang Qi heard the pet shop owner calling himself to the city owner, he felt a little embarrassed. He coughed twice, straightened her body, and said solemnly, "I'm just the vice city owner of the city of hope. This is the The true owner of the city of hope, Song Jian, Lord of the Song City, you must recognize it! "

Pet shop owner Laureni was shocked. It seemed that she had just called Wang Qi and had offended the real city owner.

As an NPC who has traveled in countless cities, Laurent naturally knows what the right of a city ’s owner is, and he makes a quick tribute to Song Jian, and a look of panic appears on his face, saying, “I do n’t know the city owner ’s presence. "I didn't welcome him far away, and I asked the Lord Lord to atone for sin!"

"No problem, no problem!" Song Jian waved his face with a smile on his face: "Today I just accompany a friend to buy a pet, so the vice-lord Wang is here to accompany us!"

"Accompany friends to buy pets?" Laurenny's eyes lightened, and her eyes turned to Zhao Yu;

Seeing Zhao Yu's tattered equipment and a white crossbow hanging on his back, Lauren's brow could not help but frown.

If it was Zhao Yu who came to buy pets by himself, I'm afraid Lauren wouldn't even look at him straight, but since she was a friend of the city owner, Lauren thought of dozens of ways to please Zhao Yu.

"Looking at this little brother, he should be a remote professional." Laurenny said with a sweet smile on his face. "If I read correctly, my little brother is still a rare professional, a night hunter, Amazing, amazing! "

Speaking of which, Laureni called a waitress and whispered something in her ear. After a while, the waitress took out three gorgeous boxes from the back room. Placed on the counter;

Laurenny smiled and opened all three boxes. In each box, there was a pet egg with a silver light. You know, most of the white eggs in this pet store are of white quality. For pet eggs, one or two green and blue-quality pet eggs occasionally appear. Such pet eggs are often looted by others. Once they appear, they will be bought within a few minutes;

一次 This time, Laureny took out three pet eggs directly, apparently also laying down her blood, and wanted to please Song Jian;

"This little brother, look at this pet egg first. This is the pet egg of an Andean hunting spider. The Andean hunting spider belongs to the jumping spider family. It is extremely fast, and its attack and defense are slightly mediocre, but it Good at toxin attacks and casting nets! "Laurent said, pointing to the first pet egg.

表面 The surface of this pet egg has some dark spots and looks inconspicuous. If it is not a pale silver light on the surface, I am afraid that it is difficult for anyone to think that this is a rare war pet egg;

Laurent then pointed to the second pet egg and said, "This is the egg of a shadow owl. It not only has vision comparable to that of a hawk in the daytime, but also has dark vision. At the same time, it is a shadow creature and has a shadow owl Skills are hard to find. This is an extremely difficult spy war! "

A glance at Zhao Yu, whose saliva was about to drain, gave Lauren a smile on his face, but when he saw the expressionless faces of Song Jian and Wang Qi, he suddenly felt a pour of cold water and looked like himself These pets in the shop have not yet reached the eyes of the two city owners;

Laurenni became more enthusiastic about Zhao Yu, gently put down the second pet egg, and picked up the third wooden box;

Looking at the wooden box, Laurenny's eyes showed a painful look of pain;

"This third pet, called the Shadowclaw Stalker, is a snow leopard with Shadow Leopard bloodlines. It has a very fast short-range sprint speed and very high damage. At the same time, its fur is very smooth and has dodge. The ability to attack. When attacking the enemy, it will automatically enter the stealth state. The most important thing is ... ”Laurence glanced at Zhao Yu and laughed:“ The shadow claw hunter of level 30 will automatically realize the shadow avatar skills. , At the same time imitate four avatars, but the attributes of avatars are only 30% of the body, but even so, this is a very rare skill. "

Song Jian raised her eyebrows and was able to separate four avatars, which sounded stronger than her sword shadow avatar;

Zhao Yu's gaze fluttered on the three silver pet eggs back and forth, and it seemed to be dazzling, and I didn't know which one to choose.

"Zhao Yu, the brighter the item, the better the quality!" Song Jian reminded;

猎 Among these three pet eggs, the hunting spider is only pale silver, and the owl is bright silver. Only the snow leopard named Shadowclaw Stalker is blooming like a snowflake.

"Then I will choose this Shadowclaw Stalker!" Zhao Yu pointed at the third pet egg;

"Little brother is really good-looking!" Lauren laughed with a wave of her hand, and the other two wooden boxes were immediately put away by her, pushing the wooden box containing the Shadowclaw pet eggs forward and saying, "Shenghui 600,000 yen, in the face of the two city lord adults, I can give you a 50% discount, as long as 300,000 yen.

When talking about 50% off, Laurenny's eyes jumped involuntarily. The price of this pet egg was not high. If put in the auction house, it could sell at least 800,000 or even higher.

But even if it is 300,000, it is not what Zhao Yu can afford now. He can't help taking a breath of air. Such a pet egg is three times more expensive than the safe house he bought;

"Ms. Laurence was able to choose the city of hope to open a store ~ ​​www.novelhall.com ~ I am also very honored, how can I take advantage of you." Song Jian laughed, handed a few notes and said: "Your heart We've got it. This is 600,000 yen. You put it away! "

Laurent froze, but then laughed and laughed: "This money is naturally nothing to the master of the city, so let the little brother hatch this pet egg for the little brother. Count my heart; "

Song Jian nodded, and he just wanted to take a look at the gap between hatching in a pet store and hatching with blood himself;

Laurent personally led Zhao Yu to a small room, and then took a drop of his blood. In a nutrition tank that looked full of science fiction, Laureny put the Shadowclaw war pet eggs into it;

Next, a staff member slowly poured a tube of light red liquid into the instrument, and this tube of liquid contained Zhao Yu's blood;

After the instrument started, after a slight tremor, you can see that the nutrient solution in the nutrition tank quickly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the surface of the shadow claw war pet egg also began to crack.

After a short while of work, the cracks on the surface of the pets of the war pet, like a spider's web, were connected into one piece, and a light golden light bloomed from these gaps;

"Pin, has the order improved?" Laurenny looked at the nutrition trough in surprise, with an incredible look on her face.

Uh ...

PS: Thank you for "100% Big Boobs"

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