I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 822: Zhao Yu

"Zhao Yu, why did he enter this game?" Song Jian stared at the familiar figure in the distance with an ugly face. When he was a salesman in the real world, Zhao Yu had a good relationship with him and often helped him. Can be counted as Song Jian's first friend after graduation;

After entering the game, the relationship between Song Jian and Zhao Yu gradually faded. Now in the real world, it seems that they are still arresting these players who entered the game. Song Jian has stayed away from Zhao Yu so as not to affect him.

I didn't expect that I would meet Zhao Yu here today. Looking at his appearance, it should be that he hasn't been in the game for a long time. He is only 12th grade now, but his career seems to be good. It is a rare career;

The Jackal werewolf cave is a ten-level copy, which produced a lot of ten-level blue leather equipment. Zhao Yu also seems to be going to this copy to brush up equipment;

I ca n’t see him standing here alone, and there is no team to add him, it seems that the mix is ​​not good;

"Hey, Zhao Yu, you have n’t formed a team yet. I said that you, a rich second-generation in the real world, ca n’t buy Doomsday Coins, buy a better weapon, or you may rely on your range, I ’m afraid It's very difficult for a team to organize you! "A soldier carrying a two-handed axe walked up to Zhao Yu and shouted aloud.

"Well, Guo Qiang, I am a rare profession. When I get up, even if you ask me to team with you, I won't go!" Zhao Yu shouted loudly.

"Forget it, at your range, I might as well form a thief or a warrior." Guo Qiang said with a cold hum. "Other archer professions, although the damage is lower than you, but they have a long range. There can be a monster in the copy. What about you, it's better to let the soldier throw a flying knife! "

The Night Hunter profession is a bit embarrassing. Although it is a long-range profession, it has a range less than half of the average archer profession. Although the attack is slightly higher, it is not high enough to undergo qualitative changes. At most, it is the same blue weapon. The gap between the weapon and the green weapon is worse than that of the legal profession. Even if it is worse than the thief, at least the thief can not only explore the way in the copy, but also open some locked treasure chests. Much taller than the night hunter.

This also made Zhao Yu want to form a team to enter the replica, it is very difficult, and sometimes often shouted for an hour or two, unable to enter the level of the replica.

"Hum, Guo Qiang, don't look down on people, wait until my level rises, you are in minutes every second." Zhao Yu said unconvinced.

"Hahaha, okay, I'll wait, see when you can stop me!" Guo Qiang laughed, patted Zhao Yu's shoulder, and left with a group of teammates. It seems that Zhao Yu was not released at all In the eyes

羽 Zhao Yu's eyes showed a look of shame, took a deep breath, and continued shouting for the team;

"Zhao Yu!" Song Jian walked towards Zhao Yu. He was far away from Zhao Yu before. He didn't want to cause trouble for Zhao Yu, but he didn't expect that he would also enter this terrible game. So Song Jian saw that, naturally Help this friend.

When Zhao Yu heard someone calling him, he immediately turned his face and shouted, "Hey, team up ... Song Jian?"

Seeing Song Jian's gorgeous equipment, Zhao Yu couldn't believe his eyes, and even rubbed it hard;

"Mistweed, the first place on the ranking glory list is really you, I thought it was the same name as you!" Zhao Yu stared at the equipment on Song Fitness in surprise;

Although Song Jian has closed the golden light of the first emperor ant set, Zhao Yu still saw the shape of the equipment on Song Fitness at a glance, and the quality was absolutely not low;

Remembering exactly the same name on the ranking honor list, Zhao Yu immediately understood that the former colleague of hers was now skyrocketing.

"When did you enter this game and how did you get in?" Song Jian pulled Zhao Yu toward the pet store together;

"Hey, don't mention it. When I went out to eat, I met a flyer who was looking at the old man who was pitiful. He just took one and threw it into the car. As a result ..." Zhao Yu said with a sullen expression on his head. : "It didn't take long for me to come here. I was promoted to the tenth level. I didn't dare to create a safe house in the wild. I could only buy a house in the city of hope as a safe house. My gosh, the house in this game is better than The real world is too expensive. A pigeon house of fifty or sixty square meters actually costs me 300,000 yen! "

Zhao Yu's expression of hate dealers continued and said, "Just for this pigeon house, not only did I spend all my savings in the game, but also used up all my pocket money in the real world. This doomsday currency and RMB The exchange rate is too outrageous, and more than two hundred RMB can be exchanged for a doomsday currency! "

Song Jian for a while, is n’t the Doomsday Coin so expensive now? Was n’t it one hundred RMB before exchanging Doomsday Coins?

Song Jian listened to Zhao Yu's complaints along the way, and soon the three of them came to a shop. There were three or four cages at the door of the shop, which contained some war pets. Www.novelhall.com ~ these Although the pets of the war pets are only white in quality, they are all very good-looking. They are snow-white tigers, two flaming foxes with tails, and young eagles with metallic lusters all over their feathers.

A lot of players are around the door of the pet store, constantly checking the properties of these pets, and talking about them;

"Song Jian, are you really the first person on the ranking list? Already 38?" Zhao Yu asked with some surprise;

"Yeah!" Song Jian nodded and said, "I will go in and see what fancy pets I will give you as a gift, and then I will ask a few brothers to take you to upgrade and raise your level as soon as possible!"

"What, are you telling the truth?" Zhao Yu asked in surprise;

当然 "Of course, when haven't I talked?" Song Jian laughed;

Wang Qi smiled and said nothing, followed by Song fitness, entered the pet shop together;

Inside the pet shop, two NPC clerks are introducing war pets to several players, and another girl with fiery red hair is sitting lazily on a rocking chair with a boring look and flipping through the books in his hand. ;

Seeing Song Jian and others coming in, the girl froze casually, her eyes locked on Wang Qi, and she stood up quickly, walking towards Wang Qi with a smile on her face;

"Wang Chengzhu, why do you think that the shop is here today, haha, if there is anything, just send someone a command, how can you still work for you!" The girl giggled and leaned over Wang Qi. ;

Uh ...