I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 824: Holy Light Battle Pet

Song Jian heard Wang Qi said that incubating war pets in pet stores has a certain chance to improve the quality of war pets. At first, he still did not believe it. He did not expect that an incubation war pet appeared in front of his eyes and the quality was upgraded.

I can't help but see Lauren's expression of surprise, it seems that she is the first time to encounter such a thing;

"Gold, gold-quality pets, I only sold six hundred thousand, it's almost a loss!" Lauren's heart was full of regret, but her face showed a surprised look, said towards Zhao Yu: " Congratulations, congratulations to this little brother. The golden quality pet is worth millions of doomsday. If the little brother wants to sell this pet, I am willing to buy back 1.2 million doomsday coins! "

"Why, what, 1.2 million?" Zhao Yu was stunned, secretly calculating the exchange rate in his heart. If this pet is sold and then all replaced with RMB, this is a huge sum of more than 20 million. Section, although Zhao Yu is a rich second-generation, his father is only a small businessman worth 120 million yuan, he has never seen so much money at once;

"The boss is not kind, the golden quality war pet, if you put it out for auction, at least 3 million doomsday coins, my friend will not sell this war pet!" Song Jian laughed;

Song Jian's words, like a pot of cold water, suddenly made Lauren wake up. The person in front of him is not an ordinary **** supporter, but there is a big backer behind him. If he wants to take advantage of him, he wants to be blind. Heart out.

Thinking of this, Laurenny's face suddenly showed an embarrassing smile, and she stood silent beside her;

After all the nutrient solution in the nutrition tank is completely consumed, the pet eggs are completely broken, and a dark shadow emerges from the nutrition tank and runs to Zhao Yu's shoulder;

A black leopard that looks as big as a kitten for five or six months is holding it tightly on Zhao Yu's shoulder, sticking out a pink tongue, and licking Zhao Yu's cheek constantly;

"Hey, little brother, what was your initial intimacy with this pet?" Laurenny looked at the intimacy of the little black leopard and Zhao Yu, and she couldn't help asking.

You know, the war pets that have just hatched generally have an initial intimacy of only 30 to 50, and will not show such intimacy at all;

Zhao Yu opened the attributes of the pet and glanced, scratching his head and saying, "It's only eighty-one, is it high?"

"Eighty-one o'clock?" Laurenny was surprised. "I have hatched thousands of pets, but I have never encountered such a high initial intimacy. You must know that the higher the initial intimacy, the more pets Death, hunger, the slower the intimacy falls! "

"Looks like, you have hatched a best fighting pet!" Song Jian laughed;

"Thank you, thank you, Song Jian!" Zhao Yu said gratefully. He has been in the game for a while, and naturally knows how much a good pet can help him;

As long as this pet is trained, he can go and single out elite bosses of the same level in the wild;

"Okay, okay, it's my turn!" Wang Qihaha laughed, carefully drawing out a war pet with a milky light from the parcel box;

来 "Come, Lauren, look at my pet, how about it?" Wang Qi laughed;

"White war pet?" Laurenny raised her eyebrows, and Wang Qi was also a deputy city lord, how could she come up with a white war pet and be so careful?

"No, no, this is not the light of a white-quality war pet, this, this is, this is the Holy Light! This is a Holy Light pet!" Lauren screamed, her face full of shock. ;

"Sacred light war pet, isn't it a golden quality pet?" Wang Qi glanced at Song Jian with a doubt;

Song Jian shrugged his shoulders. When he got the Angel Warfare Egg before, it was indeed pale gold, but after putting it in his parcel box for a few days, he didn't know what happened, but turned into a milky light. gosh;

"Laura, Laura, hurry up and take out the purple gold solution in the cabinet at the upper left corner of my storeroom, Susan, ready to prepare the Holy Spirit Nutrient solution, fast, fast!" Lauren was very nervous, pointing and drawing almost all the waiters Mobilized, the incubation room was suddenly busy;

"Lance, please go and ask Master Ackerman, and say that there is a Holy Light pet to be identified here!" Lauren pulled a little boy of twelve or three years old and said solemnly;

"Ah, Master Ackerman? Usually at this time, he is still taking a nap, I ..." Lance was hesitant. You should know that Master Ackerman's temper is not good, and now to wake him up, I'm afraid he will be fierce. Scold

"Come on, say this is a pet of the Holy Light. If he dares to scold you, I will let Brian identify!" Loureni said loudly;

"Yes, yes, boss!" Lance trot all the way and rushed towards the back room. After a while, a wrinkled elf old man walked in quickly;

"Lauren, you said that there is a Holy Light War pet that needs my identification? Don't lie to me, otherwise ... Oh my God, it is really a Holy Light War pet!" Ackerman's face With a surprised look, he slowly lowered his body, staring carefully at the war pet in Wang Qi's hand, and observed it;

After observing for a long time, the elder old man slowly straightened his body and sighed and said, "It's a pity, this is a pet of war that was formed after the death of a four-winged angel. This is so precious!"

"Four Angels!" Laureni exclaimed;

"Dear sir, identifying this war pet requires 300,000 doomsday! Incubating it requires one million doomsday!" Arman said in a deep voice;

Wang Qi ’s body shook slightly ~ www.novelhall.com ~ A surprised look appeared on his face. Just for identification, it would take 300,000, and incubation would require one million doomsday, which is simply stealing money!

"City, Lord Deputy City Lord, don't worry, I guarantee that every penny you spend will be worth the money!" Laurence said with a serious face.

Wang Qi glanced at Song Jian, and Song Jian shrugged his shoulders. Anyway, this angel war pet had already given it to Wang Qi. If he was unwilling to spend so much money, it would not be too late to hatch later;

"Get started." Wang Qi gritted his teeth and found a stack of doomsday coins, shaking it and handed it to Lauren; Wang Qi knew in his heart that the higher the cost, the higher the value of the war pet. Hatching out is definitely worth the money!

Zhao Yu also opened his eyes wide. The cost of identification and incubation alone exceeded one million. If it was sold, it would have to exceed ten million!

"This is a pet worth ten million dollars, I can't miss to see it hatched!" Zhao Yu secretly said.

After a busy period, the master pet appraisal of Alman identified this war pet egg with a milky light, and it turned out to be an angel war pet egg, and the war pet egg has now become a light group, emitting With a light milky halo, from the light group, you can see that a figure with white wings behind it is squatting with its knees bent, holding the knees tightly with both hands, and the wings behind it are like a quilt. Covered the whole;

Uh ...

PS: Thanks for the "deadly countdown" reward of 1000 starting coins ~

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