I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 821: incubation

"God hates the orb. You only need to wear it on your body or put it in the parcel box to eliminate the curse effect of the gods. This is even more convenient than the **** hate light curtain!" Song Jian looked at this one in his hand. The engineering drawings couldn't help showing a surprised look on his face.

Song Jian originally wanted to obtain the construction method of the god-exhausting light curtain, and then built the god-exhausting light curtain in the magic crystal mine to eliminate the curse effect of the gods, so that the miners can safely mine ore here;

But for such a large defensive building, the drawings must be extremely complicated, and the materials required for the construction must be extremely rare when thinking about it with the knee, and the engineering manufacturing level required for the construction of the god-exhausting light curtain must also be very high.

Even if such a drawing can be obtained, I am afraid that it will not be able to build it at one and a half minutes, and the plan to open a mining hole will be delayed indefinitely.

But now that there are engineering drawings of the God-repellent orb, the production method is obviously much simpler than the God-repellent curtain. Although the materials are also very precious, it is really nothing compared with the whole god-repellent curtain.

As for manufacturing, the god-sore orb only needs the magic fire professional players of level 8 of engineering manufacturing technology, and level 8 of engineering manufacturing technology. Many life professional players who specialize in engineering manufacturing technology have already reached.

And God hates the orb is similar to an ornament. If you hire NPC miners, you only need to wear the orb on your body. If you are a player, you can put it directly in the parcel box, which is very convenient.

加上 In addition, this item can also be traded, so there is no need to make too much. You only need to make a batch, and then you need to trade the orbs when the miners take over. It is also very convenient.

"Unfortunately, there is only one engineering drawing. Let me hand it over to the doctor, and then pass it on to those disciples." Song Jian thought about it and made a decision;

Dr. Ebostin can pass on the skills he has mastered to his disciples. By then, as long as the doctor has learned how to make the God-Born Orb, then his apprentices will be able to master it. By then, it will be easy to make the God-Born Orb. a lot of;

Put this engineering drawing back into the parcel box, Song Jian's eyes fell on the last item. The reason why this treasure chest is an epic treasure chest is precisely because of this equipment, this is an epic equipment;

"Meteorite Cloak (Epic), Cloak, Item Level 50, Equipment Effects: Defense +210, Dodge +15, Hidden +30, All Attributes +10, Special Effect 1: Increase overall defense by 50%; Special Effect 2: When attacked, there is a 20% chance of being immune to this damage. Special Effect 3: When the attack comes from the rear, the defense increases by 500 points and the resistance increases by 300 points. Equipment requirements: 100 strength, 80 agility; Item description: The item is Part of the Destroyed Cruba ’s suit, only by collecting all Destroyer's suit parts, can you get the set attributes; Kit assembly: 1/6. Can you bring out the game: No ”

This piece of equipment is very different from the golden-quality Abyss Shadow Cloak currently worn by Song Jian, which is almost two extremes; the attributes of the Abyss Shadow Cloak are almost all to increase damage, but this iron armor cloak focuses on defense ;

It's just that the cloak's active skill Abyss Phantom has some overlap with Song Jian's hard avatar, and Song Jian's damage is already very high. Now he just needs some equipment to improve his defense, so he didn't hesitate to change it. A cloak covered with iron armor was equipped on the body.

This Iron Cloak of Destruction is not light in weight, almost equivalent to the weight of a chain mail, but the defense is even higher than a plate armor. Most importantly, if someone wants to sneak in Song Jian from behind, Then this cloak immediately increased 500 defense and 300 resistance, which is higher than the defense of an epic shield.

The most important thing is that this is still a part of a fifty-level epic suit, which is stronger than the golden-quality suit he wears, and the ancestor ant suit.

It's just that there is only one part now. It seems that it takes a lot of time to collect the whole set of equipment;

Back at Dr. Ebostin's laboratory, Song Jian gave this engineering drawing to Song Jian, and then went to the magic crystal mine to collect the magic crystal ore, and explained it to Wang Qi. Song Jian was about to turn around and brush out Upgrade, but was stopped by Wang Qi;

"Song Brother, I'm going to hatch this angel war pet, should you go and see it together?" Wang Qi laughed;

"Does the pet still need special hatching?" Song Jian asked for a moment, curiously. His two pets were random when hatching: "Isn't it just a matter of dripping blood on the pets of the pet? ? "

当然 "Of course you ca n’t be so hasty. The pet egg you gave me has not yet been identified. You must identify it before hatching, and if you hatch in a hatching room, there is a certain chance to improve the quality of your pet!" Wang Qi shook his head and said;

"Improve the quality of pets?" Song Jian said for a moment, he had never heard such a statement.

"Yes, but the chance is very small, and the higher the quality of the pet, the lower the chance of improving the quality, I guess if this is really an angel war pet, it is difficult to improve the quality!" Wang Qi said;

那 "Then you still go!" Song Jian shook his head, a sudden flash of light in his mind, pulled Wang Qi and asked, "Who made this pet hatch ~ www.novelhall.com ~?"

"A stray NPC after the establishment of the City of Hope is said to be a pet master profession. He opened a pet shop in the city square. General pets can be bought in that shop!" Wang Qi said;

Since the establishment of the City of Hope, it has attracted many stray NPCs in the game. Most of these NPCs are people with a skill, which makes the city's careers more and more abundant. New players who do n’t like combat occupations can also Find your favorite life occupation NPC in the city to learn life occupation skills;

Song Jian nodded and walked towards the city square with Wang Qi;

The central square of the city of hope is a few hundred meters away from the camel square in the previous city of doomsday. The entire city of hope is planned by specialized construction talents. Walking on a wide street, Song Jian feels almost nothing in the real world. the difference;

人 The crowd in the central square is full of vocals, shouting for a team to brush monsters, there are many teams that copy copies, and many players even pull a black cloth directly in the square and spread it out;

After the establishment of the City of Hope, Song Jian hasn't really visited a few times. This time, he came to the central square with Wang Qi, and suddenly felt fresh everywhere. At this moment, a familiar voice reached Song Jian's ears. in;

"Gorgeous werewolf cave group, level 12 night hunter, hurt more than a hundred!"

Song Jian looked towards the source of the sound. A lonely figure appeared in front of his eyes. Seeing him, Song Jian's heart sank immediately;

Uh ...