I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 820: Black Moon Streamer

"Surely there will be a war that can rival the gods ..." Song Jian looked surprised.

"As long as the damage reaches a certain level, it will cause damage to the oracle, but the oracle will never be created by mortals!" Cecilia's face showed a coldness, pointing to the mountain that was collapsing in front of him. : "The gray dwarves created war puppets that could hurt the gods, but they failed in the end, and the entire ethnic group was wiped out. This is the punishment of the gods who attempted to use mortal bodies but sacred power!"

Song Jian was silent. In his opinion, all of this was too far away for him. He is not even forty-level now, and has no second-order combat power, and the levels of those gods have already exceeded a few. One hundred

"Song Jian, you are the best god-affiliated person I have ever seen. You came to this world, not without a reason!" Cecilia said, "the gods are watching you, looking forward to Among you, pick out the world that represents their will and become the Son, and you will get everything! "

"Sorry, I have to think about it carefully, I can't give you a reply for the time being!" Song Jian laughed. "But if you really want to create a temple in the territory of the city of hope that belongs to the goddess of dawn, it is not Impossible, but you have to pay the price! The price that matches the value of a temple! "

Xun and Shuguang Goddess Church face each other. With Song Jian's current strength, it is tantamount to praying with a mantis arm, but Song Jian cannot simply donate hundreds of acres of land to the Shuguang Goddess Church for free.

Cecilia smiled and said to Song Jian: "If I use a magic crystal mine in exchange for 300 acres of land of Hope City, what do you think?"

"Magic Crystal Mine?" Song Jian froze, then looked at the mountains that had collapsed in front, pointing at the mountains that had become a ruin, and the magma was constantly flowing. "Do you mean this?"

"Yes, this is it!" Cecilia nodded;

Wu Songjian quickly asked: "Can you restore it to its original state?"

"Gods are everywhere and omnipotent!" Cecilia said with a serious face.

行 "Okay, as long as you can restore this magic crystal mine to its original state, in the city of hope, you will get a piece of 300 acres of land, which belongs to the Church of the Goddess of Dawn forever!" Song Jian nodded;

Cecilia smiled slightly, her hands stretched out, a huge codebook with a thick finger, appeared out of thin air, and floated in her palm.

Hey lala ~

The code is automatic without wind. It is as if an invisible palm is flipping it. After a short time, this code is turned to a certain page in the middle, and a milky light shines.

"Below, this is the moment to witness the miracle!" Cecilia said softly with a reverent expression on her face;

The milky white light that 绽放 bloomed from the code is like a big tree that slowly extends out into the air, and slowly spreads in all directions in the air.

After a while, a huge goddess ghost appeared in the air;

Cecilia held the code in her hands, kneeling on the ground on her knees, and chanting hymns praising the Goddess of Dawn, the ghost of the goddess in the air, occupying almost half of the sky, she smiled slightly towards Song Jian, her right hand slightly lift;

The mountains that had already collapsed suddenly made a "banging" sound, as if reshaped by a mysterious force. After a while, the collapsed magic crystal mine began to slowly recover. The familiar mine The mouth of the hole reappeared in front of Song Jian.

There was a shocking look on Ji Song Jian's face, he did not expect that he could see such a mighty power in the game;

You know, the ability in the game can be brought back to the real world, which also means that Cecilia summons the miracles displayed by the goddess of dawn, it is very likely that they can be realized in the real world;

After the mine was restored, the goddess Phantom in the air and the white light in the temple of Cecilia also gradually disappeared; combining the temple in their hands, Cecilia stood up and smiled at Song. Jian said: "The mine has been restored as before, and the monsters inside have been cleaned up!"

Ji Song Jian was so happy in his heart, he quickly asked, "Will never appear again?"

Cecilia nodded and said: "It will not appear in the future, but after all, this is the place cursed by the gods, and the goddess of dawn is not possible to eliminate the godly effect in this area. After all, it is full of different gods. What a divine power! "

Yun Song Jian sank in his heart. If this is the case, the number of miners who can enter the mine will be sharply reduced. After all, the number of players who can carry the disgusting effect and continue to mine will not be too many;

When I returned to the manor castle, Song Jian thought about opening the parcel bar and looking at the items previously obtained from the epic treasure chest;

In the treasure chest, Song Jian obtained three items, two scrolls, and an epic piece of equipment;

Two scrolls are golden quality, one is a sword skill scroll, you can learn a trick called "Xuanyue Streaming Sword";

"Xuanyue Streaming Sword ~ ​​www.novelhall.com ~, instant, skill effect: lock a target three meters away, rush to the opponent in an instant, and cause nine consecutive injuries to the target body. After the target causes damage, it will definitely have a floating effect. After continuous attacks, each strike can cause 35% weapon damage; Skill consumption: 18 psychic value, cooldown: 5 seconds; Use conditions: one-handed sword; "

This sword skill, even if Jian Jian saw it, was a little stunned, and was not willing to use it to improve the proficiency of Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue. This method of sword is very practical whether it is used for sneak attack or conventional combat, as long as it resists If you ca n’t hold the first sword, it will cause a floating effect;

You must know that the enemy in the floating state is completely undefended. In this state, it is easy to deal crit damage, and there will be no "resistance", "immunity damage" and other effects;

Although the subsequent damage is only 35% of the weapon damage, the damage is slightly lower, but as long as this skill is improved, I believe that the damage of this skill can still be improved. At that time, nine consecutive strikes will be added quickly, plus the Five Elements Sky Sword Super High base damage, this sword will definitely surprise Song Jian;

Hesitated for a long time, Song Jian decided not to use this skill for the improvement of Wan Jian Fei Xian. In the end, when he felt that this skill was not as good as he thought, it would not be too late to devour Wan Jian Fei Xian;

The other one is an engineering drawing. When seeing this drawing, Song Jian blinked his eyes.

Uh ...

PS: Thank you for the 100 starting coins of "Bread84"

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