I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 819: destroy

The huge reinstallation was activated and stepped on Song Jian severely;

Song Jian was taken aback, instinctively turned on the soul walk skill, the figure became transparent, and rushed out of the light curtain;

As soon as he was near the light curtain, he heard a dull roar behind him;

Boom ~

With a loud noise, Song Jian felt a strong sense of oppression coming from his back, and then a wave of air pushed towards him and lifted him forward;

It was like a baseball hit by a home run and smashed towards the light curtain;

Song Jian passed through the light curtain and was severely smashed on the hard wall of the mine. At this time, the invincible time of three seconds had passed, and Song Jian's entire body was directly embedded in the rock wall. Suddenly dropped by more than two thirds;

This made Song Jian feel horrified. He was not directly hit. Just the aftermath of this blow, he almost killed himself. This is too dangerous.

Song Jian struggled, and quickly broke away from the rock wall, and ran quickly towards the door. Although there were dozens of war puppets and hundreds of gray dwarf zombies outside the door, compared with the horrible monster behind him These war puppets and the grey dwarf zombies are not so scary;

As a result, Song Jian rushed into the door to find out that the hall looked even more chaotic. The nearest gray dwarf zombies seemed to have noticed that the Meteorite Warriors had been accidentally activated, which caused them to flee outside.

At this time, nobody has noticed Song Jian. Although these gray dwarf monsters have actually died once, as the monster's instinct, they are desperately away from the warrior warrior who is slowly waking up;

At this moment, the three gray dwarf blacksmiths rushed in from the outside. They roared loudly and seemed to blame each other. They had become zombies and lost many of their original memories. But it seems that the repairing meteor warrior has become them. Instinct is engraved in each of their cells;

Therefore, even after becoming zombies, the three gray dwarf blacksmith BOSS still repeated the work of constantly repairing the Meteor Warrior;

Boom ~

After Song ’s fitness, the hard wall was kicked open by the God Meteor Warrior, and a big hole was suddenly exposed. The tall body of the God Meteor Warrior became an obstacle for him to chase Song Jian, facing the hard rock wall of the magic crystal mine At one and a half moments, even the meteor warrior cannot break open;

"Don't continue arguing, it has left the screen of God's tiredness, and will be noticed by the gods at any time, we should find a way to stop it immediately!" A gray dwarf blacksmith roared loudly;

"Who activated it? It seems that it has turned on hunting mode. It will only stop if the target is killed or its energy reserve is exhausted!" Shouted another gray dwarf blacksmith;

"It doesn't have a lot of energy reserves. It can only use some of the most basic functions. According to this consumption, it will soon stop, but if it continues like this, the damage will be greater and greater. It is impossible to repair it completely. "The third gray dwarf blacksmith watched calmly, the **** meteor warrior who was breaking through the wall, at this time the rock wall had been smashed by a few The ten-meter-long hole is still being excavated, and it wants to rush into the hall where the war ravages are stored from the area where the god's tired light curtain is located;

三 Just when the three gray dwarf blacksmiths were at a loss and could only stay away from the hall, waiting for the abyss soldiers to run out of energy, Song Jian had rushed into the passage leaving the hall and entered the lava river stone bridge in the Linxia mine;

The huge furnace on the stone bridge is still burning, and a lot of magic crystals and other precious ore are piled up around it; Song Jian was very envious, but because the strength of the three bosses was too strong, Song Jian could only A distant glance.

But now, the gray dwarf zombies running around all around, they don't even look at Song Jian, Song Jian immediately rushed towards this pile of precious ore, and kept them in the parcel box;

It didn't take long for Song Jian's parcel column to be filled with these cherished ore. In this way, there were still a lot of ore scattered around. Taking a glance at those scattered ore, Song Jian shook his head helplessly and turned to leave. ;

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly heard a roar coming from behind him, his ears buzzed, his feet shook violently, and the surrounding objects began to fall and crooked, and they continued to fall;

"What happened, why did a sudden earthquake happen?" Song Jian could not help but speed up the pace of fleeing, turned his head to look, the hallway where the war-torn hall was placed, smoke and smoke continued to emerge, and large rocks fell from above. Come down, and quickly block the passage seriously;

"It's a pity, there are a lot of cherished ore in that passage!" Song Jian shook his head slightly and ran towards the entrance of the mine;

After he ran out of the mine hole, a violent shaking came from behind him, a hot magma gushing out of the hole, like a fire dragon.

A dozen dwarf zombies burning with flames rushed out of the mine, but it didn't take long for them to burn directly into a pile of ashes;

The dull explosion ~ www.novelhall.com ~ keeps ringing in the cave, Song Jian sits on the grass in the distance with a lingering heart, looks at a large mountain in front, and constantly looks at the sinking, feeling very heavy;

It seems that this magic crystal mine is over, and even if it is to be re-excavated, the cost will be more than worth it;

在 At this moment, the priest Cecilia suddenly came from a distance;

"These grey dwarves, even if they die, don't stop, now it is just right, they are completely gone!" Cecilia stared expressionlessly at the huge mountains of smoke and noise in the distance, she groaned;

Tong Songjian was silent, and asked for a long time: "What the wrong thing do these gray dwarfs do?"

"As a mortal body, but want to usurp the authority of the oracle, try to bully God, destroy God!" Cecilia glanced at Song Jian: "They are not wrong, they commit sin, blasphemy! "

这么 "So, does the **** warrior cricket they make really have the ability to compete with the gods?" Song Jian asked suddenly.

什么 "What, they are still building the Meteor Warrior?" Cecilia flashed a look of horror, surprised.

"I'm just inside and I saw a broken and very powerful wreckage of the God Meteor." Song Jian shook his head;

Cecilia was exasperated, and she looked like she was afraid. She hesitated for a moment and then said, "Yes, the reason why the gray dwarves made the gods feel disgusted and even feared is because they have created the ability to communicate with God.祗 Competing war! ''

Uh ...