I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 813: Cursed land

Song Jian looked at the egg-sized orb in Cecilia's palm. This orb exudes a faint golden light, and the surface is full of strong sacred power;

"Just put it in the parcel box and use it. It can last 3 hours each time. After that, the power will automatically recover. After 24 hours, it can be used again!" Cecilia laughed;

代价 "The price is a sentence, I don't know what it is, so valuable?" Song Jian did not reach out to take the orb, a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, calmly.

"You just need us to build a temple of the dawn goddess in your territory!" Cecilia said;

After the success of Jiancheng, all the land in the City of Hope can only be leased but not bought and sold. This is one of the city rules formulated by Song Jian.

"You can rent an area, the period is good, and the rent only needs one yen per year!" Song Jian laughed: "This is my thanks to the goddess of dawn, thank you for your help before!"

"Thank you for your kindness on behalf of the Church of the Goddess of Dawn!" Cecilia said slightly after bending her knees, "But everything in the church temple will belong to the Goddess of Dawn, including the land. Her followers do not want the goddess' The temple, located on a leased land, is a blasphemy against the goddess! "

Song Jian was silent for a moment, and deep down, Song Jian was unwilling to sell any inch of land in the territory, but in the face of a deity, he had no right to choose;

I agree with Cecilia's request that there will be a territory outside the city's control in the city of hope. If he does not agree, then Song Jian must consider the consequences of rejecting a deity;

Song Jian frowned involuntarily, constantly measuring in her heart, while Cecilia was smiling with an expression on her face, watching Song Jian quietly, her palms stretched out, a bright pearl of dawn, constantly Give off a soft glow.

Tong Songjian stared at the pearl of dawn, but felt that the light was dazzling;

For a long time, Song Jian slowly shook his head and refused: "Sorry ..."

I haven't waited for Song Jian to finish all the words, Cecilia put back her hand, and said coldly, "I see!"

After speaking, Cecilia turned and left without hesitation;

Song Jian took a deep breath, and even without any system prompts, he could know that his reputation in the Church of the Dawn Goddess would be greatly reduced;

I left the city of hope and walked towards the magic crystal mine. Along the way, Song Jian felt heavy in his heart. In front of the god, Song Jian was like an ant standing in front of an elephant.

I have n’t been in this bizarre game for so long. Song Jian also knows that the gods ca n’t show up directly. Otherwise, the game world would n’t exist at all.

But each shrine has its own spokesperson and church in the game. Their influence in this world is very great. They refused the goodwill of a great goddess of the dawn god, I am afraid that it will cause a lot of trouble in the future.

Song Jian quickly came to an area filled with gray mist. There was no life here, and there was a dead silence everywhere. Song Jian could even see the bones of many small animals scattered all over the place. These were inadvertently. The small animals that broke into this area had no time to escape, and were directly killed by this barren land;

The Demon Crystal Mine is in this area. Song Jian stepped on it, and suddenly felt that the air became heavy, as if he had directly entered another area;

At the same time, a system alert sounded in my ear;

System: You enter the cursed land that the gods despise, all attributes are weakened by 5 points, and you lose 2 life points per second;

Song Jian suddenly felt that a trace of strength in his body was extracted and became a little weak, but fortunately his attributes are strong, and his current recovery speed has already far exceeded the loss of blood value of 2 points per second. , So stepping on this land, for him, the impact is not too great;

If it is another ordinary player, I am afraid that once I receive this prompt, I will leave here immediately and will not continue to explore at all;

"I don't know who is so brave, even dare to explore here, but also found the magic crystal mine inside, after returning, you should reward such people!" Song Jian secretly said.

Continue to go in, Song Jian soon found a black burrow. Around the pit, there are some monsters that are more than one meter tall, strong, and show an abnormal gray monster. They are holding a handle almost Hammers of about the same height are wandering aimlessly at the entrance of the cave;

怪物 These monsters look like dwarves, but they are rebels of the dwarf family, and underground gray dwarves wanted by the dwarf family.

And now all these grey dwarfs have lost their lives and become like zombies;

"Elite Grey Dwarf Zombie, Level 40, Blood Value"

Song Jian counted. At this entrance, there were twelve gray dwarfs. These monsters had hard skin, were full of strength in their bodies, and held heavy hammers. The resistance is also very high. Although the gray dwarfs in front of them have not reached the elite BOSS strength, they are obviously much more powerful than ordinary monsters of the same level;

Song Jian's thoughts suddenly summoned the Five Elements Skyscraper, and used Wanjian Feixianjue to attack the twelve gray dwarves at the door;

For a moment, the Five Elements Sword flew into the air, turned into an eight-handed shining sword, and flew towards the door of the mine;

"Good luck ~ www.novelhall.com ~ The first time I cast it, I called out the Eight-handed Sword!" Song Jian secretly said, but the Eight-handed Sword covered the area of ​​the cave, splitting towards twelve monsters Chop past

In the end, only six monsters were harmed, and the other six were not harmed, but triggered hatred and swarmed towards Song Jian;

"Each Spirit Sword can cause more than 700 points of damage, which is not bad. Although it can't kill any monster in a second, this power has far exceeded the damage of ordinary players!" Song Jian stepped back quickly, while Secretly in my heart.

The only regret is that in this attack, Song Jianming Ming locked a monster, but after Shi Wanjiejue was deployed, he attacked an entire area near six or seven meters of the cave entrance;

The sword flew back to Song Jian again. At this time, the monsters were less than five meters away from Song Jian. Song Jian once again waved the sword at the monsters. At once, the five elements broke into five. The five long-swords shining with various lights suddenly formed a cage, which firmly locked the twelve monsters in the center;

Five Elements Sword Formation, get up!

It is just the sword array skills that the Five Elements Broken Swords bring. After the unfolding, it becomes a space of its own, which can continuously damage all the trapped monsters;

The grey sword envelops a large area, but Song Jian's sight can see the scene in the sword array through the gray sword fog. At this time, there are countless sword lights flashing around the twelve monsters. These swords flashed away, leaving scars on bones that were deeply visible on the monster;

Uh ...