I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 814: enter

Twelve gray dwarfs were desperately struggling in the Five Elements Sword Formation, and constantly attacked the Sword Formation space. Song Jian frowned slightly. He found that the Sword Formation space also had a blood groove-like existence, and after being attacked, , He and this sword array space, even fell together blood;

"Mistweed, Five Elements Sword Array and Five Elements are running, endlessly, until the dead, rest, his mother is not only the attacked monster, but also me?" Song Jian was surprised.

一旦 Once the Five Elements Sword Formation is unfolded, if all monsters in the Sword Formation space cannot be hanged, and the monster's counterattack will also kill Song Jian;

It ’s just that the attack damage in the sword array space is extremely high, and through the sword array space, the monster ’s attack on Song Jian has weakened a lot, which is enough to persist for a long time;

Song Jian can see that in the gray mist of the sword array space, countless sword lights shine, and with each damage, these monsters have more than 700 points of damage floating above their heads, and some even have critical strikes. The damage is divided into five, but it does not reduce the damage, which is equivalent to five handles and five elements breaking the sky sword attacking these monsters;

Not long after, when Song Jian's qi and blood value was reduced to about half, the twelve gray dwarves in the space of the Five Elements Sword Formation were all killed and the items on the ground burst;

The grey sword fog slowly disappeared, and the Five Elements Sword of Heaven returned to Song Jian's hands. The "Five Elements Sword Formation" in the long sword attributes turned gray and entered a cooling state.

"The Five Elements Sword Formation is very powerful, at least much stronger than Wan Jian Fei Xian, but it must be used with caution. If it is used well, it is a sharp weapon. If it is not used well, it is simply suicide!"

Twelve gray dwarves were zombies, three magic crystal ore burst, and there were some forty-level materials and green equipment. After Song Jian picked up all, he continued to walk toward the mine;

Once Jian entered the cave, Song Jian felt a heat wave and rushed forward. The temperature in the cave was dozens of degrees higher than the outside, giving Song Jian a sense of familiarity in the abyss hell;

However, there is no ubiquitous abyss atmosphere in the abyss hell, the flames of fire seem extremely pure;

Entering the cave, Song Jian found that the cave was completely hollowed out, and an extremely large underground castle was built. This castle looks like a giant residence, whether it is the open castle door or the hall inside. Extremely broad, it is not like living for a gray dwarf who is only twelve or three years old;

Song Jian shook his head and entered the cave, he found that this is indeed a magic crystal mine, but the magic crystal ore at the entrance is extremely poor, and the quality is not high, it gives people a pity to dig and waste time Chicken ribs

"The magic crystal ore at these entrances is not as good as hunting down the magic crystal ore dropped by these gray dwarfs. There is no value in mining. It is better to go to the underground dwarf of the gray dwarf and have a surprise! Song Jian said secretly in his heart, just glanced at the magic crystal ore at the entrance of the mine, and continued to move forward;

灰 There are many gray dwarfs in the castle hall, and among them, there is a Lord-level monster at the forty-fifth level, holding a large two-handed sword similar to the door panel, and walking around the hall constantly;

的 There are so many monsters here. If you want to draw them out, it will be very difficult, and it ’s easy to roll over. Song Jian hesitated for a moment, decided to bypass them, and searched for something first;

If there are really rich magic crystal ore here, then players from the Alliance will be summoned to clear the monsters here. If the magic crystal ore inside is not as rich as imagined, don't come here;

At the end of the hall, there is a very small door. This door matches the figure of the gray dwarf. However, if you want to pass by, you must pass through the hall. It will inevitably startle these monsters;

Song Jian's thoughts and actions brought out the skills that come with the hidden necklace, the abyss hiding technique, a touch of abyss, diffused from the necklace, covering Song Jianshen, and the Song fitness shadow became transparent immediately;

The gray dwarf boss in the middle of the hall seemed to notice something, holding his head up in the air and sniffing hard, but found nothing, and suddenly became violent, he kept screaming, and walked more and more frequently.

普通 An ordinary gray dwarf zombie monster was too late to dodge, blocking it in front of him, and was suddenly kicked out by the BOSS, hitting the hall pillars severely;

Boom ~

This massive stone pillar that was strong and needed several people to embarrassed. It even shook slightly, and some broken stones fell from the top of the pillar, letting the ordinary gray dwarves around them evade to the side;

Tong Songjian's eyes lit up, and the stone pillars in this hall didn't seem to be so strong! Looking around, there are thirteen such large stone pillars in the entire hall. If these stone pillars are like this one, then only half of them need to be destroyed to collapse the entire hall, while still retaining a small piece of security. Area;

"If you really want to clean here in the future, these stone pillars may be the key to killing these monsters!" Song Jian smiled, remembered these in his heart, and slowly touched the small door at the end of the hall;

Because of the riot of the gray dwarf boss ~ www.novelhall.com ~ all the ordinary gray dwarf zombie monsters around were all panicked and ran around, which made Song Jian in stealth state want to go through the hall to the end door Becomes more difficult.

灰 A gray dwarf zombie was originally going to run forward, but when he heard the roar of the gray dwarf BOSS, in shock, he turned his head and rushed towards Song Jian in a stealth state;

Song Jian froze, and it was too late to dodge again. The soul walked subconsciously, and the monster went straight through Song Jian's body and rushed forward for two steps before turning again and running in the other direction. go with;

Song Jian felt that the monster had passed through his body, and he slammed under his foot, rushing directly towards the door at the end of the hall. For more than three seconds, coupled with the acceleration of Song Jian, it turned out that Let him go straight through the hall and into the small door at the end of the hall;

Behind the Xiaomen was a zigzag passageway. Song Jian entered the passageway. At this time, there was a slight fear. At the moment, I didn't pay attention to all the siege of the monsters. With his current strength, it is impossible to survive;

"Woohoo, I didn't expect that in the stealth state, I could even perform a soul walk, which led to the superposition of my skills, which greatly increased my ability to survive and escape;" Song Jian recalled the previous state, his face could not help With a smile

在 At this moment, Song Jian suddenly heard a faint sound of metal impact coming from the front;

"Dang, Dang Dang, Dang Dang Dang, Dang ..."

Uh ...

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