I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 812: 5 Line Breaking Sword

Two choices immediately made Song Jian feel very embarrassed;

The first to upgrade the "Immortal Sword Body" to full level, and it can be solidified into passive talent skills, which is what Song Jian has always dreamed of.

Once the undefeated sword body becomes a passive skill, Song Jian's strength will leap into the top existence, even if it is less than forty, it is completely inferior to the strong with second-order combat power.

As for the second option, Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue, at first glance, it is a very powerful skill. Maybe it is the core skill of the Jian Xian profession, but at the cost of eliminating all skills, Song Jian suddenly hesitated. ;

Thirty seconds are fast, and less than ten seconds are left in an instant;

Song Jian glanced at the permanent curing of the immortal sword body, and then glanced at Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue, finally gritted his teeth and chose the second option;

既然 "Since you have to pay for all your skills, the power of this Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue must be greater than you think!"

宋 After Song Jian chose the second option, the whole person suddenly burned a golden flame. All skills in the skill bar started to disappear slowly, as if all the fuel had been burned.

The golden flame was not hot, Song Jian felt a faint warmth emerging from his body, flowing through his limbs and every body, every detail;

At the same time, a soft laughter sounded in Song Jian's ears, then slowly disappeared;

Dance of dying wings, three styles of swinging swords, swordsmanship, kick, ground teeth ...

A dozen skills, all disappeared, and even the immortal sword body that has risen to the ninth level, slowly disappeared;

However, there are several skills, but they are retained. One is the soul walk that is promoted to full level, and the other is the skill, the sword shadow clone;

The luck chapter of Royal Swordsmanship has not disappeared, and at the same time, Song Jian's passive skill "enemy of death" is retained!

Currently, there are only these four skills in Song Jian's skill column. Other life skills have no effect, and all are retained;

"Only these four skills are left ..." Song Jian's heart was full of perseverance, and now there is no offensive skill, and even the indestructible sword body disappears, which makes Song Jian's strength drop too much, Now I can only hope that "Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue" can live up to expectations and have powerful power;

Except for the previous four skills, all the skills have disappeared in the skill bar. Instead, it is a skill that emits a purple and golden light, which slowly appears at the top of the skill bar;

"Wan Jian Fei Xian Jue (active), level 1 (0%), skill effect: summon 1-12 spirit swords, causing (quantity * 120% weapon damage) damage to the target, and each spirit sword, Has a chance to cause damage to the target to deepen the effect; Attack range: 1000 meters; Skill consumption: 100 invisible sword gas; Skill cooldown: 10 seconds; Skill description: This skill is one of the core skills of the sword fairy profession, condenses the thousand swords , Converge thousands of swordsmanship, swashbuckling across the world, swashbuckling towards the sky, swords and landslides, landslides and seas, the world is turned! This skill cannot be improved by proficiency, it can only be upgraded by consuming other skills / skill books! "

"This skill doesn't look as powerful as I thought!" Song Jian was slightly disappointed: "It seems that every time I cast, I immediately summon one to twelve swords, and then attack the target without the sword. The damage is slightly higher than the weapon damage. If you are unlucky, you can only summon one handle. In fact, I am afraid that the power of a silver sword is not as good as ... "

Weapons are still being merged and upgraded. Song Jian has no way to verify whether this skill is strong. At present, his attack skills are only this one. Sword and Feixian are determined. All other sword skills are burned as nutrients.

The next day, Song Jian's weapons were finally merged. The five long swords were merged into one. The overall crystal was transparent, exuding a faint fluorescent light, and a touch of purple-red light kept flowing in the long sword. It looked like Like a lightsaber.

"Epic ..." Song Jian's eyes brightened, but he didn't expect that the five-handed golden-quality long sword would actually improve a grade.

"Five Elements Skybreaker (Epic), One-handed Sword, Item Level 46, Equipment Effects: Attack 560-680, Critical Strike +5, Armor Break +5, Demons Break +3, Five Elements Damage +300, All Attributes Increase by 15 ; Special effect 1: Damage deepening (passive), superior blow effect increased by 20%, there is a certain chance of triple damage when causing damage to the target; Special effect 2: Vampire (passive), 18% of damage when causing damage to the target Will restore the user's Qi and Blood value; Special Effect 3: Passion (Passive), can be contained in the user Dantian pregnant sword spirit, if the pregnancy time exceeds 12 hours, the weapon sharpness will increase by 30% for 30 seconds ; Special Effect 4: Five Elements Sword Array (active), when attacking the target, it can be divided into five handles and five elements long swords, and the Five Elements Sword Arrays can be formed into space. The five elements are endless and endless. Hugh! The cooling time for this effect is 12 hours; equipment requirements: user Song Jian (recognized master); whether to bring out the game: yes. "

"The damage of this sword is a bit horrible!" Song Jian took a breath of air, which was even higher than the five long-handed swords before, and both the attributes and special effects made people shine.

Long sword is held in the hand, as if there is no weight, when the thoughts move, it turns into a purple-red light ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Flying into Song Tian's body Dantian;

At this time, Song Jian can't wait to try new swords and swords;

"Barren land, Magic Crystal Mine, go there to investigate and see what's going on!" Song Jian secretly said, walking towards the manor castle;

宋 When Song Jian walked to the gate of the manor castle, he suddenly saw Cecilia standing at the door, seemingly waiting for him;

"Master, don't you know what's happening?" Song Jian asked.

"I've been waiting for you, Lord City Lord!" Cecilia said respectfully to Song Jianxing, "Are you going to the barren land?"

"Yes, the magic crystal mine there is too important for the city of hope!" Song Jian nodded;

"It's a boring place. Any creature that stepped on that territory will be cursed by the gods!" Cecilia said, "But if you can get the favor of a certain deity, you can step on it. To that land without being cursed! "

Song Jian narrowed his eyes, and Shen Sheng said, "Yes, how can I get the favor of a certain deity, and what price do I have to pay?"

"It's easy!" Cecilia laughed, and found a round orb from her arms, handed it to Song Jian, and said, "This is a pearl of dawn. With it, you can enter God's hatred. Place without being cursed by the gods! As for the price, it only takes you a word! "

Uh ...

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