I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 806: Refuse

The eighth demon king fell first, but it did not fall in the abyss hell, but it fell in the human world. The abyss demon flame that Song Jian first acquired was also the demon flame controlled by the eighth demon king. The book is also the treasure of the Eighth Demon King;

Looking at the gradual consolidation of the Eighth Demon King's virtual shadow and the book of the abyss in his hands, Song Jian could not help frowning, feeling disgusted from his heart.

在 At this moment, the eighth demon king turned to Song Jian and shouted, "Give me no weapon yet!"

System: The eighth demon king Taikoo Leia asks you for the epic weapon "Death Scythe". Only by controlling the Death Scythe, Taigu Leia can cut off the sword fairy blade!

System: You can choose to refuse to give "Scythe of Death" to Taiguo Leia, so that the epic quest "Devil King's Will" completely fails; your choice will have a significant impact on the progress of the game, please make your choice carefully!

System: If you refuse to give "Scythe of Death" to Taiguo Leia, the abyss shadows will lock your hatred towards you as endless, Taiguo Leia will also see you as an enemy!

Song Jian glanced into the distance. The five-handed sword fairy's broken blades had gathered and turned into one again. He chopped towards Taiguo Leia. Taiguo Leya held up the book of the abyss and chanted the abyss mantra in his mouth. The magic flame burns, condenses into a set of armor on it, and guards it firmly;

Boom, boom, boom ~

Wu Jianxian's broken blade continued to chop on Taiguo Leia, and the **** Mars was splashing. For a time, Taiguo Leia had no power to fight back, and could only fight desperately;

"Give me the sickle of death, and you will have the friendship of the abyss of the shadow devil. You will become the high priest of the shadow of the demon. After I have been completely resurrected, the entire abyss **** will be in my control. By then, you will be one of them. Next, over ten thousand people! "Taikorea shouted loudly, a look of anxiety appeared between her eyebrows.

The resurrection props of the other seven demon kings have all been destroyed, condensing the faith of hundreds of years of people, and all have been stolen by the eighth demon king. They have completely lost the possibility of resurrection;

Now in the whole abyss hell, only the eighth demon king has the possibility to be completely resurrected. As long as it can cut off the sword fairy and the blade, it can be completely resurrected. By then, no one in the whole abyss **** can compete with it, it will be completely Become the king of the entire abyss hell, the only king!

Song Jian held his arms in front of his chest and looked at Taiguo Leia, the eighth demon king. If he was an abyss professional, he would definitely give the sickle of death to Taiguo Leia at this time, but wanted As soon as I thought about it, once Taikorea was completely resurrected, the human world that had long been locked in Abyss Hell would definitely become its target.

And the unified abyss **** will be more powerful than when the eight demon kings existed at the same time!

"You're dead this heart!" Song Jian directly chose to refuse to give Swire Rea the sickle of death!

In an instant, a look of hopelessness appeared on Taikoo Leia's face. You must know that Song Jian has gone through all his hard work before completing this epic task. If it is someone else, he will not be willing to give up After all, you only need to hand Scythe of Death to Swirerea, and this epic task will be completed!

The rewards for epic quests must be epic items, and they can also gain the reputation of the Shadow Demon tribe and the favor of Taiguo Leia. This is the only king in the future of Abyss Hell. Its favorability is better than an epic item. Much more valuable

Strictly speaking, this epic quest reward can be said to be the richest of all epic quests, but the cost of this quest, or the follow-up, may bring serious damage to the human world and even destroy it!

Song Jian is not an abyss occupation. Everything is based on the city of hope of the human world. Naturally, he does not want the human world to be invaded by abyss hell.

For a few seconds, Song Jian's thoughts kept flashing, and he finally decided to abandon this epic task. After all, this task should actually be for the abyss player, but the misfortune was gained by Song Jian;

Of course, this also has a lot to do with Song Jian's obtaining the Abyss of the Eighth Demon King and the Book of the Abyss. It can be said that this task is a follow-up task of the previous Abyss of the Demon Flame and the Book of Abyss;

"Do you know what you refused!" Taiguo Leia roared, turned his head, stared fiercely at Song Jian, looking like a man who wanted to eat;

"Go to death!" Song Jian thought, the four-handed swords flew towards Taiguo Leia, the four-handed swords performed the Vientiane swordsmanship, and the countless windsword swords swept towards Taiguo Leia;

Slow down, weakening the defense, making it too difficult for Taikoo Leia to cope with the sword fairy's broken blade, but soon, the abyss magic flame on it will eliminate the negative effects brought by Vientiane swordsmanship;

Song Jian's attack, in the eyes of Swire Leia, is just like a fly buzzing in his ears. Although it does little harm to it, it is very annoying and easy to distract;

"Human, you **** it!" Taiguo Leia was severely chopped on the shoulder by Jianxian's broken blade, and the armor condensed by the abyss magic burst, and there was more than five thousand points floating above Taiguo Leia's head. hurt;

A snarling roar like a wolf howl, from the mouth of Taiguo Leia, the monsters in this space suddenly turned red with one eye and roared together. Song Jian was shocked to find that the monsters were originally yellow. ~ www.novelhall.com ~ All of them became red names in an instant, and they swarmed towards Song Jian together;

"Damn, how could this be so!" Song Jian was shocked. The final battlefield space was not large, and there were not many monsters in it. There were only fifty or sixty, but each one was an elite boss above level 50. With so many monsters swarming in, Song Jian is not an opponent of these monsters at all;

"Kecauer!" Song Jian shouted.

Keckall waved his sword and slammed on the shield with a muffled sound: "Death!"

The two back to back, watching countless translucent demonic monsters, and rushed at them;

Boom ~

The battle broke out, Song Jian and Ke Kaoer were besieged by a group of 50 elite bosses, and overhead, the eighth demon king and the sword immortal broke off, but kept fighting.

Without weapons, the eighth demon king Taiguo Leia can only use the spells on the book of the Abyss to attack Jianxian Broken Blade, but for Jianxian Broken Blade, it seems to be tickling, all energy bombards Jianxian Broken On the edge, do n’t say harm, you ca n’t even slow it down;

The desperate look appeared on the eighth Demon King's face, and he lost a lot of money for Shan Jiuyi. It did not expect that he missed the most important part of Song Jian's mind. The consequence of his miss is his hope for resurrection!

"I'm going to die, you can't live!" Taiguo Leya, the eighth demon king, turned his head toward Song Jian, his eyes filled with deep resentment!

Uh ...

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