I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 805: 8th Demon King

"Hurry away!" Exclaimed Song Jian.

As soon as the voice of the crickets fell, the sound of "Boom" burst, and the hills burst apart. Countless broken blades flew towards the two of Song Jian. Angel Kalkul subconsciously erected the newly obtained gold-quality shield in front of him.

I waited until Kcall suddenly thought that there was Song Jian nearby, and turned around to see that there were three bone shields floating around the body of Song, and a scarlet light shield appeared on the surface of his body;

Mark Kauer: "..."

This defense seems to be stronger than mine!

Dang Dang Dang Dang ~

There was a sound like a torrential rain, countless blades slammed towards the shield, and Kcall did not have the energy to think about the other, but could only try to protect himself;

Bian Songjian kept swiping backwards, but his speed could not be compared with those broken weapons that came over. There were constant weapons stabbing at him, all blocked by the bone shield;

Stuck in the edge of a rainstorm, Song Jian saw a few purple-red rays shining brightly in the dim sky;

"There are so many epic weapons hidden underneath ..." Song Jian felt an instant heartache in his heart. You know, if it is later, all these weapons will be his.

But when these weapons flew into the air, Song Jian suddenly found that a purple light rose slowly from the deepest part of the hill pile;

This is a sword, but it is just a dagger, the blade is broken, and only one third is left. This sword exudes a purple light, no, not purple, unlike the epic purple-red light, this The light of the sword is as bright as gold.

"Purple gold ..." Song Jian opened his eyes wide. "This, this is a legendary quality weapon, purple gold ..."

This is the first time Song Jian has seen a weapon that is more powerful than an epic, a legendary sword, and a broken sword.

"Jianxian Broken Blade!" These four words suddenly appeared in Song Jian's mind;

The legendary weapons slowly lifted off into the air. In an instant, all the long swords that were blown into the air seemed to be controlled in an instant, all frozen in the air, and after a stagnation for a second, all the weapons fell to the ground. on the ground.

In the air, there are only six weapons with purple-red rays, and a broken blade that rises slowly like a small sun;

Twenty-six handles of epic weapons trembled slightly. Even the death sickle in Song Jian's parcel was trembling slightly, as if in fear.

"Long whip, dagger, armour, tomahawk ..." Song Jian looked at the six-armed weapon for a while, and was a little lost;

在 At this moment, the long sword that broke into the midair suddenly cut an arc in midair, and a "dang" was chopped on the epic tomahawk;

In one collision, the epic prisoner of war was cut into two pieces directly, and then the long sword seemed to be manipulated by someone. In the air, he stirred the tomahawk into a smash, and it felt like killing. After the dead, the body was broken, and a strong sense of indignation permeated from the sword's broken blade;

The other five-armed epic weapons issued a wailing at the same time, and then quickly swept away in five directions, but this sword had been broken, and after destroying a weapon, it was still unwilling to shake a little in the air, and it was divided. Out of four avatars, each long sword is exactly the same as the broken blade seen before.

五 These five slashed blades, chasing away five epic weapons, one after the other;

After a short while, Song Jian heard five clear chopping sounds coming from his ears;

I seemed to think of something. Song Jian's face suddenly changed, a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, and slowly slipped down his cheek;

"If this broken sword is the sword fairy, my task is to destroy it, but ..."

Able to smash epic weapons in one blow. Such a power, if chopped on Song fitness, even if his strength is strong, the final end is a one-shot spike;

At this moment, the phalanx in Song Jian's package suddenly bloomed with a dazzling light, and at the same time sent a strong shock, it seemed to remind Song Jian what.

Song Jian quickly took out the phalange. You know, the demon king's last mission was triggered by this phalange.

The moment after the phalanges were taken out, behind the soul of Song Jian, the ghosts of seven demon sacrifice suddenly appeared. They stared fiercely at Song Jian and the phalanx floating in mid-air, with a big mouth. , Issued a silent growl;

At this moment, the phalanx also appeared a ghost image of a demon. The devil was short, the horns on his head wrapped the entire skull and hindbrain, and his eyes were scarlet into blood;

"Shadow Demon ..." Song Jian suddenly felt a little strange when he looked at the ghost of the demon;

"My eighth demon king, Taiguo Leia!" The shadow demon glanced at Song Jian, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I did not expect that my resurrection was triggered and completed by a human It's ironic! "

太 After the sound of Taiguo Leia, the faces of several demons sacrificed to the shadow, all of them showed a terrified look, kneeling on one knee, saluting Taiguo Leia;

"I want to be resurrected, and I still need the last link!" Taikoo Leiya turned his eyes to the seven demon sacrifice ghosts and said with a smile on his face, "That is, I need endless faith to reshape the body. You have accumulated these years Give me all my beliefs. "

After speaking, Taikoo Leia opened her mouth and sucked. Suddenly, the ghosts of the seven demon sacrifices were pulled by an invisible force and flew towards Taiguo Leia's mouth;

For hundreds of years, the seven demon sacrifices continued to perform blood sacrifice in order to resurrect their respective demon kings ~ www.novelhall.com ~, and they have accumulated a lot of racial beliefs, but it was not expected that in the end, all the eighth demon kings were cheaper;

"My successor, you did a good job!" The eighth demon king showed a sloppy smile toward Song Jian, and raised his right hand. Song Jian suddenly felt the book of the abyss in his body, and even began to break away from his control, from the body. China slowly "squeezed out".

At this time, the book of the abyss is still in the sealed state, waiting for the final transformation, but under the call of the eighth demon king, the book of the abyss flew to its left palm and was caught by the eighth demon king;

"Old friend, it's been a long time!" The eighth demon king gently touched the book of the abyss with his right hand, and immediately lifted the seal of the book of the abyss.

"Half, semi-artifact ..." Song Jian stared at the book of the abyss of the Eighth Demon King, his throat was a little dry, and there was a feeling of making clothes for others.

After working hard, he collected seven Demon Flames, and immediately advanced the book of the abyss into a semi-artifact. As a result, at the last moment, he was taken away by the eighth demon king who had fallen for a long time. , It makes people feel sad to think about it;

At this moment, five purple-gold meteors suddenly flew over in the distance, dragging a long tail flame, the face of the eighth demon king suddenly changed greatly, reached out to Song Jian, and whispered, "Give me!"

Uh ...

PS: Thank you for the 100 starting coins of "Stinging Pig"

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