I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 807: Sacred point

In the dim mid-air, the rain of heavy beans kept falling, a long sword with a shimmering purple-gold light shattered the blade, an endless look, and chased down and chased after the Eighth Demon King;

At this time, the eighth demon king even completely gave up the resistance, letting the purple-golden broken sword chop on himself, without paying any attention to his own blood value, continuously falling;

Taiguo Leia turned back fiercely and pounced towards Song Jian;

"Before I die, I will drag you into boundless **** too! Mourn with me in the flames of the abyss hell!" Taiguo Leia growled and smashed a punch towards Song Jian;

Tong Songjian was desperately resisting the attacks of the surrounding demonic soul monsters. When he sensed that Swire Leia was attacking him from above his head, he had no time to react and was hit by Swire Leia severely in his chest;

カ 嚓 ~

The dark gold-quality ancestor ant suit breastplate issued a crisp crackling sound. A few pieces of the broken breastplate spattered around, and a blood spewed out. Song Jian's blood value , Even dropped directly by 1500 points!

"You are weaker than I imagined!" Swire Leia and Song Jian were almost face to face, and Song Jian could even feel the hot flames from Swire Leia's mouth;

Looking at the playful look in Taiguo Leia's eyes, Song Jian desperately controlled four long swords and stabbed towards Taiguo Leia, but the powerful long sword hacked on Taiguo Leia, but only caused double digits. s damage;

"The peak of the second-order combat power?" Song Jian's eyes narrowed, and he immediately felt a deep sense of powerlessness. The first-level combat power, facing the second-level combat power, was like someone who had not passed the first-level combat capability assessment. General to first-tier combat power;

This kind of crushing strength will only make people feel despair!

The most important thing is that this is not yet the peak combat power of Swire Leia. I only know that it is not fully resurrected now and its strength is shrinking. But that ’s it. It ’s not Song Jian who can deal with it now;

Song Jian took a deep breath, clenched his teeth, stretched his right hand, four long swords turned an arc in the air, turned back into a handle, and flew into Song Jian's hands;

Bright cut!

A dazzling golden sword slashed fiercely towards the eighth demon king. This sword qi was like a long river, exuding a terrible sense of oppression, and even the surrounding demonic soul monsters showed fear on their faces. Look, stopped the attack for a while;

For the abyss demons, the bright cuts full of divine power will hurt them the most!

Taiguo Leia put out his right hand towards this sword gas and hummed coldly, trying to crush it with brute force, so that Song Jian felt how big the gap between him and himself was;

At this moment, the sword fairy behind him, like a light arrow, stabbed towards it, stabbed into the back of Swirerea's heart, and a strong black breath spewed out from the wound. Like blood.

"No!" Taiguo Leia uttered a painful scream, and her heart suddenly lost her sorrow. At this moment, the dazzling golden sword gas was chopped towards his right hand and passed directly.

Twenty-five palms flew up, and the breath on Taikoo Leia's body suddenly fell out of control, and he fell towards the ground;

"Let's die together!" Taikoo Leia looked at the purple-golden broken blade that flew towards him, and roared, a faint black halo rose from its body, and a layer of breath like the waves, from Gushing out from him, exuding a terrible sense of oppression;

"Mistweed, it's self-detonation, run away!" Song Jian felt the violent breath emanating from Taikoo Leia's body, and was immediately shocked, and quickly cast out his soul and walked away towards the distance;

All the demon soul monsters besieging Song Jian and Ke Kaoer all showed a horrified look and fled around in a panic.

Boom ~

A huge roar echoed in the final battlefield space. The explosion filled the entire space. The originally stable space shook violently. There were huge cracks on the ground and space cracks like spider webs appeared in the air.

A huge cloud of black mushrooms rose from the place where Taikoo Leia blew up. All the demonic soul monsters were shredded by this strong explosion, and instantly killed, the items dropped by these monsters also appeared. In an instant, it was destroyed by the strong aftermath of the explosion;

The entire space is filled with a strong chaotic air. Song Jian's soul walks. After the invincible time in four seconds, although he is in a state of soul, he is still injured by the aftermath of the explosion;

Bone Shield, Bloody Shield, Iron Wings ...

Song Jian subconsciously deployed all his defense skills, but the next second after these skills appeared, they were directly destroyed. Even the steel wings that wrapped Song Jian's entire body were peeled off by layers of powerful energy. Was completely destroyed

Bian Songjian's head floated a series of injuries;







Uh ...

The damage is getting smaller and smaller, but in the end Song Jian was taken off by this energy, hitting a huge rock severely, and the whole person suddenly passed out;

I did n’t know how long it took, and Song Jian finally woke up. He found that his whole body was in pain, as if his whole body was broken. He even felt a pain when he moved his fingers.

At this time, his blood value was less than one tenth, and he was on the verge of death. What surprised him most was that his passive skill "enemy of death" was in a cool state.

This also means that ~ www.novelhall.com ~ has been killed by the eighth demon king before the explosion. If it is not activated by the enemy of death, let him come back to life, I am afraid that his game has already been gameover;

"Kekor, Kokor ~" Song Jian shouted in a weak voice, but received no response;

A sad look can not help but appear on the face of Jian Song Jian. The eighth demon king's self-explosion power is extremely great, and I am afraid that Kerkall has fallen into the self-detonation;

Opening the parcel bar, Song Jian began to slowly recover with the recovery potion. At this time, he realized that he was still in the narrow space of the final battlefield.

It's just that the space here has completely collapsed, the ground has shattered into dozens of pieces, and is constantly floating in the void. At this time, the place where he is lying is just a piece of ground less than thirty square meters, which is slowly on the ground. Floating in the void;

Several lines of system prompts in the system information bar, blinking constantly;

System: The epic quest "The Last Will of the Seven Demon Kings" failed and won 10,000 points for human warfare!

System: Your choice caused the eighth demon king to fall, and your reputation in the abyss is reduced to hatred; killing you in the abyss **** will get a lot of war feats;

System: Your choice will delay the time of the abyss hell's attack on the human world, and the new expansion pack "Abyss" will be continued;

System: You have made a great contribution to the human world, gaining 1 sacred point;

Uh ...

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