I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 804: Death Scythe

The final battlefield map that Song Jian entered, except for corpses and decaying blades scattered all over the place, is the strangest thing in the center of the map, this "garbage pile" piled up by numerous remnants.

This place is made up of thousands of stalks of weapons. Looking from a distance, it looks like a big mountain. When Song Jian searched, he saw this "garbage dump" and didn't care, because all the weapons stacked here were all If it is already decaying, it will break into iron filings with a shake.

But after searching this map again, Song Jian and Ke Kaoer finally stood in front of this "garbage dump" piled up by countless remnants.

"The blade you're looking for, maybe here." Angel Kercoul guessed.

"Maybe." Song Jian was a little unwilling to know that what he was looking for, but how could the weapon of the only professional in the game be thrown here like garbage, at least, there must be a temple to worship, as if The revival props of those demon kings before were average.

But I can't find any clues about "Sword Fairy Broken Blade" here.

The two seemed to be scrambled cleaners, and threw the broken weapons here all around;

This "weapon pile" was too big, and it took the two men a full ten hours to clear up less than half of the place; soon, Song Jian and Kcall found that this huge weapon pile, Not all of them are rubbish. In addition to the surface layer of weapons that have been weathered and decayed, there are still many white-quality equipment above the forty level;

Although the quality is not high, such a quantity is also a great fortune;

In Song Jian's eyes, naturally they despise these weapons, just like trash, throw these white-quality equipment away;

"Well, this shield is good!" Kerkall grabbed a corner of an item, then pulled it out of the **** hard, and touched it with his hand, a faint golden light, from the place he wiped. Emerged;

"Golden quality shield?" Song Jian was a little surprised, looking at Ke Kao with a smile: "Good luck."

虽然 Although this shield is not as good as his previous dark gold shield, the attributes are also good, and the golden quality shield is quite satisfactory.

Kecauer equipped the shield, then waved his arms a few times and nodded in satisfaction;

Wu Songjian saw this golden-quality shield, and immediately became interested in this weapon pile. Maybe there are better-quality weapons and equipment buried therein, and even the "Sword Immortal Blade" in the mission, maybe buried here;

Thinking of this, Song Jian immediately accelerated the speed of excavation;

After a few more hours, countless broken blades have been scattered around Song Jian, and the surface of these blades exudes a faint blue-green light.

The level of weapons is quite high, most of them are above forty, even if they are in blue and green, the quantity is at least hundreds of thousands of yen.

It ’s just that you have to wait for some time to sell these equipments. Now most players are around level 30. These equipments are a bit too high-end;

Song Jian ’s parcel bar has a limited position, and can only choose some high-quality and attributed items to put away;

比较 Comparatively speaking, broken weapons with no value still accounted for the majority. Song Jian had dug a bit numb, and even the whole person knelt directly on the heap of weapons and kept plundering;

At this moment, a fuchsia light burst out from the gap, and immediately made Song Jian's heart tighten.

"Epic equipment!" Song Jian suddenly exploded in his mind, some could not believe his own guess;

Hey lala ~

After a fierce tumbling, the fuchsia light became more and more vigorous. After a short time, Song Jian pulled a sickle from the weapon pile;

镰 The shape of this sickle is very similar to the weapon held by the demon sacrifice, but in terms of quality and appearance, it is several levels higher than the weapon in the demon sacrifice;

"Death's Scythe (Epic): Two-handed long-handled weapon, Item Level 50, Damage: 402-1610, Equipment Effect: Strength +30, Dexterity +25, Constitution +25, Rupture Damage + 30%; Special Effect 1 : Mortal Strike (Passive). When causing damage to the target, there is a 0.1% chance to trigger Mortal Strike, causing the target to die immediately! Special Effect 2: Life is absorbed (passive), 30% of the damage caused to the target will be converted to Qi and Blood. , Restore the user's own health; this effect can only take effect when the target is flesh and blood; special effect 3: critical strike (passive), has a 30% probability of causing 3 times the damage to the target, this effect can only occur once in 100 seconds; Special Effect 4: Fire Strike (Passive), when causing damage to the target, there is a certain chance to trigger Fire Strike, causing 300 Fire damage to the target; Special Effect 5: Flurry (Active), all enemies within 5 meters of the surrounding area, in three Causes continuous blows within seconds, and each damage will be increased by 30% compared to the previous one. If the target is killed by the flurry skill, the soul will be drawn by the user, which will assist the user to attack for 1 minute. Skill cooldown time 30 seconds; equipment needs items: abyss professionals; whether out of the game: It is "

"Epic, it really is an epic weapon!" Song Jian stared at the sickle with a length of one meter in his hands, stunned and said to himself: "The best, really the best weapon!"

This weapon has excellent attributes. After looking at the weapon attributes, Song Jian even had an impulse to immediately change his job to become an abyss profession; whether it is damage or increased attributes are all most needed by melee players, and no attribute is wasted; Five special effects, four passive, one active skill ~ www.novelhall.com ~ are also all powerful attack attributes.

Especially the last active skill is simply a weapon for group battles, especially when the mobs are upgraded, the efficiency is even more amazing! If this game can be reborn, I am afraid that there will be countless players willing to commit suicide to regenerate for this weapon;

"Unfortunately, the limited abyss class!" Song Jian saw the final red font and shook his head. This limitation reduced the value of this weapon a lot, and as a human, the abyss player naturally belongs to the opposite camp. , Other weapons are sold to the abyss players, but this weapon can play a key role on the battlefield, no matter what, Song Jian is impossible to sell it to the abyss players;

武器 This weapon's end can only be brought back to the city of doom, and then destroyed and broken into materials;

Thinking of such a powerful weapon, it will be broken down into materials. Song Jian couldn't bear a heartache, and there was deep regret;

When Song Jian put the weapon into the parcel, he suddenly felt a slight shock coming from his feet. Soon, the shock became more and more intense. Song Jian's face changed, and he quickly dragged the angel Kcall to the rear. Swept away

"Earth, an earthquake?" Kirkall looked puzzled, looking forward;

At this point, the weapons pile had been pulled by two people, and there was only a small hill of three or four meters left. At this time, the ground began to tremble violently, and the center of the trembling was the hill full of abandoned weapons. stack;

Uh ...

Ps: Thank you for the "starting pig" prize of 500 starting coins ~