I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 803: Final battlefield

"That human being is inside!" Roared the abyss succubus sacrifice, two eyes bloomed with a strange look, and smiled at the four-winged angel Kecoul guarding the gate: "You are really a powerful man Look at your wings. They are very beautiful. I also have a pair of beautiful wings. Look! "

Speaking, the abyssal succubus waved black wings like bats behind him, and was about to continue to be charmed, but heard Kalkall said disgustingly, "How can the wings of a demon compare with the wings of an angel, your Black wings are a sign of corruption, and mine is the source of divine power! "

At this time, Ke Kaoer had already born dead spirits. Even if he was twice as powerful, it would not be possible to have so many demon opponents. When he saw the charm failed, the abyssal succubus issued an angry roar, and the black magic pattern on his face appeared Come out and look more and more embarrassed;

"It's been said that your charm is not for everyone, it's a waste of time!" Complained the demon sacrifice, and then he flashed and teleported to Kekor, his huge sickle in the air. Draw an arc and chop towards Kecau;


The Devil's Scythe was chopped on Kecoul's shield, and a strong rush came. Kecoal took two steps back, resting his back on a collapsing wall to stabilize his figure. He wields a long sword to fight back, the three-headed demon sacrifice snarled, three heads sprayed flames and venom at the same time, and several other demon sacrifice snarled and rushed towards Kerkall;

"I just want to stop us, but if you are willing to surrender to me, I can make you my deputy, a four-winged angel sacrifice, haha, that sounds good!" The fallen angel sacrifice laughed and waved With black blades exuding in his hands, he hacked out black swords and struck Kecoul, who had no strength to fight back.

He resisted the attack and chanted a healing spell while trying his best to delay time. He knew that Song Jian behind him now needed time most.

克 When the blood value of Ke Kao fell below one-third, a powerful force suddenly passed behind him, turning him into a white light and putting it in the temple. Several demon sacrifice lost their attack targets immediately;

"What happened, why did I lose the human touch!" The flame demon screamed suddenly in horror;

"Damn, me too, did that human run away again?" The sheep-faced demon sacrifice a somber face and growled lowly;

This kind of mutual induction is limited in distance. If the distance is exceeded, the induction will fail;

不可能 "Impossible, this temple restricts any means of transmission, he cannot escape!" Shouted the demon sacrifice.

A few demon sacrifice looked at each other and rushed towards the temple together;

Soon, they rushed to the dark golden throne of the temple;

"Oh no!" Abyssal succubus sacrifice sent a tragic cry, a look of despair appeared on her face, she saw that above the dark golden throne, the resurrection props of several abyssal demon kings had all turned into decay.

Several demon sacrifice felt that their strength was all drawn out in an instant, and collapsed softly on the ground. The persistence of hundreds of years at this moment turned into a bubble. Such a heavy blow made several demon sacrifice suddenly have a This kind of painful feeling.

"That angel has disappeared from here too!" Shen Sheng said before the flame demon sacrifice picked up the throne, a shattered shield.

"Search, search the whole temple, find the human and angel, I want them to regret living in this world!" The great demon sacrifice Shar, roaring, his eyes flushed, a look about to burst out;

Uh ...

Song Jian rushed into the black lotus terrace light gate, immediately felt a vertigo, and went straight into a coma;

I don't know how long, Song Jian wakes up, at this time he is lying on a dry grass, the cold rain slaps on his cheek, like a knife cut.

Standing next to him, the four-winged angel Kecoul lay softly on the ground, his body was covered with scars, and the pale golden blood slowly flowed out, his breath had fainted to the extreme;

"Kecau ..." Song Jian looked at the dying Kacau with a complex look. The moment he entered the light gate, he had abandoned this temporary follower in his heart. Unexpectedly, he even accompanied him. Also entered this mysterious space together.

He didn't know where he went, and his right hand, holding on to a long sword full of gaps, frowned, as if still fighting in his sleep;

Song Jian first performed a surgical treatment to Ke Kaoer, eliminated the "continuous bleeding" condition, and then took out a bottle of advanced healing potion and slowly poured it into his mouth;

After a short while, a painful moan emanated from Kcall's mouth, and a pair of pale blue eyes slowly opened;

"I, where am I?" Kirkall asked in a husky voice, a husky voice;

At this time, Song Jiancai looked up and looked around;

"I don't know, but it looks like a battlefield!" Song Jian whispered;

Kecauer's strength slowly recovered, and the four pairs of wings behind him re-stretched and stood up;

This is a vast wilderness without any traces of life. There are countless corpses and weapons scattered around it, stretching out of sight;

At this time ~ www.novelhall.com ~ system prompts arrived late;

System: You have discovered the final battlefield!

System: Please look for "Sword Fairy Broken Blade" here and destroy it completely!

Song Jian took a look at Ke Kao's state, at this time his blood value had slowly recovered to more than 60%, but his mental value recovered very slowly;

"Let's go, let's continue to explore what is happening here!" Song Jian said, and started walking forward aimlessly;

After spending half a day, Song Jian never found anything, but during the search, he could feel that the space at this time was not large, and the area might be smaller than the demon guardian temple that he entered earlier;

And in this special area, there are also many monsters. These monsters are all in the state of soul. All of them are elite bosses above level 50. Fortunately, these monsters are all yellow monsters and will not initiate attacks. Close to them, these monsters will hide away in panic with a look of surprise, making Song Jian a little surprised;

"What the **** are we looking for here?" Asked Kcall, curiously.

"Should be a blade, but also a blade that has been broken!" Song Jian hesitated for a moment, said with some uncertainty.

"You said, will it be there?" Ke Kao pointed at the distance and said suddenly;

Uh ...

PS: Thank you for the 100 starting coins of "Stinging Pig"

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