I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 802: Devil's Throne

As soon as Song Jian and Angel Kalkul entered the central temple, a pale golden dotted line appeared on Song Jian's mission map.

Qi Song Jian's eyes brightened, and it seemed that the mission clue was really in this central shrine;

"Follow me!" Song Jian finished, and quickly ran in the direction indicated by the golden dotted line.

The central temple has been more severely damaged, many places have collapsed, and the interior of the building is also very complex. Inside, a room, large or small, is connected by countless labyrinth-like passages, and there are collapsed buildings everywhere. If there is no mission guide, it takes at least two or three days to search the entire temple.

并非 This temple is not without monsters either. Each one is short in size, exuding a shadow of black shadows, wandering around in the temple;

影 These shadow monsters appear and disappear from time to time, blocking Song Jian's way forward. If you have to clean up one by one, I am afraid that the abyssal demon sacrifice has led him to stop him here.

"Kecauer, I'll leave it here for you, and lead them all out!" Song Jian whispered, after speaking, he just entered the stealth state with the hidden necklace;

Kokol yelled, pointed his sword at the foremost shadow monster, and yelled, "Deterrent, designate it as my enemy in the name of sacredness!"

The shadow-magic locked by Kekal suddenly became furious, his eyes flushed, and he shouted and waved his dagger, and rushed towards Kekal, and the shadow-magic next to it also rushed at Kkal together. ;

When Kcall was about to meet the enemy, he suddenly felt a strange thing, and a cold light lit up at the corner of his eyes. Kcall was surprised, and he hurriedly dodging. Then he noticed that a dagger was facing Spiked over his temple;

Keckall quickly lifted the shield, and with a bang, the dagger and the shield collided. When Kcolton felt his arm sink, he took the shield back and closed it with his right hand.

"Dang ~"

A figure slowly emerged. Unlike other Shadow Demon, this Shadow Devil wore a light gray scale armor. The other Shadow Demon only had a dagger, and this Shadow Demon held a dagger in both hands. , On the blade of the dagger, there was a green light flashing;

"Shadow Lord?" Kakaul's eyes narrowed, and he looked at the green light on the opponent's weapon: "Poisonous!"

Forty-level elite bosses and shadow magic bosses are not much to Kecoor, but coupled with a dozen 35-level elite boss bosses, Kecolton feels pressure;

"Sacred blessing!" A golden light fell on the top of Kokkal's head. Kokkal first added a state spell to himself, and then pulled the shadow demons to fight while backing away;

Song Jian took the opportunity to sneak into it, after a while, the fighting sound behind him became smaller and smaller;

Along the path suggested by the task, Song Jian needs to go through many rooms. Some of these rooms are empty and there are no monsters, but some of them will have one or two wandering shadow monsters. These shadow monsters are easy for Song Jian to deal with, but However, it still delays a lot of time, making Song Jian's heart more and more urgent;

Xu went through a dozen rooms in a row, and Song Jian was already able to feel that those demon sacrifices were getting closer and closer to him, leaving him little time.

After more than half an hour, Song Jian finally came to the end of the map-guided route. Here is a spacious hall. At the end of the hall, there is a throne exuding dark golden light. This throne is carved from dark golden metal. , And the end of the map-guided route ends at this throne;

Song Jian walked quickly to the throne and opened the taskbar without any prompts;

"Did you want to sit up?" This throne is very wide, and it is no problem to sit side by side with three or four people; Song Jian sits on it, and after a while, there is nothing strange;

After thinking about it for a while, Song Jian tried to take out the resurrection props of a demon king and put it on the throne. At this time, Song Jian found that the light of the throne seemed to become stronger. At this time, Song Jian's long-awaited task reminder finally appeared in the task bar;

System: You have found the Abyss Demon Throne, put seven resurrection items of the Demon King on the throne, and open the Fallen Space Portal.

Song Jian quickly placed the seven resurrection items on the throne. The dark golden light of the throne became more intense, making it almost impossible to see directly. At this moment, the phantoms of the seven demon kings slowly appeared above the throne. He kept roaring.

At this time, in the middle of the ghost images of these demon kings, a black lotus flower of the size of a fist appeared out of thin air. This black lotus seed continuously extracted energy from the ghost images of the seven demon kings, a hint of black abyss, from The phantom of the seven demon kings flows continuously to the black lotus seeds;

After a while, the ghosts of the seven demon kings became weaker and thinner, and all disappeared without any trace, as if they had never appeared before, and the black lotus seed quickly grew and took root in the void. , Soon grew into a lotus flower, after a short time, all the lotus leaves withered, leaving only a lotus flower floating in the air;

At this time, the seven resurrection props of the demon king on the throne also began to decay slowly, as if after thousands of years of erosion ~ www.novelhall.com ~, the energy in it was continuously drawn to In the midst of the demon king's virtual shadow, the energy in the virtual shadow is also constantly drawn into this black lotus growing in the air.

The lotus flowers unfolded layer by layer, and soon turned into a light door, leading to the unknown world;

Song Jian has heard the sound of countless demons roaring behind him, and also heard the angel Kecoul sings a spell spell firmly, knowing that his time is running out, he rushed into this light door immediately;

As soon as his figure rushed in, the entire lotus platform began to wither, and the black lotus petals fell down, slowly dissolving in the air, and after a short time, the lotus portal of light also disappeared in this throne. not see.

At this time, the four-winged angel Kecoul, who was standing outside the temple, faced the innumerable demon swarming, but his face showed a firm look. Several demon sacrifice saw a four-winged angel blocking the front of the temple. Without saying a word, they swarmed together, and they could feel that Song Jian was in the temple. As long as he killed him, he could get back the revival props he had stolen from the demon king;

Although the strength of Angel Kerkal has been greatly improved, at the same time, he faced six demon sacrifice comparable to his own, but was still beaten with no strength. Just as its blood value continued to decrease, the wounds on his body continued to decrease. As more and more came, I already felt that when I was about to die here, suddenly a powerful force took him away and flew towards the temple;

Uh ...

PS: Thank you for "100 God Coins" for "Wushen Zhao Yun"

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