I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 799: Treasure chest

Song Jian took the angel Kerkall to a shrine next to the Tarantula Demon Temple. The temple was empty and there were no monsters, but continued to walk in. Song Jian found that there were two three-headed demon elites guarding one. Passageway

"Kecauer, we are one by one, see who kills them first, how about it?" Song Jian pointed at the two three-headed demon at the entrance of the passage and said with a smile.

没有 "No problem, just let me adjust to the newly acquired equipment!" Kirkall held up his sword and shield, and laughed out loud.

考 Kekall originally had a two-handed sword, but now it has been replaced with a one-handed sword and a shield. While the defense has increased, the damage has not weakened much.

With a loud roar, Kokkal took a step ahead of Song Jian and rushed towards a three-headed demon. The golden light shone, and Kokkol's fighting instinct was slowly recovering, with one sword and one shield. This 35th-level elite boss has been defeated one after another, completely in a crushed state;

Song Jian smiled and moved his mind. The four long swords flew towards the other three-headed demon like a meteor. The Vientiane sword technique was exhibited. The wind was mixed with goose feather snow and swept towards the three-headed devil. Going, it was like Ling Chi, a series of dense injury figures floated from the top of the three-headed demon;

The three-headed demon attacked by Song Jian didn't even touch Song Jian's clothing corner, and was directly chopped to death by four long-handed swords. At this time, the elite BOSS who fought with Kerkall also returned. About half the blood value of qi;

"How is this possible, and how could your damage be so high?" Kirkall's face showed a look of surprise. You know, it is a 50th-level elite BOSS, and it also has the strength of the first-order combat peak. Although after hundreds of years of restraint, his head is weak, but his current strength is no different from that of a forty-level elite boss. Fighting with a thirty-five elite boss is a matter of time.

However, Ke Kaoer didn't think of it. It was only Song Jian at the 38th level who hunted an elite boss at the 35th level and was able to kill without injury;

"Let ’s go, we do n’t have much time!" Song Jian laughed, gathered up the two monsters ’explosive materials, and walked towards the passage;

的 The monsters in the abyss hell, most of the materials that they drop have very distinctive abyss characteristics, which are simply not available elsewhere. These materials are often worth a thousand dollars when they are brought back.

The demons who siege the siege will always give up the siege and return to the demon guardian temple;

The three-headed devil may have three heads, so the range of perception is very large. Song Jian and Kecau walk through the passage. Each time, the three-headed devil first finds them and then launches an attack.

However, because most of the demons in the temple were taken away by the three-headed demon sacrifice, there were only a few dozen in the passage. Within half an hour, Song Jian and Ke Kaoer all the three-headed demon in the passage Killed clean;

In front of the is a wide square. Like the previous Tarantula and Demon Temple, in the center of the square, there is a huge altar. At the top of the altar, there is a burning flame that seems to never go out;

"Song Jian, look at there!" Kekouer pointed to a corner to the left of the altar, where a huge tent was placed, in front of the tent, a dark golden treasure chest, shining;

In front of the treasure chest, a monster that is much larger than the ordinary three-headed demon is lying on the ground, two heads sleeping on the front paws, and its three skulls will always have one eye open and looking around vigilantly. , While the other two heads are sleeping with their eyes closed;

"Forty Elite Boss?" Song Jian raised an eyebrow and said to Ke Kaoer, "How about, do you want to try it?"

Dirk Kauer's face looked embarrassed. After a moment of hesitation, he nodded and said, "No problem, leave it to me!"

Song Jian laughed and said, "You just need to resist for a while, and after I take the contents of the box, I will help you!"

When Mr. Keckall heard Song Jian say this, he was relieved and his face became relaxed;

"For glory!" Kirkow yelled, and rushed towards the three-headed demon boss, who was sleeping, and did not sleep. The head that had been vigilant, when he saw the angel Kirkor, he made a noise. He growled, opened his mouth and squirted a venom at Kcall;

Kalkal stood in front of her with a shield and slashed at it with a sword. At the same time, the other two sleeping heads opened their eyes at the same time and bite at Kalkal;

While playing, he led the BOSS out. After being about ten meters away from the dark gold treasure chest, Song Jian walked around and rushed towards the dark gold treasure chest;

Bent over, Song Jian began to open the treasure chest;

System: 2% …… 4% …… 9% ……

宋 When Song Jian opened the treasure chest, the three-headed monster Demon Boss, who had fought with Kerkall, suddenly yelled, and turned his head towards Song Jian;

He was shocked and shouted at the three-headed demon BOSS with a sword and shouted, "Deterrent, in the name of sacredness, designate it as my enemy!"

白 A white light bloomed from Ke'kol's sword and flew towards the three-headed demon BOSS;

For a moment, the three-headed monster Demon Boss suddenly became furious, turned around and rushed towards Ke Kaoer, a bitter smile appeared on Ke Kauer's face, held his shield and clenched his teeth, and tried his best to resist the BOSS attack;

This skill, www.novelhall.com, is a forced hatred skill that allows any target to forcibly attack itself, but the side effect is to make the target into a violent state, and this violent state has no consumption, and it will not have any after it disappears. Sequelae

Forty-level elite bosses, it ’s already very difficult for Kokkor to deal with it. After the rage, the damage and attack speed of the three-headed demon boss are increased by another step, leaving Kokkor to resist the fight. No way to launch a counterattack;

"Song Jian, you have to hurry up, I can't hold on for long!" Shouted Kcall;

The time passed by a minute and a second, and a dark gold treasure chest opened. Song Jian bent over and touched it, before he could see what was pulled out, he directly stuffed it into the parcel box and rushed towards Kekouer. ;

After seeing Song Jian rushing over, Ke Kao finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, the three-headed demon Boss threw his claws and smashed at him with a bang, hit him **** the shield, and immediately hit him. Go out three or four meters away;

Just as BOSS was preparing to continue attacking, Song Jian already controlled four long swords and hacked at the BOSS;

Song Jian's damage was too high. In just a few minutes, he pulled the hatred of BOSS onto himself. At this time, Ke Kaoer's forced hatred skill had already ended. When he saw the boss attacking Song Jian, Ke Kauer finally Relieved, taking two steps back, sitting on the ground with one buttock;

Uh ...

PS: Thanks for the "Stinging Pig" for the reward.