I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 798: Demon Guardian Temple

Boom, boom, boom, ...

The Gaocheng anti-cannon sent a low humming sound, and the shell slammed into Ifina's body severely, and the fierce explosion concealed Ifina's body.

A few seconds later, the dust was cleared, and Iffesna's body was scattered on the battlefield. A dozen items of various colors were scattered around its body. Two of them were dark golden. The light, for a time, caught the eyes of all the abyss players;

At this moment, Song Jian finally felt that the eyes that had been locked on him gradually dissipated, and a smile appeared involuntarily at the corners of his mouth;

With a thought, Song Jianying turned transparent, drilled towards the city wall, passed through the city wall in an instant, left the main city of the flame furnace, circled a large circle, and ran towards the Demon Canyon;

Ipheina died, and the wolf spider demon wailed and launched suicide attacks against the city wall. Several other demons sacrificed and looked at Ipheina's torn apart corpse. mood;

"Ifina is really impulsive ..." Flame Demon Blake shook his head and whispered;

"The sixth demon king is completely dead!" The sacrifice of the great demon sacrifice Saff, looking up towards the main wall of the main furnace of the flame furnace.

At this time, there was a cheer on the wall, and the killing of a demon sacrifice was equivalent to breaking the hope of a demon king's resurrection.

You must know that the Flame Furnace was originally the main city of the Sixth Demon King Constantine. After its death, the city was changed hands. Naturally, the Sixth Demon King did not want to wake up again.

If you want to resurrect the Seven Abyss Demon Kings, first you need a piece of the Demon King ’s body as a resurrection prop to absorb the believers ’beliefs, and then you need the wolf spider demon sacrifice to perform a resurrection ceremony in order to fully resurrect;

Song Jian's resurrection props have been stolen by Song Jian, and the tarantula demon sacrifice has been killed. This has completely broken the hope of the sixth demon king's resurrection;

"Let's go on?" The flame demon sacrifice hesitated. At this time, the defense of the wall of the flame furnace had dropped to less than half, and many demon corpses had accumulated under the wall.

怪物 During the siege, the monster's body will not burn out immediately. Now the corpses under the city wall have accumulated to more than half the height of the city wall, and many demons can even step on the body to reach the city wall.

"Don't you see, we are about to break through this city, now the retreat, the people will die for nothing!" Said the sheep-faced demon sacrifice Lengheng.

不错 "Yes, breaking the city, even if we don't kill that human, we can get a lot of gains!" A strange smile appeared on the face of the abyssal succubus, smiling softly.

Among the several demon sacrifice, I am afraid that only the tarantula demon sacrifice wants to kill Song Jian, after all, the resurrection props of the sixth demon king are still on Song fitness.

While several other demons worshiped, there was no personal pain, and they held an indifferent attitude to kill Song Jian;

But for breaking a main city and gaining the wealth of a city, it is a very big temptation for several demon sacrifice!

"Let those crazy wolf spider demons take the lead!" Whispered a look of bloodthirsty in the eyes of the devil's sacrifice.

When the tarantula demon sacrificed to death, all the tarantula devils all wanted to die. Several rituals looked at each other, nodding their hearts secretly, and ordered the demons to slow down the attack, so that the tarantula demons rushed forward.

At this time, Song Jian had rushed towards the Demon Canyon. He only got the abyss magic of the sixth demon king, and there were no other abyss magic of the other six demon kings. Now the demons guard other demons in the temple Almost all attacked the Flame Furnace, and this was the best time to complete the mission;

Entering the Demon Canyon, Song Jian immediately received the system prompt;

System: The epic quest "Seven Demon Kings 'Last Wish" is triggered to gather the demonic kings' magic inflammation and destroy the "Sword Fairy Broken Blade";

"Sword Fairy ... Broken Blade?" Song Jian was surprised, and said secretly in his heart, "Does it mean that the seven demon kings fell because they fought with one sword fairer and ended up all together?"

"In the abyss hell, there is a legacy of the sword fairy. Only by going there will you have a chance to know how to become a sword fairy ..." Cecilia's words sounded in Song Jian's ears.

"Devil's Gorge was the place where the human sword fairy and the seven demon kings fought, and the buried land where they fell together!" Song Jian was instantly excited.

If successful, Song Jian can not only obtain a semi-artifact, but also the legacy of a human sword fairy.

宋 When Song Jian came to the depths of the Demon Demon Gorge, he suddenly found a figure, and kept picking up something. Take a closer look. Wasn't that figure exactly the angel Kerkall rescued by Song Jian?

"Kecauer, what are you doing?" Song Jian was surprised to find that all of Kacauer's equipment had been changed, and it was originally a silver armor. At this time, his body was shining with golden light.

When I saw Song Jian, Ke Kaoer's face suddenly showed an embarrassed look, scratching his head and saying, "Oh, I see so many equipments dropped on the ground, and I changed myself by the way!"

"How many pieces did you take?" Song Jian asked curiously.

"There aren't many, most of them were taken away by a few thief profession guys ..." Kekouer pointed to the equipment on his body and said, "I just picked this one ..."

"OK ~ www.novelhall.com ~ and I will go to the demon guardian temple!" Song Jian said; at this time in the Demon Canyon, you can also see several abyss players are picking up quickly, after all, here is dead More than a thousand abyss players and npc bounty hunters, although their explosive equipment may not be the best on their bodies, but at such a large base, those who escaped their lives in the pursuit of monsters will still Earned money.

Song Jian's time is tight, but there is no time to pick up these equipment, and most of the good quality equipment has been picked up by these people, and the rest is nothing good;

Soon, Song Jian and Angel Kalkul arrived at the Rocky Mountain. At this time, the Rocky Mountain completely changed. The original huge mountain peak that could almost reach the top of both sides of the canyon seemed to explode from the inside. The entire mountain was blasted away, and countless fragments of gravel were scattered around;

In the middle of the gravel mountain, the demon guardian temple originally hidden in the mountain belly was also revealed. Previously in the mountain belly, Song Jian did not take a closer look. At this time, it was found that there were eight demon guardian temples and seven slightly A smaller temple, guarding a huge temple in the center;

Before Song Jian inadvertently broke into, the wolf spider demon temple on the left;

"Where are we going now?" Asked Kcall.

"In order, we visit each temple!" A smile appeared on the corner of Song Jian's mouth, whispering at the sight of almost no monster, a quiet demon guarding the temple;

Uh ...