I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 800: Angel heart

When Song Jian snatched the hatred of the three-headed demon BOSS, Kecoal couldn't hold it anymore. After taking two steps back, he sat on the ground and panted heavily;

At this time, the angel's blood value has dropped to one-third of the position. If Song Jian arrives a little late, I'm afraid he will hang here.

I didn't notice it when fighting. At this moment, Kekall felt a little scared after thinking about it. Although he was not afraid of sacrifice, he was restrained for hundreds of years. He died here just like that.

Four long-handed swords are like four people controlling at the same time, and various sword skills are constantly deployed, as if a large net has been compiled. The three-headed demon BOSS cannot be broken at all, and the body is continuously chopped to cut out Dao sword marks. Hundreds of points of damage floated from the top of the boss;

Song Jian opened the book of the abyss, and began to perform the abyss deterrent skill against the three-headed demon boss.

The words of the deep abyss made the three-headed demon boss boss even more irritable. The three heads kept vomiting flames and venom towards the long sword flying in the air, but were flexed away by the four-handed sword. .

After a while, an abyss rune floated from the book of the abyss and flew towards the three-headed demon boss. The abyss rune was divided into three in the air and engraved on the three-headed dog. On the three heads of the demon boss;

All the demonic slaves of Song Jian contract were dead, now they can only be recaptured;

Seeing the book of the abyss in the hands of Song Jian, Kecauer frowned, and whispered to himself, "When you stare at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you!"

"What are you talking about?" Song Jian shuddered and couldn't help asking.

"The power of the abyss is not so easy to obtain. When you use it, you will also be eroded by the power of the abyss ..." Ke Kao said with a worried look at Song Jian.

Song Jian nodded. He had heard such a statement more than once, but since he controlled the abyss magic, using the book of the abyss, there was no sign of being eroded by the power of the abyss;

Seeing that Song Jian didn't care, Ke Kaoer just sighed secretly in his heart and did not continue to discourage Song Jian from using the book of the abyss;

"Yes, I haven't had time to look at the contents of the box just now!" Song Jian smiled, put away the book of the abyss, and found out an item emitting dark gold light from the parcel box;

This is a heart-shaped transparent crystal with dark golden light blooming on the surface!

"Angel Heart (Dark Gold): Special Item, Use Effect: This item is limited to Angel Race only, and can be upgraded by one rank!"

Looking at the heart-shaped crystal with dark golden light in Song Jian's hands, Ke Kao's face changed greatly, and a sad look appeared on his face;

"This is the heart of an angel that can only condense after the archangel angel level. After each such item appears, it means that an archangel has fallen!" Said Keckel sadly;

"Only angels can use it!" Song Jian frowned slightly, took a look at Kirkall, and passed the angel's heart to him: "Here you are."

Kecoor hesitated and explained quickly: "This angel's heart can not only advance the angel, but also a precious material. It is the main material for the resurrection potion, as long as you can find the angel's tears and The fountain of life can make a precious resurrection potion! "

After thinking about it for a moment, Song Jian shook his head and said, "Not to mention how difficult it is to find the tears of angels and the fountain of life. Even if it is the formula of the resurrection potion, I am afraid it is not so easy to obtain. It may be better to use it now and increase your combat power , For my task, it can have an immediate effect. "

Kirkor sighed slightly and took this angel heart. In fact, the angel family rarely uses the angel heart to enhance their strength. After all, each angel heart represents the fall of an archangel. Under normal circumstances, they will place the angel's heart in the temple of the Holy Spirit as the object of worship.

When encountering the need to use the angel's heart, the angel family will hold a meeting, which can only be used after discussion between the patriarch and elders.

Huck Kaul is just an ordinary angel tribe. If it is left in ordinary times, it is not qualified to use the angel heart to advance.

But holding this angel's heart in his hand, Ke Kao's heart is full of sadness;

As if feeling the sorrow in Ke Kaoer's heart, the bright transparent crystal in his hand burst out a dazzling white light, and the phantom of an eight-winged archangel appeared in front of Ke Kaoer's eyes. Covered by a cape, the true meaning cannot be seen. Behind it, four pairs of light wings slowly flow, and the whole person looks extremely holy;

Angel's light and shadow reached out to Ke Kao's eyebrow a little, the whole person turned into a white light, poured into Ke Kao's eyebrow, and the angel's heart did not know when it disappeared, only a fluffy The light spot, integrated into the palm of Kerkall, flows down the body to his heart;

For a moment, Carr gave a painful moan, and his face showed an uncomfortable look, and the whole person was like a big light bulb, with white light blooming;

Ka 嚓 Ka 嚓 ~

There was a sound of misaligned bones from Ke Kao's back. Under the original pair of wings, a pair of wings slowly grew. After a while, Ke Kao started from a low-level biplane angel, Promoted to become a four-winged angel;

The four-winged angel, in the angel family, can already serve as the captain of the team, and the "weak" state in the Kerkall status bar has disappeared, and the strength has not only recovered to the peak, but has also been elevated to a level;

"Fifty-level boss-level boss!" Song Jian's eyes flickered ~ www.novelhall.com ~ with a surprised look on his face.

Ke Kao ’s strength has greatly increased, and it is very helpful for him to complete the task. At least, dragging one or two demon sacrifice is no problem. As for the other 35 level elite bosses in the guardian temple, Ke Kao is alone. Can sweep them.

With the help of Ke Kaoer, the two quickly boarded the altar, Song Jian summoned the book of the abyss, a black abyss magic appeared, a fist-sized eye, looming in the abyss magic;

Wu Songjian reached out without hesitation and grabbed this eyeball from the abyss magic, and shoved it into the parcel box. The burning abyss magic was instantly turned into a black light and incorporated into the book of the abyss;

The second book of the abyss of the abyss magic is merged, and a layer of glass-like streamer appears on the surface. The whole book seems to inject new vitality, and it looks like a work of art;

System: You snatched the eyes of the fourth demon king, making the other party lose the chance of resurrection. The tri-headed demon clan has a reputation for you and has been locked forever;

System: The three-headed demon sacrifice guya has locked you, and will launch an endless pursuit of you until one party is completely dead!

System: You have obtained the Abyssal Flame left by the Fourth Demon King. Your Abyss Book has been upgraded, and all the skills and powers in the Abyss Book have been improved. The Abyssal Magic you own has been upgraded to the sixth level.

Uh ...

PS: Thank you "Bread84" for the reward.