I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 797: Blame

Because of the contract, Katie must kill the wolf spider demon sacrifice within half an hour, but these sacrifice are hiding outside the city defense cannon attack range, and will not approach half a step at all.

Katie gritted her teeth and flew directly into the air, preparing to bring in the tarantula demon sacrifice;

At the moment when the tarantula demon sacrifice was locked, the other party also noticed Katie in mid-air and looked up. Katie cast a group attack skill "Shadow Arrow Rain", countless black energy arrows, and flew towards the tarantula demon sacrifice. Over the past

"The ants!" Tarantula demon yelled at Ifina, waving her staff toward Katie, a black lightning, released from the top of the staff instantly, drawing an arc in midair, towards Katie Shoot

Katie's face changed greatly, but the opponent was a boss of level 50, and it was too late to think about it. Katie directly applied her defensive skills. A transparent shield covered with the inner layer of the golden spider web appeared in front of Katie;


The black lightning hit the shield fiercely, making a loud noise, Katie's face changed, and she didn't dare to wait any longer, turned and flew towards the city wall;

雨 The shadow arrow rain enveloped the tarantula demon sacrifice the area of ​​Fifty-six meters in the radius of Iphisna, with more than one hundred points of damage several times, floating from the top of Ifisna's head;

"Ifina, why would anyone want to bully you?" The flame demon sacrifice not far away, took a curious look at Ifina, said with a laugh;

The eyes of several other sacrifices looking towards Iphesna also became weird and robbed the resurrection props. The man chose the resurrection props of the sixth demon king guarded by Iphesna. Now there is another abyss player who puts With so many sacrifices, he does not attack, but he attacks Iphisna, giving a feeling that it is a soft persimmon, so bullying;

If Fesna is furious, she looks like an ant, but she has resisted her death lightning, and has not been harmed. The satire of other sacrifices makes it even harder for I Fesna to accept.

With a cold hum, Yi Feisina turned away the monster in front of her and chased after Katie;

"Isfina is crazy?" Sheep-faced demon sacrificed to Cubiso, surprised, knowing that the city defense cannons are so powerful that even if they don't dare to resist them directly, they can only rely on the elite BOSS to break through. Destiny to consume

"This city is not something we can attack at all ..." The Satan sacrificed Saffer suddenly said, "Its wall defense is too high, and the power of the city defense cannon is also very large. It depends on us, our peoples, at all. Can't break its defense. "

"Sarver, do you feel sorry for those clan, haha, after a day anyway, they will reappear, even if they die here, it doesn't matter!" The abyss succubus cast a wink at Sarver, smiling. Say

"Don't forget our mission!" Saffle glanced coldly at several other sacrifices, saying, "The sixth demon king's resurrection item was stolen, but our king's resurrection item is still there. Our task Not to break the city, but to guard the resurrection props, waiting for the king to descend into the abyss **** again! "

Several other people were shocked at the same time. If all the people were consumed in this city, there would be a vacuum period of one day, and the defense force would be greatly reduced.

如果 "If you don't kill that human, do you think that you can really protect the resurrection props of the kings with you?" Said the fallen angel Airy coldly.

The other sacrifices were silent for a long time. For a long time, the sheep-faced demon sacrifice shook his head and said, "It is just a human of more than thirty levels. As long as we are careful, then ..."

At this moment, a heart-shattering roar suddenly sounded in the distance, and several sacrifice looked up, only to find that Ifina had rushed into the attack range of the city defense cannon;

At the same time, all the players of the Thorn Birds Alliance gathered the fire tarantula demon sacrifice together. Two of them even took out a token and briefly controlled the two city defense cannons for ten minutes. They also joined the fire wolves. The ranks of spider demon sacrifices;

For a split second, Yifeisina's Qi and Blood value decreased by 40%;

陷阱 "Trap, this is a trap!" Ifina screamed, and turned and fled. At this moment, an abyss chain flew out of the city wall and tied Ifina tightly in place;

At this time, the second round of strikes once again fell on Iphesna. More than two hundred players of the Thorn Birds Alliance lost their most powerful skills towards Iphesna;

"Save me!" Iffesna struggled and wanted to break free from the abyss chain, Katie was pale, the abyss chain continued to consume her mental value, and Ifina was too strong. Every second, Kay Tie's mental value drops by a large amount at a rate that is visible to the naked eye!

The abyss chain that could last at least thirty seconds at least now can't even hold it for ten seconds, no, it can't persist for five seconds;

"Long Ya, give me strength!" Exclaimed Katie;

A girl with a horn of over an inch long on her head pressed her hand to Katie, and the abyss spell was chanted from her mouth. Her mental value began to fall rapidly, but Katie's mental value began to slowly. Ascender

This supplement is converted at a certain rate, which is actually very cost-effective ~ www.novelhall.com ~ But now, every second that Katie traps Ifisna, her chance of killing her will be doubled. ;

Boom, boom ~

The two city fire cannons once again made a deep roar towards Iphesna!

Two more than three thousand points of injury floated from the top of Ifina's head, a spider's leg was directly broken, and it flew to a distance of seven or eight meters.

"What are you doing, come and save me!" Iffesna leaned over and fell to the ground. She looked so miserable that she was covered with blood. Turning back, she made a noise towards several other sacrifices. Screaming

However, her position was too dangerous at this time, and she was completely within the attack range of the city defense cannon. At this moment, the defending NPC also seemed to have found the **** Ifina, which was the boss of level 50, killing She was more cost-effective than killing a hundred thirty-five elite bosses. For a moment, the five or six city defense cannons on the city wall began to turn around and aim at Ifina;

"Don't!" Ifesna suddenly felt the shadow of death completely covering her, struggling with all her might;

Click, click ~

The abyss chain that restrained it began to crack. In just one second, the entire black chain broke apart, and Katie seemed to be hit with a punch, and could not help but spit a blood;

When Yi Feisina broke free of her **** and wanted to escape backwards, five or six shimmering artillery shells flew towards her;

Uh ...

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