I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 783: Underground cave

Angel Kcall issued a task to save himself to Song Jian, but this task was not easy for Song Jian;

Song Jian frowned slightly. This is an epic task. Each step is very difficult, even hiding a trap. It is like the first task to explore the demon guardian temple. Obviously already in the temple area, but it must be found. The key NPC will count you as completing the task;

To save the angel Kalkor, he must be rescued from the abyss chain. If the key to rescue is a forty-level lord BOSS, Song Jian said he would not be surprised at all;

Song Jian owns the book of the abyss. If the angel Kekkor becomes a fallen angel, it is easy to recruit it as his own slave, but it is too difficult to release it.

Hesitated for a moment, Song Jian nodded his head and agreed;

"It's my pleasure!" Song Jian said; Angel Kakaul's eyes showed a look of rejoicing. The fall of his companion would be too great to deal with it. I am afraid that he will become a fallen angel and an abyss.

感谢 "Thank you, mankind, you have gained the friendship of the Temple Legion!" Kerkall said gratefully;

System: You have opened the neutral power, the reputation of the city of the sky, your reputation in the city of the sky has reached normal, you have opened the reputation of the temple army, your reputation in the temple army has reached friendliness! Your relationship with the angel Kerkall has been friendly;

Song Jian froze. I didn't expect to get benefits just by taking over the task. There are many forces in the game, most of them are formed by NPCs. These organizations, large and small, have many resources, but want to obtain them. , We must first have a good relationship with these forces and increase their reputation.

健 The city of the sky and the temple army, Song Jian has never heard of it, but such a force has existed for hundreds of years, and it will naturally be no good to be able to open up prestige;

"I don't know how I can save you from here? Also, I want to ask, is this treasure yours?" Song Jian asked, pointing to the dark gold treasure chest next to the **** angel.

只有 On the third floor of this stone tower, only the dark gold treasure chest can attract Song Jian's attention.

"This is just a trap!" Kirkall smiled with a bitter smile on his face, and continued: "This dark gold treasure chest is actually a vicious trap, and as soon as you open it, you will be killed directly by the institutions inside it!"

"What?" Song Jian was frightened with a cold sweat. If he hadn't witnessed the fall of an angel, I'm afraid Song Jian would step forward to open this treasure chest.

"The existence of this treasure chest is to allow us to witness the sinister heart of human beings. Five other adventurers have appeared here, but when they appeared, they ignored us at all, but opened the treasure chest directly!" Ke Kao lamented Said: "The abyss demons are masters of juggling hearts, and they want to use this method to defeat our confidence and will ..."

Song Jian suddenly thought that the creatures like angels appeared to be in front of the world as protectors. When they were in danger, those who they had been protecting, but only saw the dark gold treasure chest, and wanted to obtain Interest, but do n’t even think about rescuing these angels who are suffering. This is indeed an unacceptable thing for the angels. If it is an angel with a more temperament, maybe he will fall into the abyss on the spot;

I wanted to understand this. Song Jian's face suddenly became difficult to look at. The devil who can think of this method is obviously an old-fashioned and sly guy. If he wants to rescue the angel in front of him, there is a great chance that he will confront him.

Sure enough, the angel Kokkal continued: "To reach the shackles of the Abyss Chain, you must obtain the fangs of the sixth demon king, Constantine, which is now in the hands of the wolf spider demon sacrifice Ifisna! She, this vicious way of thinking, has made many of my companions degenerate into abyss demons! "

"Can I ask, is this tarantula demon sacrificed, the strength of Yi Feisina?" Song Jian asked tentatively.

"Its strength is very strong. It already has the strength close to the Archangel. According to you adventurers, it should be a 50-level lord-level boss with the first-level combat power!" Said unabashedly.

Song Jian almost did not have a bite of old blood, the first-order combat power peaked, the Fifty-level Lord BOSS, this epic task, is only the second ring, is it already so difficult!

With Song Jian's current 38th level, if you encounter this BOSS, I'm afraid I can't see the other party's attributes at all. Just looking at the level, they all look like skulls. This is a sign that the other party has exceeded 10th level of his own. The power of crushing low-level creatures.

"With my strength, it's impossible to be its opponent!" Song Jian said ugly.

Since it is a lord-level boss, it will definitely not be a bare-headed commander like the elite-level boss. If there are not hundreds of young brothers to follow at any time, I am afraid that this tarantula demon ritual will say hello to other lord-level bosses.

"You don't need to fight her ~ www.novelhall.com ~ The fangs of that sixth demon king, although she is in control, is placed on an altar by her. Tarantula demon want to use the blood sacrifice. Method, to resurrect the sixth demon king, you only need to go to the altar and steal this fang. "Said Angel Kalkor.

"Huh, fortunately, you don't need to fight such a powerful boss!" Song Jian was relieved. It is conceivable how powerful the guardian power can be to revive the altar of the sixth demon king, but as long as it is stolen, then There will always be a way, even when the tiger is snoring, so the task difficulty can be said to have dropped a lot;

After telling Song Jian the location of the altar, Angel Kerkall seemed very tired. He closed his eyes and stopped talking, and the corruption of his companion has accompanied the corruption of his companion for hundreds of years. The blow to it was too great at this time. Mind defense has already appeared loopholes.

Song Jian quietly waited for the cooldown of the hidden necklace to end, and then went into stealth and walked towards the stone tower;

By virtue of this abyss concealment technique, Song Jian walks carefully in the shadows of these buildings. From time to time, there will be abyss charm and fallen angels passing by him. As long as he does not make a sound, these monsters will be difficult to detect his existence;

Through this relatively intact building complex, Song Jian came to a rock wall, which is already on the edge of the mountainside. Here, a huge cave appeared in front of Song Jian, and from the cave, it continued to emit red. The scream of screaming and screaming came from the deep of the cave, making people shudder to hear;

Uh ...