I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 784: Blood sacrifice

Song Jian stepped into the entrance of the cave. In front of it was a narrow passage. The rock wall inside the passage was exuding a dark red light, and the hot temperature made Song Jian unbearable.

The channel descends obliquely, and leads directly to the ground. After crossing the channel, Song Jian quickly came to an underground square, saying that it is an underground square, but the environment here is not different from the ground. There are cracks and magma everywhere on the ground. Flowing slowly in these crevices, magma will splash from time to time, and then solidify into black-red rocks;

However, the environment here is darker than on the ground. Song Jian's eyebrows are raised slightly and he can clearly see that this underground square is very empty. There are some humble thatched houses in the center of the square. There is a huge altar. The altar is surrounded by layers of stone steps, with hundreds of floors. At the top of the center of the altar, there is a burning bonfire;

There is a bed-like stone platform in front of the campfire, tied with a girl dressed in a humble shirt, but this girl obviously has the blood of the abyss demon, and she has a pair of pointed horns on her head, and her cheeks There are also some faint black lines, which are unique to the charm of the abyss charm. Obviously this girl has the bloodline of the abyss charm;

Standing on the stone steps of the altar, there are many tarantula demons standing, staring at the altar silently, without moving, looking like statues.

Standing next to the top of the altar, a wolf spider demon with ornaments on his body, holding his staff to face the bonfire, chanting something loudly.

The wolf spider demon covered with decoration is huge, with a bloated spider body below the waist, and a girly body above the waist, fair skin, slender arms, and long black hair. If you don't look at her lower body, if you just look at the back, this is just a beautiful body that makes people imagine.

But when Song Jian saw her face, she obviously froze and seemed to see something incredible;

It turned out that the wolf spider demon's face was full of wrinkles, and his skin was as old as dead tree bark. He didn't even have a tooth in his mouth, and his lips were sunken. It looked like an old man of eighty or ninety years old;

The wand in her hand looked like a spine of a living creature, a faint red light permeating from the inside of the wand, as if blood was flowing continuously.

"Wolf spider demon sacrifice, Ifina ..." Song Jian said softly.

He couldn't see the name of the monster. In his eyes, this old man's face, the sacrifices of the girl's body, all her attributes were question marks, and the level was also a skeleton state, but she was all the wolf spider demon present, the only one that made Song Jian The monster who can't see the attributes is obviously the tarantula and demon sacrifice in the mouth of the angel Kokkor, ifisina.

"The tarantula demon sacrifice and altar are all there. This must be the place where the sixth demon king Istantin's fangs are stored, but where is the quest item, the fangs of the demon king?" Song Jian said to himself Language, searched left and right, but never found traces of tooth decay;

There is a word in the mouth of the tarantula demon sacrifice, Song Jian can clearly hear it, the other party chants the abyss, but the meaning of the spell she recited, Song Jian did not understand a word;

The sacrifice slowly walked towards the stone platform and was bound to the stone platform. The girl with the blood of the abyss succubus looked like a dull look. When she saw the tarantula demon sacrifice approaching her, the girl's face showed panic She shook her head desperately, and tears continued to flow. She seemed to begging for sacrifice to spare her life, but she didn't know why, she couldn't make any sound at all;

The tarantula demon sacrifice raised the staff in his hand, and touched the girl's forehead gently. A dark red breath flowed out of the staff and poured into the girl's body. The girl was desperately struggling. Stiff, with her back facing up, like a bow, and then fell heavily on the stone platform;

A trace of gray breath emerged from the girl's body and swept towards the huge bonfire in front. The gray breath became more and more. At the end, even a translucent gray shadow appeared, looking exactly like the girl's appearance. Pulled out of the body and flew towards the huge bonfire;

The girl lying on the stone platform became more and more suffocated, her breath was sometimes absent, and she looked like she was dying. The wolf spider demon looked at her with a sacrifice, her right hand waved gently, and the rope that bound the girl broke open. .

The two tarantula demon stepped forward and carried the maiden down. The tarantula demon sacrificed his staff, slowly walked to the bonfire, and sang loudly. For a moment, the original red flame suddenly rose to a few feet. High, a touch of black, rendering from the center of the flame outward, after a while, the entire flame turned black;

"The flames of the abyss!" Song Jian squinted his eyes and looked forward. The black flames are the flames unique to the abyss hell. Only those with the purest abyss power are black.

The moment the bonfire turned black ~ www.novelhall.com ~ The book of the abyss in Song Jian's body also began to move, and the surface of the book also rose a black flame, wrapping the entire book;

It seems to have been induced. The black flame on the altar is getting hotter and beating constantly. In the center of the black flame, a curved one-foot fang with a length of more than one foot slowly emerges. It is suspended in mid-air and flamed. Surround

Song Jian's eyes lighted up. It seems that this fang in the black flame should be the quest item. Only the fangs of the sixth demon king can be worthy of the abyss demon flame. Other items cannot be in the abyss demon. The flames have been in existence for too long.

It is not easy to obtain this quest item. At this time, there are so many tarantula demon on the altar, and there is also a tarantula demon in the state of a skull. With Song Jian's current strength, it is impossible at all. Rush forward now to **** the fangs of this demon king;

Song Jian waited quietly. Abyss hiding may have tricked so many tarantula demon, but it definitely can't lie to the tarantula demon sacrifice. Once approaching, the stealth state will be detected by her, so Song Jian dare not use stealth to approach .

The black flame appeared, the fangs of the abyss demon king appeared, and the wolf spider demon sacrificed the inverted staff, and then inserted it into his heart fiercely.

A puff of blood burst out, and the wolf spider demon sacrifice a painful moan. Its chest, like a fountain, spewed a lot of blood, and shot at the fangs in the black flame;

Uh ...

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