I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 782: rescue

These two angels do not know who caught the stone tower, and what kind of torture and torture they experienced in this stone tower. Hundred years ago, they firmly believed that the gods would come to rescue them, but hundreds of years passed. Now, these two angels are suffering from torture and suffering all the time, not only physically, but also spiritually and spiritually.

Eventually, one of the angels could not bear the suffering, and with resentment against the gods in his heart, he gave up his identity and became a fallen angel;

At the moment when the wings behind it became pure black, the silver armor on his body also turned black at the same time. At the same time, countless abyss breath emerged out of nowhere, condensing a black metal mask covering his cheek. Go up

Zizi ~

There was a sound of burning meat, and at the same time, the smell of barbecued meat permeated the air. Tula raised his head sharply, and a painful roar came from under the mask.

In the moment that this black metal mask was covered on Tula's face, the black abyss chain that bound it, a "pong", broke apart, turning into a black abyss, quickly integrated into the picture Pulled into the body.

Originally weak and weak, the weak Tula regained her strength, the black wings unfolded, Tula stood on the ground, her body was constantly exuded with black breath, and a powerful momentum emanated from it;

There was a painful expression on Kecauer's face, his eyes closed, and his head kept chanting hymns;

Turla turned her head, her original golden eyes, and it turned scarlet at this time. It looked at Kerkall, still bound by the black abyss chain, and said with a hoarse voice, "I'm waiting for you!"

After speaking, Tula strode out of the stone tower;

Two drops of tears slipped in the eyes of Falkauer, and he knew that he had lost a companion forever. For hundreds of years, the two of them encouraged each other to persist.

Now there is only him left. Kekol doesn't know how long he can hold on. His wings have been eroded into light gray, and he can feel his power every day. A trace of it is extracted, and the abyss Strength also penetrates into its body in a trace;

在 At this moment, Ke Kao suddenly saw a figure slowly appearing in the air before him;

Song Jian took the initiative to release the stealth state and appeared in front of Ke Kaoer.

"Are you, a human?" Ke Kaoer couldn't believe his eyes. In this abyss-filled hell, when he suddenly saw a human, Ke Kauer's first reaction was an illusion;

"Yes, Your Excellency Angel, I am indeed a human!" Song Jian said with a smile to Ke Kaoer, smiling.

"You, how did you get here?" Kirkall said with a surprised expression on his face. "Here is the abyss hell, there are demons everywhere ..."

"I followed the instructions of the goddess of dawn, Cecilia, the great priest, and came here to find the abyss magic of the abyss demon king!" Song Jian said.

He doesn't know which deity the angel named Kokkal believes in, but it is certain that the deity he believes in should belong to the justice camp just like the goddess of dawn.

"The Demon King?" Kirkor frowned slightly, and sighed softly, "The seven Demon Kings in the Abyss should all have fallen ..."

System: You have found the Demon Guardian Temple. The mission "The Last Will of the Seven Demon Monarchs" will open the next task content;

System: Please talk to "Captive Angel Kokkal" for information on the fall of the Seven Demon Monarchs;

Song Jian looked at the system prompt, and could not help but let go.

The so-called demon guardian temple in the mission should be the abandoned area that was buried deep under the gravel mountain. After Song Jian entered, until the two angels were found, the system did not recognize that Song Jian found the demon guardian temple. Obviously, this mission requires not only to find the guardian temple, but also to find mission-critical NPCs.

Looks like this angel Kcall should be the mission-critical NPC of this epic mission.

"If it fell with the angel named Tula before and became a fallen angel, I don't know how this task will continue!" Song Jian secretly said.

In fact, this epic task does have the possibility of failing in the first step. If Song Jian can't arrive within the time limit, then at most one day, Kcall will follow in the footsteps of Tula and can't keep Become a fallen angel. At that time, even if Song Jian searched the entire area, it would not be possible to complete this task;

"Have the Seven Demon Kings fallen?" Song Jian raised an eyebrow and asked softly, "Dear Angel, can you explain to me in detail how the Seven Demon Kings fell?"

In the parcel column, the white phalanx glittered. Since receiving this epic quest, Song Jian has obtained the information that the seven demon kings have fallen from the name of the quest. Go down the task process;

Kecor sighed ~ www.novelhall.com ~ told Song Jian all the information he knew about the fall of the Seven Demon Kings;

It turned out that a hundred years ago, a human was also broken into the abyss hell. This human being was extremely powerful and caused great damage to the abyss hell. It is said that the Demon Canyon is the man and the demon king once. Traces of hacking in battle;

Because this human being was too unscrupulous, and eventually annoyed the ruler of the abyss hell, the seven abyssal demon kings united to challenge this human being. As a result, after a war, the seven kings fell and the human He was seriously injured and disappeared without a trace;

A hundred years ago, Kerkall and Tula were two ordinary biplane war angels. They came to the abyss inferno just for experience, but their luck was too bad. When hunting the abyss demons, they were too far away from the battlefield of the demon king. Recently, he was seriously wounded by the aftermath of the battle, and was arrested and imprisoned in the Demon Guardian Temple until now;

It took him more than 20 minutes to complete all the information Song Jian needed;

System: You have learned the truth about the fall of the seven demon kings, and start the next task; the task content: rescue the angel Kalkor!

"Human, can you rescue me from the shackles of the abyss chain?" Kirkor said expectantly, "If you rescue me, then in the abyss hell, I am willing to be your companion and assist you Fight until you leave the abyss hell! "

Uh ...

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