I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 781: Angel fall

Song Jian found that the charm of the abyss and the fallen angels here seemed to be much more agile than outside, and some even talked in a whisper. They used abyssal language, which was not an obstacle for Song Jian.

A fallen angel passed by Song Jianjian, and Song Jian felt a little nervous at once. The fallen angel seemed to be aware of it, and looked at Song Jian's position with a look of doubt in his eyes.

Song Jian didn't move, a drop of cold sweat even slipped down from his forehead along the cheek. After a while, the fallen angel shook his head and continued to walk forward. Song Jian grasped the falling sweat beads and couldn't help it. A palpitation.

It seems that the abyss concealment that comes with the concealed necklace has a high level. Forty elite elite bosses can't see his stealth status.

Tong Songjian walked towards the buildings that remained relatively intact, and the more he walked in, the more monsters there were. One monster was wandering around these buildings, not knowing what to do.

At this time, Song Jian saw a magnificent building ahead. It was a three-story stone tower. This stone tower should be the best-preserved building here. The surface of the tower was full of scratches and moss, full of years. Mark of.

石 This stone tower looks very old, but it is the most well-preserved and most conspicuous building that Song Jian has seen so far;

After a moment of hesitation, Song Jian walked towards this stone tower. Under the stone tower, two fallen angels stood at the entrance. Song Jian walked carefully between them. The fallen angel on the left seemed to notice something and even pulled out the sword. Slamming at the entrance;

When Song Jian Jian fetched the sword, he realized that it was not right. A tumbling roll rolled into the first floor of the stone tower before it chopped.

Long sword waved into the air, this fallen angel was expressionless, and slowly retracted the sword. The opposite fallen angel gave him a strange look and said nothing. The two fallen angels regained their motionless appearance, like two statues.

Song Jian was scared out of cold sweat. The level of Abyss Stealth is probably stuck at the edge where the forty-level elite BOSS can detect. Although he can not see the stealth state of Song Jian, he can detect a trace. Wise, I'm afraid he has been stealthed by this fallen angel.

The first floor of the flint pagoda was empty and there were no objects. There was a stone ladder by the wall leading to the second floor. Song Jian thought for a moment and walked directly toward the stone ladder.

There are several shelves on the second floor of the Flint Pagoda, which should be used for placing items. These shelves are all made of black wood. When they are knocked up, they make a sound of gold and iron clashes, just like iron wood.

But unfortunately, these shelves are also empty, without any items;

Wu Songjian was a little disappointed. Did he say that there was no clue about the seven demon monarchs in this stone tower, and his previous guesses were all wrong.

Unwilling to reconcile, Song Jian continued to climb towards the third floor and walked up the stone ladder. Song Jian quickly came to the third floor of the stone tower, which is also the highest floor of the stone tower.

Here, Song Jian finally found out that he saw two fallen angels wearing silver armor, but the wings behind them were not black, but gray, and both of them were entangled with black breath. Abyss chain

There was a black breath, like a tentacle, spreading out of the chain, and leaning towards the wings of two angels. Every time the grey breath touches the wings, a flare of Mars will be excited. The black breath seems to be frightened and retracts like lightning.

But not long after, from the abyss chain, these black tentacle-like breaths began to spread again. With each touch, the energy emitted from the wings always repelled the abyss breath, but with each touch, there was always A breath of abyss that is thinner than hair, a trace of it remains on the pair of wings;

A sad look appeared on the faces of the two angels, bound by the chains of the abyss, and even suicide was impossible. They could only bear the erosion of the abyss breath silently.

They have persisted and refused to fall, but if they yield from their hearts, the abyss breath will pull them into the abyss in an instant, and they will become a fallen angel;

Between the two angels, a treasure chest emitting dark gold light is placed. This chest looks half a human tall. I do n’t know what material it is made of. It is engraved with a complex and weird pattern of magic. There was a flash of light.

Two **** angels, turning a blind eye to the treasure chests in between, are just bearing the erosion of the abyss chain silently.

"Kecauer, can you hold on?" The angel on the left asked in a painful expression.

"Tulla, are you giving up?" Kecoul gritted his teeth. "Did you forget the glory of God, the glory of God, do you want to be a monster like that outside?"

神 "God?" Tula smiled bitterly on his face and said, "We have been tortured here for hundreds of years, but our God has never appeared!"

"Tulla, this is God's test for us. I believe that as long as we persist, we will be saved!" Ke Kao said firmly ~ www.novelhall.com The black chain, the black abyss on the surface suddenly condensed a seven or eight-meter-long leather whip, and drew it fiercely towards Ke Kaur;

Crackling ~

There were black whip marks on the silver armor of Hockkall. This thumping seemed not only to be physical pain, but also to the soul.

The sweat beads of Kecoal rolled down from his forehead, and his face showed a painful look. He couldn't help groaning. The black leather whip was beaten for dozens of times, and then slowly collapsed into a new one. The abyss of the black abyss fell back into the abyss chain.

Looking at Ke Kao being beaten, Tula's face showed an intolerable look, but she was soon covered by a painful look;

"Kecauer, I, I feel, I can't hold on!" Tula took a deep breath and trembled slightly; behind it, the original pale gray wings suddenly became darker;

Kirkau bowed his head and did not continue to talk to Tula, but chanted a hymn in a low voice. As he chanted the hymn, the abyss chain became closer and closer to him, Le's silver armor "click A "click" sounded, and fine cracks appeared on the surface of the silver armor.

"God, why don't you come to rescue us!" Tula raised his head and issued a grieving roar. While it roared, the wings behind him seemed to be splashed with a pot of ink, and instantly became Paint black

Uh ...

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