I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 773: Kill BOSS

Healing professions are all suspended. Even if the Abyss Shield striker is more powerful, there is no way to stop the attack of a world boss. Failure is doomed, and it will be prolonged, but the lives of the brothers of the Alliance are lost.

Thomas's heart is bleeding, not only because all the dead are the elites of the Angel League, but most importantly, only 3% of the blood value of the world boss is left. If they retreat like this, their hard work these days , They all drifted.

"Wanted, wanted for the whole city, I'm going to peel his skin and hang it on the flagpole of the League of Nations!" Thomas was burning with anger in his heart, looking at Song Jian's figure in the distance, groaning with teeth.

"Leader, let's get out of here soon, your abyss exile time is coming up!" A player next to reminded.

Thomas suddenly rang at this moment, and there was a big guy on top of his head, and once the abyss exile time was over, I am afraid that none of them could run away;

"Retreat, retreat!" Thomas roared twice, and the wings of the fallen angel waved twice, and fled away;

The rest of the League of Nations players have no intention to continue fighting, even if this World Boss is killed, the dropped items cannot be distributed to them. At most, they only get some League of Contributions. In the final analysis, it is their own life. important.

He has always carried the Abyss Shield Slayer of the World BOSS, and saw that the Alliance players behind him broke up and had no intention to fall in love. Without the Priest adding blood, even if his armor value is high, it is impossible to resist the attack of a World BOSS. After a shield hit, he stunned the boss and quickly backed away;

The target could stun the target for three seconds in the abyss shield, but stunned the world boss for less than half a second. When the abyss shield striker receded, the boss in the world issued a growl and rushed towards him, waving his hand. The battle blade in the middle hacked at him;


The flaming blade of the war fiercely chopped on his shield, a powerful force hit the past, and a loud noise directly knocked the other person and the shield flying out;

The abyss shield striker took a dozen steps back to stabilize his figure. He looked at the shield in his hand, and a small crack appeared in the center. This crack made him feel heartache. You know, his side The shield is of dark gold quality. In addition to repairing a large amount of doomsday coins, a lot of precious ore materials are needed;

But now is not the time to distress the shield, the small life matters, and I don't want to get rid of the hatred of the world boss, I'm afraid I really want to leave the body here.

"Is the treatment all dead? Add blood to Lao Tzu!" Watching the Abyss Shield striker who has fallen below half the blood value yelled, what he didn't know was that the entire team ’s healing profession was real. Like he said, they were all dead.

Huh ~

Strong wind pressure rushed towards him, a huge blade of war swept across him, and flew him directly. The **** world boss became more fierce, only chasing him continuously and chopping, if you change Become another player, I'm afraid it has been spiked by the world boss.

The Abyss Shield striker slammed into a black rock, and a blood spurted out. He was shocked to find that he was in a weak state of weakness, his defense dropped by 15%, and his movement speed dropped by 30%.

"Damn!" The Abyss Shield Struggle struggled to his feet. At this time, his brain was full of escapes, and he didn't want to continue to face this crazy demon guard leader.

After taking a look at the BOSS, the Abyss Shield Strikeer directly closed the shield and ran away empty-handed. It's too inconvenient to run away with a shield. You can run away empty-handed, and the speed is faster;

At this moment, a long sword suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, the dark red sword body, like the devil fangs, stabbed towards his chest.

The Abyss Shield Slayer's face changed drastically, and he wanted to take out the shield again to resist, but this long sword was too fast, and gave him no reaction time at all, and penetrated into his chest;

A puff of blood burst out, directly hitting less than one-third of his blood value to the state of blood.

The Abyss Shield Strikeman couldn't care about anything. He quickly drew a bottle of potion from the parcel box and poured it into his mouth. But at this moment, he inserted the sword in his chest as if someone had controlled it and flew in a spiral In mid-air, electric lights flashed on the blade;

Lightning strike!

Kakaka ~

Three sword swords mixed with lightning severely chopped him, and immediately harvested his last trace of blood and blood;

Grunting, a bottle of light golden light flashing from the abyss shield striker rolled down, his body fell softly, his face full of unwilling expression.

Song Jianshun picked up the bottle of medicine by hand, and after a closer look, it turned out to be a bottle of full recovery medicine, which can directly restore the blood value to a full state.

"Good luck!" A smile appeared on Song Jian's face. This bottle of medicine wanted to have the greatest effect. Naturally, the lower the blood value, the greater the benefit, but the lower the blood value, the more dangerous it was. It is likely that, like the Abyss Shield Strikeer, it is too late to use it and hangs itself.

Putting away the bottle of full recovery potion, Song Jian suddenly found that under the fallen Abyss Shield Strikeer, an item emitting dark gold light was pressed. Upon closer inspection, he actually gave the opponent's shield to Burst out.

"Dark gold quality, good, good!" Song Jian smiled with a surprise on his face, closed the shield, and looked at the world boss who was chasing and killing other players.

Losing the Abyss Shield striker attracted hatred, the world's BOSS began to rush towards the occupation that caused the most damage to it, and ~ www.novelhall.com ~, which can cause the most damage to it, are often those crispy occupations. Once the BOSS To catch up, there is no chance of even escaping. Even if only 3% of the blood value of this world boss is left, the blood volume is still close to 10,000 points, and these players are not able to resist at all.

Song Jian also took the opportunity to cover up the past with this group of players. Humans and abyss players have always been endless enemies. To kill these people, Song Jian has no psychological burden and will only think that he killed too little;

With a dragon chant, the black dragon above his head ended the exile state, and the hot dragon breath in his mouth spit out towards the scattered players. Under the control of Song Jian, the black dragon's attack deliberately kept away from the world boss. He didn't want to To attract the hatred of the world boss for these people.

After a wolf rushed into the process, the ground fell to the ground, and only a few people escaped the pursuit of the world's BOSS. All the rest died here, and a lot of flashes of silver fell on the ground. , Golden light items;

"Sure enough, it is the First Alliance of the Flame Furnace. The equipment of members is better than other people by more than one grade!" Song Jian quickly collected all the equipment dropped by players, and then set his sights on The remaining 3% of the blood value of the BOSS body.
