I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 774: Offer a reward

Vortex Fireball!

Song Jian controls the black dragon, releases the magic of the dragon language, and a ball of fire that rotates like a nebula, smashes the past towards the boss of the world, instantly attracting the hatred of the boss to the black dragon.

Looking at the black dragon in the air, the demon guard commanded a roar, and the sword in his hand waved fiercely, and a dazzling red energy split against the black dragon, as if the space was torn apart.

The black dragon's wings fluttered, sideways flashing this vigorous frontal impact, but it was also injured by the extra strength. The abdomen's scales shattered a large piece, and more than a thousand points of damage floated from the top of the black dragon's head. stand up;

The black dragon's eyes were full of anger, exhaling a scorching dragon's breath towards the demon guard commander, spreading his wings, swiping past his head, the sharp claws of the dragon, gravely toward its skull;

The demon guard led his eyes with a fierce light. When he saw the black dragon rushing towards himself, he jumped up and jumped into the air. He smashed into the black dragon and smashed the flying dragon in the air directly;

"Mistweed, isn't it?" Song Jian was stunned, and the fighting power erupted by the demon guard was too horrible. He could hit the black dragon with a punch. If it broke out so early, don't say that the fallen angel war alliance only There are more than fifty people, even if it doubles, I am afraid that all the bosses in this world will be killed.

Vientiane swordsmanship, go!

As soon as Song Jian thought about it, four long swords crossed four arcs in the air, flying towards the demon guard commander, flying up and down around it, and the wind and snow were spreading, and countless sword gases swept away toward the demon guard commander;

Looking at the black dragon struggling to stand up from the ground, Song Jian's eyes flickered. If he could charm this world boss and make it his own slave, wouldn't he be able to run rampant in the desolate highlands?

Thinking of this, Song Jian took out the book of the abyss and recited the spell of the abyss deterrent aloud. As a result, when his first syllable was just spit out, there was a sudden "hum" in his mind, as if there was a hammer. Smashed into the back of the head.

A spit of blood spurted, and more than a thousand counter-phasing injuries floated from the top of his head;

System: The target power exceeds you too much to use the Abyss Deterrent!

A bright red system prompt appeared in front of Song Jian.

In desperation, Song Jian could only put away the book of the abyss, and all his mind was used to control the four flying swords;

Since you can't be charmed, you can only kill it, and see what kind of items the BOSS in the world can burst out to yourself.

The world BOSS is far more than Song Jian in terms of defense, attack, and blood value. If it is a world BOSS in the peak state and full of blood value, it is not what Song Jian can do now, but in front of this Only BOSS blood value is less than 3%, and now it is only over 8,000 points. With Song Jian's current strength, he has the complete opportunity to kill it;

Listening to the roar of the world's boss in the distance, Thomas was bleeding, and he glanced behind him, his body's intention of killing was exuding as if it were real.

"Leader, do we have to make trouble for him in the past, we can't kill him, and we can't let him pick up the cheap!" Said a Alliance player who managed to escape.

Thomas hesitated for a long time and finally dispelled this tempting idea. Previously, it was because of greed that the fallen angel league had killed and injured so many players, and an elite group of the entire league had been destroyed in this way, leaving Thomas heartbroken. Now they only have three or four people. If they really go back to make trouble, with the strength of that human being, I am afraid they will all stay in place in the end.

"BOSS has only a few thousand points of blood value, we have no chance!" Thomas resentfully said, if BOSS still has more than 10% of blood value, how can Thomas fight for it, his battle alliance will be destroyed easily BOSS, just give it away, no matter who it will be.

But BOSS with only a few thousand points of blood value, I am afraid that they rushed back and they were already killed by Song Jian. A few of them passed away, did they not die?

The player next to him was ready to continue to argue, and suddenly heard a scream of screams from the world BOSS, a huge flame rising into the sky, and half of the canyon looked like daylight.

"How is that possible, but that is the world boss, even if there are only a few thousand blood values ​​left, it would not be possible to be killed so quickly ..." The player looked at the flames rising to the sky, mumbled to himself, muttering to himself. .

Song Jian's injury is too horrible. In less than a minute, the World Boss with thousands of blood points left will be killed. This has made the players who have seen the World Angel Boss Alliance Alliance players realize that the other party How powerful

"Go back, wanted this human in the League of Legends, and released the wind at the same time, he snatched a world boss of our fallen Angel League of Alliance, and all the BOSS burst items were obtained by him alone, at least one of which is epic. Outfit! "Thomas gritted his teeth.

"This, it's too shameful ..." A hesitant look appeared on the face of a player next to him.

"Well, face has long been lost in the abyss gap, an elite group has been destroyed, how long do you think you can hide it!" Thomas whispered: "We want to let the entire desolate highlander know that there is one in this human hand. An epic gear, and kill him and get a reward of one million doomsday coins! "

"What, one million doomsday!" Someone exclaimed.

"Yes, this is just a reward from the fallen angel alliance, the mercenary union is another!" Thomas said with gritted teeth.

One million doomsday ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Although it is not a small number for the fallen angel union, it is not unbearable. As long as it can kill this human, Thomas believes that one million doomsday Coins are still worth it.

"I heard that the mercenary union's reward for this guy has also increased, as if there are also a million!" A player next to him said suddenly.

"That's exactly, two million doomsday coins, and an epic piece of equipment. I don't believe how long this guy can still languish in the desolate highlands!" Thomas finally looked at the sky-high flame, and turned towards Go to the entrance to the Demon Canyon;

The remaining two or three players looked at each other and immediately followed.

The demon guard leader finally fell under Song Jian's sword. The black dragon was seriously injured again and was recovered by Song Jian's pet space. The original injury of the black dragon was not completely recovered, and the blood value had only recovered to more than half. One time, it was more and more injuries, and the speed of recovery is probably slower.

Not all of this is worth it. Looking at the fallen body of the boss in the world ahead, the items that have fallen around its corpse, Song Jian put his eyes out and couldn't wait to go up;
