I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 772: Withdrawal

Seeing that all the players in the League of Legends were half-blooded, and some even had blood, Thomas' face was gloomy and whispered, his face hesitated and hesitated.

The blood value of the boss in the world has dropped below 10, and the boss can be killed for a maximum of five or six minutes, but Song Jian has killed five or six players this time, reducing the attack power of the entire team. , More importantly, there are only two healing professions left, and there is no time to add blood to so many players;

"Will you give up?"

This idea kept turning in Thomas' mind. To give up means to give up all his achievements and not to give up. If Song Jian makes another such attack, I am afraid it will directly lead to the destruction of the regiment!

"I'm afraid his displacement skills are a big move. The cooling time is at least ten minutes or more. We have time to clean up the boss in this world before packing him!" A player whispered in Thomas' ear;

As soon as Thomas' eyes lighted up, he yelled, "Set fire, all set fire world bosses, drunks, take a few people, clean up these mobs, speed up!"

It was his decision that caused the fallen angels union to fall into the abyss that is gone.

Under the siege of the thirty-fifth level, the fire demon could not hold on for a long time. At this time, there were less than six, and there was only one fire demon leader, dragged by Carter, and could not pose a threat to everyone;

Song Jian was in the distance, watching the flame demons that he had recruited with great difficulty, and was killed by one person without any fluctuations; these flame demons slaves were originally cannon fodder, and they were not expected to destroy all the team in front of them;

Song Jian summoned the stone man, and then looked at the blood value of the Black Dragon, which had recovered to more than 60%. Hesitating for a moment, Song Jian still summoned the Black Dragon;

The black dragon's flame breath and vortex fireball, a group of attacks, a single attack, the power is good, especially the flame breath, the power is not worse than Vientiane swordsmanship, combined with Vientiane swordsmanship, can even produce one plus one Effect greater than two;

Song Jian looked ahead. The fallen angel alliance was continuing to attack the boss of the world. He was quietly waiting for the coolness of the soul-walking skills;

Thomas incorrectly estimated the cooldown of Soul Walk, which has been upgraded to full-level Soul Walk. It only has a one minute cooldown, and they want to kill the boss of this world, even if there is no accident, it takes at least five minutes. Over time.

It is precisely because of the miscalculation of the time that the soul walks, and the only thing that meets the fallen angel alliance is destruction!

One minute passed quickly, but Song Jian didn't take any action, but just looked at the front quietly. At this time, the battle between the fallen angel union and the boss of the world has reached the most critical moment. The boss's blood value is less than 10. And it is still steadily declining. Among the crowds who besieged the boss, several rogue professional players have disappeared. Obviously, they are Thomas's prepared means to prevent Song Jian's sudden attack;

8, 7, 6, ...

The blood value of the boss in the world continued to drop until it reached 3, and Thomas did not see Song Jian's appearance again;

"It seems that his skill cooling time is indeed very long!" Thomas finally breathed a sigh of relief, and a satisfied smile appeared involuntarily on his face. The boss in the world had a great chance to drop the epic equipment. The Alliance has prepared for so many days, just to kill the boss of this world, victory is in sight. If it is not Song Jian's trouble, this player will not die this time;

Thinking of this, Thomas had a fierce look on his face. He had made up his mind that when he returned, he would convene all the players in the League of Legends and pursue the endless pursuit of Song Jian!

However, at this moment, Thomas suddenly felt that there was a strong wave of spell energy on his head. Looking up, a huge black dragon was spreading his wings and appeared on the head of everyone, in its wide mouth, A trembling flame is slowly condensing;

"Be careful of your head!" Thomaston felt awkwardly, screaming sternly, and the angel wings behind him flew fiercely and flew over his head;


A hot flame of dragon's breath spit towards the crowd, almost hundreds of points of damage were floating above everyone's head;

Although Dragon Breath Flame is also called flame, it is not a fire damage, but a kind of dragon language magic. The abyss player's high fire resistance cannot weaken or reduce this damage.

Everyone's attention was instantly attracted by the black dragon, and the long-range profession began to subconsciously shift the attack target to the black dragon.

Thomas rushed directly towards the Black Dragon, flipped his wrist, and two bǐshǒu like the teeth of a hunter appeared on his palm.

The general abyss mage profession mostly uses staff and magic wands, but Thomas's weapon is a two-handed law system bǐshǒu.

"Abyss exile!" Thomas waved his hands, and the two handles bǐshǒu burst into a gray light, entangled toward the black dragon like a tentacle;

Soon, the black dragon's huge body was covered by this gray breath, like a large net. Suddenly, the black dragon seemed to be expelled from the world. Not only was it unable to attack any players, it also temporarily broke contact with Song Jian. ;

Thomas successfully exiled the Black Dragon, preparing to breathe a sigh of relief, but suddenly saw that his mental value was less than 30, and his face suddenly changed.

The goal of the abyss exile skills, the stronger the power, the more mental power it consumes. The black dragon is at level 35, has first-order combat power, and is still a dragon family. If it is not for the strength of Thomas, it is impossible to complete the exile;

Hesitating for a moment, Thomas found a bottle of light blue potion from the parcel box, he was hesitating whether to use it. At this moment, he suddenly heard the screams from the players in the Alliance below;

Looking down, the previously familiar scene reappeared in his sight ~ www.novelhall.com ~ can't help making him crack;

The blizzard covered almost all the players in the League of Legends. Thomas' eyes were full of damage figures.

"Human, I must kill you!" Thomas growled angrily;

Because of the lack of healing professions, almost all players have dissatisfaction with the blood value. The only blood value is sufficient is the Abyss Shield striker who carries the boss of the world, because the remaining two Abyss Priest are all serving him alone. ;

This attack, though without the help of the Fire Demon, caused much more damage to this group of players than the previous one;

As soon as the Vientiane swordsmanship was exhibited, a few seconds later, a dozen players fell into the snow, including two priests who had been adding blood to the abyss shield strikers.

"Retreat, everyone, all retreat!" Thomas shouted, looking at the world boss with less than 3 blood values, his heart was bleeding.


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