I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 771: Sneak attack

An abyss hunter, holding a crossbow fixed on his right arm, kept firing at the fire demon. After successfully attracting the fire demon's hatred, he began to run towards the distance.

He has done this kind of strange things many times and is very skilled. Don't say that it is just an ordinary ordinary monster at level 35. Even if it is BOSS, he can successfully lead it away.

But what he didn't find is that, except for him, everyone else blame, almost all failed. These flame demons seem to know that the profession has slow movement and low defense, and always rushes towards these professions, even if someone wants Lead them away, but no one succeeds;

"If it weren't for the World Boss, I would be able to kill the 35th-level monster alone!" A scornful smile appeared from the corner of the abyss hunter's mouth, and he turned and shot an arrow at the Fire Demon;

At this moment, a sharp whistling sounded suddenly in his ear, a long sword slashed at him fiercely, and the long sword kept flying in the air, as if an invisible arm was controlling it;

While another long sword flew over, several silver silk threads continued to swirl around it, beating fiercely towards the **** hunter;

Before he could react, two long swords flew over like meteors, and four long swords simultaneously performed four sets of swordsmanship, so that the player of the abyss hunter profession had no time to react and fell directly to the ground. .

Song Jian ’s basic damage has already exceeded 500 points. Coupled with the weapon set, even a flat cut can cause more than 2,000 points of damage. If skills are used, this damage will increase, even if the opponent ’s defense is reduced. , If you want to drop an abyss hunter in leather, there is no problem at all;

The reason why this **** hunter was able to successfully lead away this flame demon is precisely because the direction he led was exactly the direction hidden by Song Jian.

The sudden death of the abyss hunter did not attract anyone's attention at all. The scene was too chaotic. If it was not for the abyss shield striker still attracting the hatred of BOSS, I am afraid everyone has fled;

"Thief class, two people to fight the flame demon, these are just ordinary level 35 mobs, as long as you persist for a while!"

"Carter, fight against the boss BOSS, everyone else sets fire to the world boss, and fight for it within five minutes!" Thomas roared loudly;

It's just eleven ordinary monsters plus an elite BOSS. For a team of more than fifty people, it can only cause some chaos at most.

If it weren't for the previous Flame Demon who suddenly set fire to the four Abyss Mages, they were dropped immediately, and there was no chance for this group of people to respond, otherwise, this little harassment would not cause casualties.

Thomas's face was a bit ugly, and he suddenly discovered that in addition to the four abyss mages, two abyss priests and an abyss hunter had died in the team;

"The priest of the abyss was dropped by that elite boss, but how did the abyss hunter die?" Thomas wondered, knowing that the abyss hunter was not weaker than the abyss thieves in terms of ability to escape or survive. Survivability is even better than the abyss thieves. It is just some ordinary 35-level mobs. How can an abyss hunter be killed?

Just then, a thief carrying a flame demon suddenly made a scream and hung up, everyone was shocked;

Thomas saw that the blood value of the abyss thief was cleared directly from more than 90 percent. He immediately became alert and shouted, "Everyone be careful, someone is attacking!"

Everyone suddenly became nervous, and they were afraid of harassment when they hit the World Boss. Although the fallen angels alliance covered the sky in the main city of the flame furnace, many people were dissatisfied with them.

Just then, another abyss priest was killed in a spike of blood, which made everyone panic;

"It's that human, that wanted!" Suddenly someone shouted. When Song Jian killed the abyss priest, he applied his skills to increase the dark field of vision to see Song Jian's appearance.

"Is that the wanted human?" Thomas breathed a sigh of relief. He was now afraid that this was a planned attempt by the other war alliances because it meant that a group of people would ambush them, not only would they rob them. BOSS of the world, maybe they will leave all of them;

But if it's the wanted human, it means that there is only one person in the other party, and now it's just to make trouble;

"Drinker, take a few people to kill him!" Thomas shouted.

"Leave it to me!" A middle-aged man with a scar on his cheek licked the tip of the sharp blade in his hand with his tongue, and a faint smile appeared on his face;

For this human who appeared in the desolate highlands, the players of the Fallen Angel League have also heard of it, but these days, their attention has been focused on this world boss, and they have been preparing to kill it. There is no extra energy to participate in the pursuit of Song Jian.

Unexpectedly, he did not go after him, but the human came to his door instead.

"Be careful, don't care, he is killing many abyss players in the desolate highlands!" Thomas reminded.

"Well, he will also attack someone by killing him, and head to head, I can kill him alone!"

Seeing five or six players rushing towards Song Jian following the drunkard, Thomaston had a bad hunch;

Seeing a few abyss players rushing towards themselves, Song Jian did not retreat, a cruel smile appeared on his face, his heart moved, the figure suddenly became transparent, and rushed towards the crowd;

"Stop him, don't let him come over!" Thomas seemed to think of something, his face changed, and he hurriedly hurriedly;

Some vigilant players immediately shifted their targets and released a spell attack towards Song Jian, but no matter what kind of attack fell on Song Jianjian, only the words of immunity were raised;

Song Jian was extremely fast, and the transparent figure quickly rushed into the crowd. The four long swords shone with the light of the sword, flying up and down;

Vientiane swordsmanship!

With a low groan ~ www.novelhall.com ~ The crowd suddenly snowed, and a gust of wind swept across, and countless sword air enveloped the area of ​​dozens of meters;

All the abyss players have blood flowers floating on them, and their blood and blood values ​​are constantly falling. A thin layer of ice floats on everyone's armor, and the defense force suddenly drops a lot;

Duxuecang's defense power is reduced by a percentage. For those crispy professions, this decline in defense power has no effect at all, but for melee classes with extremely high armor values, the decline in defense power is horrifying;

Song Jian watched holding the two-handed shield in front, carrying the Abyss Shield striker of the world's BOSS, grunted coldly, and found a bottle of potion from his arms, and threw it towards that person. He rushed directly into the distance. In the process of far away, Song Jian also took advantage of the situation and turned over an abyss priest.


PS: Thanks for the 100 starting coins of "Zhuling Bamboo King"