I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 755: Besiege the boss

In front of this team of five people, the abyss demon wolf being activated soon fell below half its vitality value. Song Jian's eyes quickly locked on the soul tearer, this person is in the team , The occupation that threatens him most, must be killed first;

After these players transferred to the abyss profession, they also began to miss it. They wanted to pass through the abyss **** channel to enter the game's main plane to plunder. Although there is nothing wrong with standing in their force field, as Song Jian, killing They also have no mistakes. This is the result of different force fields and different camps, regardless of right or wrong!

And if these five people see Song Jian first, they will besiege him without any hesitation;

Song Jian thought of this, summoned the stone man Guru and the black dragon, first forbid them to make any movement, and then ordered the black dragon to slowly touch the left, and the stone man slowly walked from the right;

At this time, the surroundings were dark. The vision of these people was narrow, which would not exceed twelve meters at most. The movement of the black dragon of the stone man did not attract their attention at all.

After the five killed three abyssal demon wolves, they all began to sit on the ground and recover;

"When can I open the abyss channel, I really want to return to the game world to kill the Quartet!" Said the abyss thief with a sigh.

"Huh, now our level is at least five levels higher than the average level of outside players at the end. The longer the time, the larger the gap will be. At that time, we will become the nightmare of players in the game world!" Abyss Warlock hummed Said.

"Hey, kill the players in the opposite camp, but you can get merit. Maybe we can also play with the title!" Abyss Master laughed;

The player of the Soul Ripper career is preparing to speak, and has been guarding the Abyss Flame Demon next to the Abyss Warlock, and suddenly yelled;

The Abyss Warlock immediately became alert and whispered, "There is something!"

The figure of the abyss thief disappeared directly in place, the abyss mage looked alertly around him, and at the same time added himself an abyss armor to increase his armor value;

The soul tearer's two eyes suddenly turned red, and countless black breaths emanated from the eyes, and a horror pattern like a spider web appeared around the eye sockets;

"There, there seems to be a big guy!" The soul-teacher professional player suddenly pointed at the location of the Black Dragon, and yelled in surprise.

"Big guy? Is it BOSS?" A look of amusement also appeared on the face of the Abyss Warrior.

The monsters in the abyss **** are powerful. If they meet the boss alone, even the soul ripper professional player can't single out bosses of level 30 or higher, but they are now a five-member squad, besieging one Only BOSS is possible.

"But we don't have a healing profession, just in case ..." Players of the Abyss Master profession have a look of hesitation on their faces.

You know, of the few people present, only his ability to escape is the worst. The Abyss Warrior has a charge-like skill. As long as he locks the monster target in the distance, he can directly rush out dozens of meters. The abyss thief is fighting. With the ability to force stealth in the abyss, the abyss warlock can control the flame demon to drag the boss, and can even exchange positions with the flame demon when it is critical;

The Soul Ripper has more life-saving skills. The most famous one is the ability called Soul Walk, which can directly break through the void and produce a telekinetic effect.

The abyss mage's specialty is that he has many control skills and continuous damage skills, but even the elemental mage is not as good as escape danger. At least the elemental mage has an ice ring and a teleportation. As long as he wants to escape, no boss can catch up with him.

"I'm not afraid of a melee career, what are you afraid of a long-distance career?" The Abyss warrior scorned: "As long as I don't fall, you are absolutely safe. Even if I hang up, BOSS is so far away from you, you always run away time!"

"Okay, big head, ready to pull up monsters!" Others first control the damage, be careful OT, wait until the big head hatred is stabilized, and then output! "The player of the Soul Ripper professional, just glanced at the abyss mage coldly, and directly ordered;

Because he is a legendary profession, the player of the Soul Ripper career has always been the captain of the squad. He rarely speaks, but once he speaks, he definitely does not want someone to refute him.

The abyss mage looked at several other companions, his face was ugly, but he followed them silently. His equipment was the worst among the few, and his strength was also the worst. If he leaves the companion, I am afraid he can only change A lower level monster area has been leveled.

The crowd walked forward, and when they entered the field of vision, several people stopped at the same time.

A black dragon who was more than ten meters long and three meters tall appeared in front of them.

"Dragons, dragons, and abyss **** have dragons!" The soul-teacher professional player shivered with excitement.

"The thirty-fifth level is just an elite BOSS. It seems that it should be just a young dragon, or a dragon that has just passed its infancy!" The abyss warlock carefully looked at the black dragon and analyzed it;

"It's really good luck. I heard that you can't get in on the dragon's blood!" The abyss warrior licked his lower lips, and his eyes showed a greedy look.

"Are you up? It's just a 35th-level elite boss. With our strength, we can completely kill it!" The player of the soul ripper professional whispered excitedly;

Although his strength is the strongest among the five, it is not possible to single out a 35-level elite BOSS, and he must rely on the strength of the other four!

"Only a rare opportunity ~ www.novelhall.com ~ This is a dragon!" The abyss warlock exclaimed, if he can obtain a complete dragon bone, wait until his strength is higher, maybe he can be refined A powerful abyssal bone dragon;

Except for the hesitation of the abyss mage, the other four were all looking forward to trying. They have never seen any dragons so far. In the abyss hell, the highest creature that has ever seen is a possessor. With a trace of dragon blood, Chimera, who owns a dragon-like head, can spit out highly corrosive venom. A small village with hundreds of people costs less than ten Minutes, the village was erased directly from the map, but he was only slightly injured.

The dragon family, however, is a few orders higher than the abyss Chimera I have seen before. Once it is killed, it will definitely drop out treasures of gold quality or higher;

"Come on!" The abyss warrior's eyes were red and bloodshot, and he also knew that a dragon was terrible, even if it was just a dragon who had just passed the baby dragon period, and once fighting, he would be in the most dangerous Position, but the temptation to hunt the dragon has made him somewhat unable to extricate himself, holding the big axe in his hands, snarling, and striding forward towards the black dragon;
