I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 754: Soul ripper

The abyss professional system is very complicated. Like the game world, it is also divided into melee, long range, physics and law. Among the players in front of you, there is an abyss warrior, an abyss mage, a soul tearer, and an abyss. Rogue, and an abyss warlock!

Abyss Warriors, Abyss Mages, Abyss Rogues, and Abyss Warlocks are all rare occupations, but these are the most basic occupations in the Abyss occupation, and the Soul Ripper is a legendary professional;

Abyss warriors are characters similar to warriors, but they cannot use shields. They can only rely on professional talents and demon skin to increase armor value. In the course of battle, the higher the abyss warrior's attack is, the more he can recover from damage. Drain blood and use it to treat their injuries. Their fighting methods are similar to those of Berserkers. Although they can't resist like fighters, their attack power and endurance are better than fighters.

Abyss mages are different from elemental mages in the game world. They use abyss energy. Such energy is often enhanced in charm and control, but its damage and explosive power are not as good as those of abyss mages.

Fighting with the abyss mage is a headache for all professions. If you cannot quickly gain an advantage, once the battle enters the stalemate stage, the abyss mage will often use endless control magic to torture the opponent to collapse;

Abyss Warlocks are good at summoning powerful abyss demons to fight, and they also use the power of the abyss to attack the enemy like the abyss mage.

As for the abyss thieves, they will have one more talent than ordinary human thieves. Abyss will, it is an active skill that can access all control and slow effects. Although it is short and has a long cooling time, in battle, This talent skill is a magic skill, which gives the abyss thief a great advantage in battle;

As for the legendary professional soul ripper, it is a very rare class in the abyss class. They are good at soul attack. They are almost a class that integrates abyss mage and abyss warlock. They have powerful attack capabilities and can capture abyss monsters. , As his temporary pet, his survivability is extremely strong;

The five-member squad in front of Song Jian is not high-level, they are all 30. Such a level is already a master in the game plane, but in the abyss hell, any monster must be higher than their level. Out of many

The equipment on several of them was not very good, most of them were green, only the soul ripper had two blue suits, the weapon in the hands of the abyss mage, and even a white-quality equipment.

At this time, the undead warlock was followed by a thirty-level flame demon, and the soul ripper was followed by two abyss demon wolves, which were apparently just captured. The five of them were surrounded and seemed to be discussing something in a low voice.

Song Jian approached them quietly, relying on the dim environment, and wanted to hear what they were saying.

All these people speak Abyss. For other creatures, Abyss naturally possesses the ability to charm and listen for a long time. Although they do not understand the meaning of Abyss, they are likely to be infected by the power of Abyss. Become a monster in the abyss, no man, no ghost;

But in Song Jian's ears, they can easily distinguish what they are discussing, and having the book of the abyss can also protect him from the invasion of the power of the abyss;

"Toothpick, how much more can you upgrade?" Said the abyss mage, dropping a deep abyss magic ball toward the abyss demon wolf in the distance;

A group of human head-sized gray energy balls, overflowing with the power of the abyss, drew an arc in the air, and smashed into an abyss demon wolf in the wilderness.

With a bang, the abyss magic ball burst open, causing more than 300 points of damage to the abyss demon wolf, which immediately angered the abyss demon wolf, and also attracted the attention of the two abyss demon wolf at the same time, three The devil wolf rushed towards several people together;

"There are still seventeen percent!" The abyss thief saw the three demon wolves rushing towards them, and was shocked. He immediately cast the strong and hidden skills, and complained: "I said, can you be careful if you draw strange people? Some, do n’t cite so much every time. If it was n’t for the Edifier brother, we would n’t be able to upgrade here! ”

"Sorry, the light is too dim, I can only see seven or eight meters in the field of vision, and I haven't seen two demon wolves so close to it!" Abyss Mage apologized.

"Brother Rambler, are you okay holding one?" Abyss Warlock turned his head and asked the player of the soul ripper class.

"No problem, just kill those two as soon as possible! Leave the rest to me!" The professional player of the soul ripper known as the rambler glanced at several people with a little arrogance, and a touch of his mouth appeared. Said with a smile

He has controlled two abyss demon wolves. Within two hours, these two abyss demon wolves are his most loyal pets. Even if they were to die, they would die without hesitation, but two hours later , These two abyss demon wolves will get rid of his control, and within a day, they will not be controlled again by him;

"I knew it early, I should have bought the eagle eye technique of the auction house, which can increase the field of view by at least ten meters!" The abyss mage's face showed regret.

"Don't be stupid. A hawk-eye surgery requires at least 100,000 yen. Wouldn't it be good for you to change yourself to a blue wand for that money!" The abyss warrior next to him looked at the abyss in an environmentally-friendly suit with contempt. Mage, laughed;

The soul ripper professional player controls two abyss demon wolves, pulls an abyss demon wolf to the side, and slowly attacks. The remaining four people start to attack continuously around the two abyss devil wolves. ;

Although the damage of the abyss demon wolf is good, and the blood value is much thicker than the average monster ~ www.novelhall.com ~, with the cooperation of several people, it is quickly suppressed, and the blood value continues to drop;

"By the way, did you get that quest? That is the quest to open the abyss **** channel and enter the main world of the game?" Suddenly, the player of the abyss thief profession asked;

"Of course I took it. The abyss **** is a ghost place. If I knew I would come here, I would definitely not transfer to the abyss profession." The abyss warlock released a corrosion technique, and then controlled the abyss flame demon and attacked the abyss demon wolf. .

"Upgrade here, but it will be much faster than the main plane, otherwise we would not rise to level 30 so soon!" Said the abyss thief.

"There is also the benefit of a quick upgrade. The monster explosion rate here is so touching that people want to cry. If it is not BOSS, ordinary monsters have almost no items and even the materials are not dropped. Otherwise, I will be level 30. How could it still be in an environmentally friendly outfit, and the weapon was still of white quality! "The abyss mage complained.

A few others looked at the Master of the Abyss, and all laughed;
