I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 756: 1 more boss

Song Jian saw them rushing towards the Black Dragon, and suddenly hesitated. I did not expect that this group of people also had the ability to increase their vision. If it was not the speed of the Black Dragon, it attracted their attention. When Song Jian rushed up, maybe these people Will gather him directly;

"It's okay, let the black dragons attract their attention first!" There was a touch of joy in the corner of Song Jian's mouth, directing the stone man to grumble slowly towards this side;

The abyss warrior yelled, a tinge of blood bloomed on the surface of the body, and an "abyss impact" rushed towards the black dragon;

Black Dragon was suddenly attracted by the abyss warrior hatred, raised his paw and rushed towards the abyss warrior;

The battle axe of the abyss warrior was severely chopped on the black dragon's body, and a "slap" gave off a spark. The scales of the black dragon were hard. The attack of the abyss warrior did not break its defense, only caused Less than fifty points of damage;

The black dragon's body paused, and a claw was grabbed towards the shoulder of the abyss warrior, and an aura of more than two hundred points of injury suddenly floated over the abyss warrior's head;

As soon as this damage came out, a few people immediately calm down. It seems that the strength of this black dragon is weaker than they thought. One hit only caused more than two hundred points of damage. This damage, not to mention the abyss warrior, is a body The abyss mage in environmental protection can also resist a few undead;

"It doesn't hurt much. Everyone can rest assured when I have the hatred stabilized!" Shouted the Abyss Warrior, a chop and chopped it towards the Black Dragon, inflicting more than sixty points of damage on it, while floating overhead. A recovery figure of 28 points;

The "spike shell" yelled at the abyss warrior, and a set of phantoms appeared on the surface of the body. The black dragon's damage to him suddenly dropped by a step. At the same time, each time he attacked the abyss warrior, the black dragon itself would also be affected. hurt;

In the attributes of the Black Dragon, there is a word "Player Song Jian's Battle Pet", but this can only be seen by players in the same faction. Players in different factions can only see ordinary black bosses when looking at the Black Dragon, not even the first-order combat power. Come out, unless you have special reconnaissance skills, you can see that the black dragon has first-order combat power;

And although the black dragon itself is powerful, it is after all a magic attacking pet and the physical damage is average, so it creates some illusions for these people, but after a while, these abyss **** players will know how much they are wrong Outrageous, the dragon family, even if it is just a dragon that has just passed the juvenile period, it is not a few of them who can hunt!

The blood value of the black dragon dropped down a little bit, and the abyss thief also surrounded him. Several people desperately output to the black dragon, his face showing an excited look.

Under the control of Song Jian, the Black Dragon kept approaching the players of the Soul Ripper professional. Soon, the strongest player in this team has entered the magic attack range of the Black Dragon, but in the Soul Ripper players, In his eyes, he and the Black Dragon are still in a safe distance;

Just then, a huge rock, with a low whistling sound, smashed into the head of the abyss warlock who was singing a spell;

Song Jian originally wanted to target the stone man's grunt as an abyss mage, but when he saw that the abyss warlock was singing a spell, his subconsciously felt that this skill of the abyss warlock might cause him great damage, so he changed it temporarily. When the target is reached, the Stoneman grunts attack the Abyss Warlock;

The Abyss Warlock is performing his mastery of the 30th level, Demon's Gate. This skill has a long chanting time and consumes a lot of energy. It needs to consume more than 80% of his spirit value, but this skill is also extremely powerful;

As long as the release is successful, you can summon a demon door. From the demon door, you can continuously exit the abyss demon. Every 30 seconds, an abyss demon will randomly appear from it. As long as the demon door is not blocked by Destroyed, you can keep going out of the abyss.

Therefore, as long as the abyss warlock has enough time, he can summon a powerful abyss demon legion. Of course, the demon summoned also has a time limit. The more powerful the abyss demon, the shorter the existence time.

But just before the magic of the abyss warlock was about to be completed, a huge stone suddenly hit his head, and a dizzy symbol appeared in the status bar. The demon door, which was about to appear, disappeared immediately.

The stun time lasted for less than a second, and the Abyss Warlock spurted out a blood spurt, and the whole man suddenly fell down and couldn't even stand up.

Thirty-level big move counterattack, he has completely lost his combat power within at least five minutes, even a rookie who just entered the game, can take his life at this time!

"An enemy attack!" The abyss warlock was pale, lying on the ground softly, struggling to cry out, reminding his companions.

At this time, a two-meter-high stone man slowly walked towards them and entered their field of vision.

"Damn, why are you attracting another BOSS!" The player of the Soul Ripper career looked back, suddenly sinking in his heart, couldn't help cursing;

The abyss warlock and the mage are standing at the farthest point. When they see a boss attacking the abyss warlock, the first reaction of everyone is that the abyss warlock has attracted other monsters!

Even the abyss warlock himself was wondering if he had attracted the stone man himself, and he was afraid to say a word in the face of the blame of his companions;

However, even if the abyss warlock really introduced the monster, they could not let the abyss warlock be killed by the monster. First, the abyss flame demon who was besieging immediately gave up attacking the black dragon. He strode towards the abyss warlock and roared towards The stone man grunted over;

Then, the toothpick of the abyss thief also gave up continuing to attack the black dragon, turned around and pounced on the stone man;

The player of the Soul Ripper career just glanced at the Abyss Warlock ~ www.novelhall.com ~ and snorted, and continued to focus on the black dragon, controlled the two abyss demon wolves, and constantly attacked the black dragon;

For him, it doesn't matter if all these people die, as long as he can kill the black dragon!

At this time, Song Jian had touched the player less than ten meters away from the Soul Ripper player. At this time, the black breath was still flowing around the eyes of the Soul Ripper player, and his field of view was at least 15 meters.

As long as he glanced in the direction where Song Jian was, he would find Song Jian's existence, but at this time all his attention was focused on Heilong, and he did not see Song Jian slowly touching him. As for the others, it is because of the limited field of vision and their attention that they were all attracted by the BOSS. It was not found that a figure was slowly approaching the soul ripper player;

Dragon Breath!

As soon as Song Jian thought, Black Dragon fluttered his wings and flew up, opened his mouth wide, and spit the flame of the fiery dragon breath, spitting towards the player of the soul-teacher profession;
