I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 733: I led him out!

"Woo ~"

"The blood of the strong!"

"For me, the most powerful supplement!"

Killing God's eyes instantly turned into a snake-like golden yellow pupil, looking at Song Jian's eyes, full of greedy look.

At this time, the big tree hiding God ’s hide was facing away from Song Jian, so God did n’t find Song Jian ’s open eyes, watching Song Jian ’s careful look around to find out, could not help but kill God A sneer emerged;

A swordsman thought it was too naive to think that he could find himself by observing the wind and grass around him.

Killing God took a leap and jumped down from the tree without making any sound, and then rushed toward Song Jian like a ghost, and the dagger in his hand was like the beast fangs, toward the back of Song Jian. Neck stabbed in the past


This is a starting move for the Assassin profession. Attacking from the back of the target can reach 200% of damage and get two combo points at the same time;

This move is very powerful. God of Kill has upgraded this move to full level, not only causing a lot of damage to the target, but also paralyzing the target for two seconds after hitting;

However, just before the dagger was about to stab Song Jian, Song Jian suddenly turned around, three eyes locked the position of the **** of killing at the same time, and the four swords stabbed towards the **** of killing like a shooting star in an instant;

The God of Slay saw Song Jian's eyebrows glowing in the silver vertical eyebrows, and his heart suddenly felt an unpleasant sensation. Suddenly, he seemed to realize something and gave up the attack directly.

"He can see through my stealth state!" Killing God was startled, and saw four long swords coming towards himself, his body flashing white, and his speed suddenly increased a lot;

铛 铛 铛

The four long-swords almost stabbed the body of the **** of killing without distinction of sequence, but did not cause any harm to the opponent. Four words of "harm immunity" floated from the top of the **** of killing;

"Invincible state?" Song Jian froze, seeing a white light flashing at the foot of the **** of killing, and ran away very fast, and suddenly understood what skills the other party was performing.

"Burst!" Song Jian whispered;

The dysentery step is the core skill of the assassin and thief professions, but the assassin stance of the assassin cadence is more invincible, and the thief of the assassin vocation is more inclined to the movement speed bonus;

In the full-strength hurricane step, the invincibility time of the Assassin profession is half a second longer than that of the Rogue profession, and the running speed of the Rogue profession is increased by 5% and the duration is 1 second longer than that of the Assassin profession.

"Do you think you have acceleration skills? Huh!" Song Jian snorted coldly, and behind him he exhibited a pair of steel wings, spreading his wings, flying directly at low altitude, and chasing after him towards the **** of killing;

At this time, Song Jian has seen the attributes of killing the gods, and naturally he has seen that the other party belongs to the temples. You know, in the city of the doomsday, the temple alliance of the temples has always regarded the city of hope as an imaginary enemy. Beyond the City of Hope in any way.

This time, the city of hope is only one step away from complete success, and for Song Jian ’s main mission, the movement of the city of hope ’s alliance is too loud and quiet, with almost all members involved, whether it ’s collecting materials or paying off. The monsters in the territory require everyone to contribute, which also makes it impossible to hide information;

Almost all players in the City of Doom know that the mission of the City of Hope to build a city is the last and most critical step;

Some small war alliances can only look forward to envy, secretly cursing two "failures" in private, but have always used the city of hope as the temple of the imaginary enemy, but do not want Song Jian to Successfully complete the task;

However, whether it is collecting materials or clearing up monsters in the territory, these temples have no way to obstruct them. In addition, at this time, the City of Hope Alliance has established walls and many defense facilities. If the temples dare to disrupt it , These facilities alone will enable them to regain their lives;

However, soon, the people in the temples found Song Jian's traces. After all, if they stayed in one place for a long time, they would still be found.

Seeing that Song Jian was single at the resort, everyone in the temple thought that he was upgrading the monsters. Taking advantage of the last period of time, he worked hard to improve his level, plus Song Jian was promoted to another level, which is more firm. Following the thoughts of the players in the temple, they decided to come to assassinate Song Jian, at least, so that he could not smoothly upgrade the monsters;

At this time, the players who were sent to assassinate Song Jian's temples were bored at the entrance of the resort and whispered;

"You said, can you kill Song Jian by killing God alone?"

"It's hard to say that killing gods is awesome, but Song Jian isn't a frivolous person. Besides, killing gods is only thirty-three. Song Jian has reached thirty-five. It's up! "

"Huh, God of Killing passed the first-level combat assessment. It is said that it still passed the A-level assessment. Now even the leader Zeus is not his opponent!"

"I hope he can kill Song Jian, so that we can all save trouble, come and do nothing, we can get contribution value, how good!"

"Hahaha, yeah, it's best to kill, so that we can all relax!"

Uh ...

As the party was discussing, suddenly someone screamed, "Look at that, is that the one who ran towards us is killing God? How can I look at him as if he is being chased by someone!"

Everyone was shocked, and hurriedly looked into the distance;

"Misty grass, that kid, how did he run faster than the rabbit ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Can't the assassination fail?"

"It's impossible. The power of killing God is so powerful. Even if the assassination is not successful, you can't run away like this."

"Hum, I said Song Jian is not easy to deal with, he still wants to go alone, right now he is scared?"

"Look, is the man behind him chasing Song Jian?"

"That is, that is, that is, Song Jian, look at the steel wings behind him, and now the whole city of Doom, it is the one with wings!"

"Kill the waste!"

"We, what shall we do, run away together?"

Even if the number is more than ten times that of Song Jian, when they see that God is escaping, it is like a rabbit. This group of people suddenly lost all their confidence and began to escape.

But at this moment, the killing **** in the distance roared suddenly: "Hey, I have already led Song Jian out, you should attack him!"

Everyone: "..."

All face to face, all the talents found the shamelessness of killing the gods, and it was clear that the assassination of one person failed, and it was said that they had led Song Jian out by themselves.

The original plan was to sneak attack on the other party, okay. Do you think you are killing the boss in the wild? You also need to lead the boss from the monster group!

逃 "Escape!" A player yelled, all players in the temples immediately exhibited various acceleration skills, and fled in the distance;

Uh ...

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