I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 734: Temples

Song Jian has already found a large group of people at the entrance of the resort, and seeing their exposed attributes, they are all players of the shrines, but almost none of them have reached level 30. Even if they have level 30, they have not passed the first-order combat power. Assessment

宋 In Song Jian's eyes, the only one who can be regarded as an opponent in this group of people is the one who is chasing after him;

几次 After several confrontations, the God of Killing has understood that Song Jian cannot be killed by him alone. The other party's spiritual attributes are too high and the sensing ability is too strong. It is impossible to give himself a chance to attack the other party;

If he does not sneak attack, even if he is arrogant, he will not think that he can kill Song Jian in frontal battle!

Hagihara thought of being able to use these people at the resort door to delay Song Jian for a while to get away, but I didn't expect that this group of people was even more slippery than they thought, and turned away and fled!

"Damn, this group of guys ..." Killer gritted his teeth and looked at Song Jian who was getting closer behind him. He found a grenade in his arms and threw it towards Song Jian;


After a burst of explosion, the flames soared into the sky, accompanied by thick smoke, spreading around, and within a few seconds, enveloped an area of ​​tens of meters;

Bian Songjian's feet lightly in the void, the figure stopped suddenly, looking at the white mist in front of him, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

I am afraid that only those so-called twelve main gods can threaten him in these temples. Other people, no matter how many, come to death;

After standing for a while, Song Jian turned and walked towards the lake again. As the time for the final mission was getting closer and closer, he had to race against time. He could not waste precious time on the battle with the players in the temple.

If he goes after those players, success or failure will slow down the completion of the task, and this is exactly what the Temple Alliance wants to see.

"The temples of the gods!" Song Jian showed a sense of killing. Before that, he always paid attention to the improvement of his own strength. He didn't pay too much attention to the alliance, because no matter how much power was created in the game, there was no way to affect the reality. world;

But this idea has slowly begun to change after he had a fight in the real world in the real world. He found that the game world is now eroding the real world a little bit;

Gamers will not say that, they have started to have a huge impact on the real world, and the items in the game world have begun to appear more and more in the real world.

The most important thing is that the existence of the game is no longer a secret, and more and more people are beginning to know ...

"The battle alliance is very important. This city owner may be more important to me than improving his strength!" Song Jian faintly appeared in his mind, but did not know why he had such a thought, feeling It's as if the sixth sense is telling him something;

With this assassination, Song Jian became more careful and summoned thirty blood crows directly, and distributed them around a hundred meters.

These blood crows are good at investigating. Even if there is a little wind and grass moving, they will fall into their eyes. With their existence, Song Jian will not encounter a sneak attack.

The people at the temples never appeared again. With Song Jian's thoughts, his position has been exposed and he has not left. The temples will surely focus on manpower to come and kill him again;

As a result, for several days, until the mission time was about to end, Song Jian did not see the players of the temples.

In fact, it was precisely because Song Jian did not leave that made Zeus hesitant. He had fought the City of Hope several times before, and he had never taken any advantage. The only time he had succeeded the closest was to compete with Song Jian The first person in the glory list is obviously only 1% of the experience value, but in the end, it was still a strange way by Song Jian to climb the first throne directly, with one hand already touching the throne. He stomped his feet;

This failure has caused a shadow in Zeus's heart. In the face of Song Jian's abnormal behavior, he has begun to think wildly.

In the conference hall of the Temples of the Alliance, twelve players sit on high chairs, just like the twelve main gods in the temple of Olympus sit in the main gods!

"Will it be used as a bait, in fact a lot of people have been ambush around it?" Zeus said to himself;

The killing **** Lengheng next to him said, "I have been clear and clear all the way around. Except for him and some of his summons, there will be no second person at all!"

"Then you say, he clearly knows that the position has been exposed, and we have already killed him, and even assassinated him once, why didn't he leave?" Zeus turned his head fiercely, and his face was almost about to paste his kill. God's cheeks and eyes stared at each other's eyes, and whispered, "You say, why, why did he do this?"

"Blind self-confidence?" There was also a look of doubt in the **** of killing, guessing.

不可能 "It's impossible, he's not you!" Zeus sneered, slowly straightening his body: "Song Jian is confident, but never blind, he might be waiting for us to find him, and then wipe us out!"

"Don't we just watch where he played the boss upgrade? We need to know that ~ www.novelhall.com ~ In that lake, there are all elite bosses, which is just a holy place to fight treasure!" Killing God anxiously;

怎么 "Why, do we still lack high-quality equipment?" Zeus frowned.

"But we can't just watch him finish the task of building a city like this. Once the city of hope really builds the city, will there still be a place for our temples!" The strong man in the upper body smashed the armrest of the chair fiercely, roaring angrily;

"God of War, don't worry, I think the King of God must have his own ideas!" A beautiful woman wearing a luxurious dress holding a golden scepter smiled, a pair of wonderful eyes have never left Zeus;

"Yes, we should not go to war with the Battle City of Hope right now!" Zeus smiled proudly and nodded in satisfaction at the beauty. "They want to build a city, let them build it, We stopped it before, but did it succeed? No! "

"Why do we fail every time? Is it because we are weaker than them?" Zeus looked around and asked loudly!

不 "No, we are destined to be the true gods of the entire world, and all enemies will be stepped on by our feet!" God of War growled and stood up, holding up a huge double-edged tomahawk;

Zeus stared at him. After a while, God of War lay down his arm and sat back in the chair;

Uh ...

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