I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 732: Kill god

To make a magic crystal railgun, a lot of precious materials are needed. These materials will not drop ordinary mobs. Only those powerful bosses have a chance to drop;

There are many powerful bosses in the city of Doomsday, but almost every one has countless mobs of the same level. If you want to hunt such bosses, you often have to clean up the mobs around you first, which is time-consuming and laborious.

And the lake where Song Jian received the healing goddess was full of elite-level bosses. The bosses in that lake were almost as common as mobs, and they also had more powerful boss-level bosses.

If you want to hunt BOSS for materials, this lake is the ideal place to go. The only drawback is that there are too many BOSS. If you do n’t have enough strength, you are here to die.

Even with Song Jian's strength, it is impossible to sweep across this lake, only to carefully bring the BOSS over one by one and then hunt;

In the past three days, Song Jian has hunted more than 20 elite BOSS here, and his level has been increased from 35 to 36. The precious materials obtained are enough to make a magic crystal railgun.

At this time, in the Battle City of Hope, the master of architecture, Kutiya, also took a group of architects to start building the magic crystal railgun. You must know that Kutiya is a master of architecture. Crystal rail gun, many defensive buildings, he can also build independently. His joining is the main task of Song Jian, which has increased by at least 10 percentage points;

There are only ten days left until the deadline of the mission. Song Jian is still hunting BOSS in this lake. He hopes to get some more materials to build the second magic crystal rail gun. We must know that a magic crystal rail gun , Can only defend one direction, after the city walls of the City of Hope Alliance were built, but to defend the enemy in four directions at the same time.

When Song Jian slowly brought a deep-water crocodile BOSS to the shore, a group of people in the temples appeared at the entrance of the resort when they were about to hunt.

你们 "Are you sure, Song Jian is here?" Asked a thief with a scar on his face.

"Kill God, I take my head to guarantee that Song Jian has been playing monsters and upgrading here for the past two days. During this period, he returned to the war alliance once. It is estimated that he went to supply consumables. From here, he continued to move forward. , He's playing monsters in the big lake! "A archer professional whispered.

"Okay, you are waiting here, I will be the first person in this rank of honor list for a while!" Killing God's mouth showed a strange smile, licked the edge of the dagger in his hand with his tongue, the figure gradually disappeared into the original Ground

"Do you think this guy is a mental illness in the real world!" The archer whispered.

"No sound!" A player next to him changed his face and whispered, "He just left, do you want him to hear it?"

The archer's face suddenly changed, and he looked nervously around him. The hand holding the archer also shook slightly. In addition to this archer, other players surrounded by a group also showed a look of fear. , This player who has been killed is a strong deterrent to others;

In fact, the name of the **** of killing is not the name of the **** of death. He and Zeus also joined the shrines and used the rename card props to change the name in his game to the name of the **** of death. In the temple, the killing **** also occupies one of the twelve main gods, which is equivalent to being the core player in the temples;

At this time, Song Jian was concentrating on fighting a thirty-three elite boss. The four-handed sword kept flying over under his control, causing a lot of damage to the boss, and the boss was also angry. Growling, releasing his skills and attacking Song Jian;

Just when there was only a trace of residual blood left in the BOSS blood value, Song Jianzheng was about to harvest its last trace of blood, and suddenly the alarm bell rose in his heart. He now has more than a hundred points of spiritual attributes. The five senses are ordinary. Several times or even ten times the player, it is almost immune to sneak attacks and the like;

Usually, as long as someone looks at him for a little longer, he can be found. If it is full of hostile eyes, no matter how far away, there are warning signs in his heart, but the hostile eyes, malicious attacks, and deadly threats The warning signs are different. At this time, the warning sign in Song Jian's heart is the most serious warning sign that can threaten his life.

Regardless of harvesting the last trace of blood value of the BOSS, Song Jian flew forward, and after rolling twice on the ground, he directly opened the ice shield skill of the deformed orb jewelry;

Suddenly, an ice shield with a defense level of 3,000 appeared around Song Jian's body;

At this time, Song Jian realized that there was a bloodstain of one finger length on his left cheek;

"The other party has come to me, and it was only a moment when I attacked me!" Thinking of this, Song Jian couldn't help but feel a little horrified, who was actually attacking him and sneaking into hiding Even if the skill is full, it is impossible to cause such an effect;

Looking towards the position where he was standing, Song Jian only saw a vague figure and entered the stealth state, and the remaining blood BOSS was also harvested by the opponent with the last trace of blood, and the experience value was stolen by three. One point, the explosive object Song Jian did not even see anything.

If it wasn't because the opponent wanted to reap the monster's life ~ www.novelhall.com ~, picking up the dropped items, I'm afraid that Song Jian could not even find the figure just now;

"The opponent has at least two more hidden skills!" Song Jian secretly said.

Ordinary thief assassin occupation, once an attack is launched, which causes damage to the target, it will often directly transform into a combat thief and fight against each other directly. If it is not defeated, it will perform strong hidden skills, either erupt more powerful damage or escape.

After all, the ability to forcibly stealth in the combat state has a long cooling time. Generally, such skills are used to save lives, and will not easily be cast.

Suddenly the person in front of him, after Song Jian found his existence, caused only a few injuries, and disappeared directly invisible. It can be seen that the strong hidden skills are not so cherished for him.

Quietly around, a drop of sweat flowed from Song Jian's forehead, but Song Jian did not dare to wipe it. His eyebrows, a silver vertical eye opened slowly and looked towards him, but he did not find the other party. A trace

"Why is it so fast?" Song Jian was puzzled. The speed behind the other side was too fast, and he could not find any trace of him;

At this moment, after a big tree less than six meters away from Song Jian, God of Killing bloodshot eyes were staring at Song Jian from the dense branches and leaves, still on his dagger. A drop of blood flowing from Song Jian's cheek, the killer stuck out his snake-like slender tongue, licked the blood gently, and immediately shook with excitement;

Uh ...

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