I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 731: Abyss Worm Nest

Boom, boom, boom ~

In the sewer, a series of explosive roars suddenly sounded, so that players who were paying monsters in the sewer were shocked at the same time, without knowing what happened.

"What's going on? What happened, is the sewer going to collapse?"

"Are there any bosses, have you encountered them?"

"The direction of the explosion is quite far away from us, as if it was the last place where the two brothers who had died before appeared, you said, will it be the leader ..."

"It is possible that the sound can be heard so far. The power of this explosion is not small. It must have encountered the boss ..."

The players of the City of Hope Alliance have speculated, but they don't know that Song Jian encountered something other than BOSS, but something more terrifying than BOSS.

Dozens of exploding flame bombs made the entire passageway tens of meters into a sea of ​​fire. These beetles have no consciousness at all and are controlled by the worm nest. After Song Jian is set as the target of attack, they will only be killed in the direction He rushed in the direction he was in. In the end, pieces of beetles fell into the sea of ​​fire. Even the elite beetle guards could not withstand the damage of the tens of meters of fire area and fell into the sea of ​​fire. .

In less than ten minutes, there was no more moving beetle in front of Song Jian's eyes;

The effect of exploding a flame bomb is surprisingly better than the battle that Song Jian spent several hours before, but it is much better, but this is also because Song Jian has eliminated nine out of 10 beetles before, and exploding a flame bomb is just The gas has a closing effect.

The strong explosion, coupled with the hot flames and high-temperature roasting, caused cracks in the concrete walls of the channel, and sand began to fall from the top of the head. It seems that this channel will soon collapse.

Song Jian walked towards the worm nest. This worm nest was three meters high and stood on the top of the sewer. It was like a huge sarcoma with holes like the exhaust holes on the surface;

This worm nest is actually a boss of the 30th lord level, but it does not have any attack power. It can only rely on the production of beetles to generate attack power;

If you give it enough time, it can become the top-level boss-level boss, but if there is no beetle, then it will be the weakest of the boss-level boss, even ordinary monsters.

Feeling that Song Jian was walking towards himself, the Worm Nest began to tremble violently. From the Worm Nest, there was a buzzing sound, as if begging Song Jian for mercy.

Song Jian was about to bury the last exploding flame bomb under it, but his mind suddenly flashed.

"This big guy also seems to be a creature with his own consciousness. I don't know if the Abyss Charm skill is useful for it?" Song Jian secretly said.

The book of the abyss was summoned directly, wow, the pages turned, and the abyss charm page appeared;

Song Jian began to sing the abyss mantra into the huge worm nest. A sound, if any, echoed in the sewer, and a black abyss chain entangled the whole worm nest up and down, eroded by the power of the abyss. The Worm Nest kept sending out wailing waves without any means of resistance. The time lasted for ten minutes, and the system finally reminded Song Jian that Worm Nest became his slave;

Opening the property interface of Worm Nest, Song Jian took a closer look;

"Abyss Worm Nest (Lord Level): Special creature that produces 3 eggs every 10 seconds. The eggs will automatically hatch, with a 90% chance to hatch a common beetle, a 10% chance to hatch a strong beetle, a 1% chance Elite beetle guards hatch; all beetles have no independent consciousness, are strictly controlled by the nest ’s spirit, and are eroded by the power of the abyss. The nest becomes a special creature with the power of the abyss. The eggs produced have a 0.1% chance to hatch Out of the abyss beetle (elite); the creature is now a slave of Song Jian, loyalty 10; characteristics: the creature needs to devour a large amount of biological flesh, and when enough flesh is devoured, the creature will evolve autonomously; "

"Loyalty is only 10 ..." Song Jian was a little speechless.

This is the lack of charm skills in the abyss. Creatures seduced into slaves are not very loyal and can easily rebel.

Song Jian had such a low loyalty that Song Jian did not dare to place it directly on the ground. He could only leave it here temporarily, but now the beetles reproduced by the Abyss Worm Nest are all Song Jian's slaves and no longer belong to The category of monsters is also a big problem.

When Song Jian left the sewer, he immediately ordered Wang Qi to send all the flesh and blood obtained after hunting the monster to the sewer, and began to feed the abyss worm nest;

After the monster is killed, although the corpse will be burned and consumed by transparent flames, players with descaling or peeling skills can still obtain a lot of materials from the monster, including the flesh and blood of the monster, which is regarded as a cooking material;

The amount of these materials is cheap and well collected. Soon, players will start sending the monster's flesh to the sewer, the position designated by Song Jian.

The accumulated flesh and blood, the beetles controlled by the abyss nest, began to be carried continuously. In just half a day, the loyalty of the abyss nest increased to 20 points, and a large number of beetles were bred again;

Then, under the control of the Abyss Worm Nest, these beetles began to actively seize the monsters in the sewer. Because the Abyss Worm Nest is Song Jian's slave, they can receive the order given by Song Jian, and then pass it to each Beetles pass

Players who are paying monsters in the sewers are surprised to find that there are beetles grabbing monsters with them;

"Well, you see, what is that, how, and how is the monster in the sewer surrounded?" A player shouted in surprise, pointing at the beetle crawling on the wall of the sewer;

"These should be monsters, too ~ www.novelhall.com ~, how do you get a system prompt as soon as they lock up, saying that these beetles belong to the leader, once they attack, they will actively challenge the leader!"

"These beetles are all warlords' pets? How come there are so many ..."

"But these beetles are too weak, I can fight a dozen alone!"

"Well, you can fight more than a dozen, and fifty, it's hard work. If there are more than a hundred, you should turn around and run away. Look at how many there are now, at least three hundred beetles, and others. There must be more ... "

With the assistance of the Abyss Worm Nest, the settlement of monsters in the sewer has become smoother. The bodies of monsters killed by beetles will not be burned by transparent flames, but will be dragged into the bug nest by the beetles. , Swallowed by the insect nest;

After the settlement of the monsters in the sewer was solved, Song Jian began to run non-stop towards the holiday manor where the sword stone was found.
