I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 730: Burst Flame Bomb

Under the snow, the slices of beetles froze into morsels, but there were also slightly more powerful beetles. Although the body surface was covered with ice and snow, they still did not lose their ability to move. The elite beetle guarding the arch guard bug nest only slightly reduced the moving speed. On the snow, it was still able to rush towards Song Jian at the speed of ordinary people walking;

The wind is rolling!

The second long sword followed closely, the blades fluttered, and the second trick of Vientiane swordsmanship was immediately displayed. Countless winds rolled with snowflakes, like a furious jade dragon, rushing towards the insect nest in front;

All the snowflake sword gas fluttered freely in the sewer, and the beetles they encountered burst out. Song Jian was surprised to find that the two moves were performed at the same time, and the power increased by 30%.

Twilight Snowcapped and Wind Remnant Clouds are originally group attacks, good at dealing with small but powerful monsters, and these beetles produced by the nest are just such characteristics. If they are replaced by other people or creatures, even if they have a first-order battle In the face of the beetle that surged in like a tide in front of her eyes, she had no choice but to retreat from the house, and did not dare to resist it. Once she was surrounded by the insect nest, she would fall into the tragic situation of ants swallowing elephants.

The gale swept away, and numerous snowflakes swept away like beetles like flying swords. Vientiane swordsmanship was extremely high. Against these 25th-level monsters, they could instantly kill. Even those 28th-level monsters were stronger. The beetle can't withstand two or three swords. Only those elite beetles of level 30 can survive in the sky snowflake sword, but the blood value also drops very quickly.

The third long sword flew by, followed by the fourth one. Because of the engraved Vientiane swordsmanship, Song Jian's two-stroke sword style consumes very little. The beetles are not afraid of death, even if they are directly killed, they are disregarded. Song Jian rushed over, and the tide-like beetles swelled. Under the heavy snow and wind, another burst, and the whole sewer filled with a disgusting odor;

Too many beetles have been killed. Just the corpses are about to block the entire sewer, but fortunately, the corpses of ordinary beetles exist for a short time. After a short time, they were burned by a transparent flame and only left. Low-order materials in one place;

The wind is rolling! Evening snow! ...

Song Jian directly gave up other sword skills, while slowly retreating, while performing these two strokes back and forth, a large number of beetles die every second, but more beetles fill up, even if the consumption is small, Song Jian His mental value is also slowly being consumed. In the end, even the recovery speed of invisible sword qi has begun to slowly decrease, which means that Song Jian's body is approaching the limit.

It is not known how many beetles have been killed. The ground is covered with a thick layer of beetle carcasses. This is not enough time to burn the beetle carcasses.

It can be clearly seen that the number of beetles near the nest is much reduced. Compared with the previous tide rolling into the sea, the number of beetles remaining now is less than one tenth of the previous.

But Song Jian has reached the limit, and if he fights again, I am really going to bury himself here.

As soon as the thoughts moved, the four-handed swords flew up and down, and at the same time, the wind and the remnants of the clouds were displayed. Suddenly, a vortex similar to a tornado appeared in the sewer, sweeping forward with an impassable momentum;

Song Jian took the opportunity to turn into a dark shadow, cast a sword shadow step, and swept away behind him, until he left the range of the worm nest, and was really relieved.

Song Jian is also the first time to see such a scary worm nest, which can produce and control tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of beetles. If he continues to grow it, I am afraid that even if Song Jian successfully builds the city, it will eventually be destroyed in the tide. Under the attack of beetles;

"Fortunately, it now produces most common beetles. If all of them are the elite-level beetle guards, I am afraid that it will be difficult to get out today!" Song Jian secretly said.

And if today are really all elite-level beetle guards, Song Jian will not be able to fight until now, and I am afraid to turn around and flee immediately.

Back at the manor castle, Song Jian walked towards Dr. Ebosdin's laboratory;

As soon as he approached, Song Jian heard a dull explosion coming from a distance, and the whole ground shuddered slightly;

Fortunately, Dr.'s laboratory has been strengthened by himself many times, and it can withstand continuous explosions!

"Doctor, has there been any recent invention?" Song Jian pushed open the door of the laboratory and said directly: "I need to deal with a large number of monsters, but these monsters are not very powerful, but there are too many ..."

The gray-faced Dr. Ebbostdin shook his lab coat full of scorching marks, and coughed, "Do these monsters you say have obvious resistance, such as super fire resistance?"

Song Jian thought for a while, recalled the scene of the previous battle, and shook his head: "It's just an ordinary monster, and there is no obvious feature of strengthening some resistance!"

"But there are so many, thousands!" Song Jian emphasized;

"Then you try this!" The doctor took out a flat metal round cake from the experimental item storage rack and handed it to Song Jian: "Burst flame bomb! With time delay function, it can be extended for up to 30 seconds. After the explosion, it will cause 500 points of explosion damage to all targets within a range of ten meters. After that, it will trigger the white phosphorus burning effect, causing an effect similar to the mage fire wall skill. It will cause 100 points of damage per second to creatures in the range. 30 seconds!"

Song Jian's eyes brightened. Those ordinary twenty-five level beetles have a blood value of more than a thousand points. Only one such bomb can cause massive damage and kill them in pieces. The power is probably better than the Vientiane sword. The law is even more powerful!

"I want this ~ www.novelhall.com ~ How much do you have here, give me a hundred first!" Song Jian laughed.

"What, a hundred?" The doctor scared. "How could there be so many, these are just experimental products. Let me see, there are only thirteen ..., fourteen, all for you!"

After a while, Song Jian put all 14 bursting flame bombs in the parcel box and walked towards the sewer. At this time, he had to race against the clock. If time was lost, the worm nest would produce more beetles. So Song Jian The results of laborious cleanup will no longer exist.

After half an hour, Song Jian came to the place where he had fought before. At this time, it can be clearly seen that almost all beetles are controlled by the worm nest and gathered around it, even those ordinary 25th grade Beetle, dare not take a step away;

Song Jian approached slowly. When he was only ten meters away from the insect nest, the outermost beetle seemed to sense something, and made a threatening hissing sound towards his location.

Song Jian smiled slightly, stopped, and buried the first explosive flame bomb here, which was delayed for thirty seconds;
