I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 729: Worm Nest

The light in the sewer is very dark, but the surrounding walls are covered with light gray moss plants. The surface of these moss exudes a faint light. Although it is impossible to illuminate the sewer as daylight, it is weak The light, even ordinary players, can barely walk here. The thief profession even likes the environment here.

Song Jian opened his eyebrows and raised his eyes. The environment in front of him suddenly became bright.

There is originally dark vision when you look up. Even if there is no bright environment, you can see it as clear as day. Naturally, it is not a problem here.

The environment and environment in the sewer are not only full of a strong stench, but also a lot of garbage on the ground, which is directly reflected in Song Jian ’s status bar, which has a bad state of “moving speed reduced by 5%”. .

And in the sewer, there are still many small animals such as mice. Although they do no harm to Song Jian, they squeak around and look upset.

Song Jian moved forward along the line of clearing, without encountering a monster along the way. It seems that the players of the City of Hope Alliance have cleared the place here.

As he approached the area where the two players were sacrificed, Song Jian suddenly felt that there were some changes above his head. If it were not for his strong mental attributes, I'm afraid he wouldn't feel the difference.

Looking up, Song Jian unexpectedly found that there was a fist-sized beetle on his head, crawling behind him frantically, and looking back, dozens of such beetles had appeared behind him;

"How can there be so many beetles ..." Song Jian was surprised. You should know that although these beetles are only ordinary monsters, their level is 25, and there are so many, almost endless. Song Jian now knows that. Why are two rogue pros hanging here?

Even if the thief's professional survivability is strong, once the trail is cut off by an endless wave of insects, I am afraid there is no way to escape;

The wind is rolling!

Inside the passage, a gust of wind was suddenly rolled up, as if numerous blades were cut towards the beetle above his head;

Uh ~

Ordinary monsters at the twenty-fifth level cannot withstand such a sharp attack, and Song Jian's injuries are simply too scary for them;

In an instant, Song Jian killed dozens of beetles, and the entire passage was cleaned up;

"This is just a long sword showing wind and clouds. If four long swords are displayed at the same time, I can't imagine how powerful this power will be!" Song Jian's face showed an excited look. The strange way is really refreshing.

Continue to move forward, Song Jian encountered more and more beetles, the level also changed from 25 to 28, with a large head and feet, two huge pliers on the front jaw, Exuding a metallic luster, "KaKa" kept colliding, and numerous Mars appeared;

Song Jian raised his eyebrows and looked forward, and found that there was a huge existence like a yurt in the distance, reaching the upper end of the sewer.

"How does this look like a huge heart, still moving?" Song Jian secretly said.

When Song Jian continued to get closer, he suddenly realized that this turned out to be a huge nest of insects, which was constantly spitting out beetle covered with slime;

When these beetles were born, they were only the size of fingernails, but they stood up to the wind. In just a few seconds, they could grow to the size of their fists, just like those of the 25th grade beetles.

Most beetles can't continue to grow until they reach level 25, but there are also individual beetles that can grow to level 28. About one out of every 100 level 25 beetles can Grow to level 28;

Level 28 beetles are not at the top. One of every one hundred level 28 beetles can break through to level 30. These 30 levels are elite monsters, like guards. , Around the worm nest.

Only those 25th and 28th-level beetles will wander around, killing all living creatures in the sewer, even small animals such as mice, and then transporting the bodies of these creatures to In the worm nest, it is stored as food.

Looking at this worm nest, Song Jian was frightened with a cold sweat. Even if the monsters on the ground in the territory were cleared and cleaned, if the worm nest in front of him was not eliminated, the final task completion would be low and scary. Because this worm nest produces a group of beetles almost every once in a while, looking far away, it looks like a rolling black tide in front. If people with dense phobia see this scene in front of them, I am afraid it will Stunned directly

Even Song Jian couldn't guarantee whether he could escape if he was surrounded by so many beetles in front of him;

However, if this worm nest is not destroyed, Song Jian's city main mission is destined to fail, even if completed, I am afraid that the grade will be very low. At most, there is a city main seal that has been unsealed by 60%. This is what Song Jian cannot at all. Accepted.

"Even if you can't reach the unique 110% unblocking, you must reach the perfect unblocking 98%!" Song Jian gritted his teeth secretly.

The fourth long sword, Jingtao Polangjian has given birth to the sword spirit, Song Jian summoned all four long swords, and then erased the previously imprinted skills;

Sword Spirit has not yet grown up, and can only remember three sets of swordsmanship, and Song Jian directly engraved the first two strokes of Vientiane swordsmanship on the four long swords.

Re-engraving the sword technique requires a lot of mental energy, but with the recovery of mead, Song Jian still successfully engraved all four swords with the Vientiane sword technique;

"Let you see today, how powerful is the power of the combination of Mu Xuechou and Fengyun Canyun!" Song Jian stared at the brain in Worm Nest's heart.

When I moved, a long sword stabbed towards the nest of insects. As soon as it approached the nest, almost all beetles noticed its existence ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Shrill tweets, tens of thousands of beetles hissed together, causing a sharp sound to echo throughout the sewer. Song Jian only felt as if there were countless spikes pierced into the eardrum, even control The long sword that he wore could not help but tremble;

Song Jian's face looked surprised, looking at his constant loss of blood value, his face changed greatly. This scream is not a beetle's skill, but it is more terrifying than any sonic attack skill.

Evening snow!

The long sword flying towards the worm nest, directly in the air, under the control of Song Jian, exhibited the first form of Vientiane swordsmanship;

For a moment, the beetles on the ground were almost covered by snow, and even the beetles on the top of the sewer were cut into two pieces by countless snowflake swords and fell;

Then, the second long sword was also released by Song Jian. Suddenly a gust of wind rolled up in the entire passage.


PS: Thanks for the "Book Friends 150218030845673" for the starting point of 100 ~