I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 726: Healing Goddess Statue

After the water element BOSS was frozen, it became the ice element BOSS directly, breaking free of the freezing effect, greatly increasing strength, chasing Song Jian, and smashing in one punch;

Uh ~

Ice Element BOSS smashed the ground into a big pit with a punch, and Song Jian dodged himself and took the opportunity to slash the BOSS sword again;

After fighting for a while, Song Jian suddenly found out that although the BOSS of Ice Element had greatly increased its defense and strength, it seemed that it would no longer use magic and would only attack in close combat;

After several more trials, Song Jian was finally able to determine that after the water element BOSS became an ice element, it had changed from a long-range magician to a profession similar to a melee boxer, but without any boxer skills, only relying on two Fist waving wildly;

Even if he hits Song Jian, he loses more than two hundred points of blood value at most. Compared with using magic, his power is much weaker;

Speed ​​sword!

Song Jian displayed his accelerated attack skills, and the attack speed of the four swords suddenly increased a lot! A burst of ice debris flying, a series of damage figures floated from the top of the ice element BOSS.

BOSS roared loudly, even punching his fist, but he couldn't even touch Song Jian's clothes. Now it looks like a huge sandbag in Song Jian's eyes, without any threat at all;

After playing for more than ten minutes, cracks began to appear on the surface of the BOSS body of the ice element. From the cracks, it can be seen that there is a clear stream of water in its body. It seems that this frozen state is about to end;

Song Jian controlled the shocking wave breaking sword to cast another twilight snow, frozen the BOSS again, and restored the state of ice element again.

This BOSS, Song Jian had been worn for more than an hour before it was destroyed, the entire BOSS exploded and turned into a few huge ice cubes;

After the BOSS hung up, only one item was dropped. The quality was silver. Song Jian picked it up and glanced at it, and his face suddenly showed a very interested look.

"Transformation Orb (silver), accessories, item level 35, equipment effects: spirit +15 points, ice resistance +30; special effect 1: after use, transform into a water element, with the ability to breathe freely under water, this effect It lasts for 1 hour, after being injured or entering the combat state, the transformation effect is cancelled; the cooling time is 30 minutes; special effect 2: the ice shield, which stimulates all the energy in the orb, forming a defense degree of 3000 points, and the ice resistance +50 Shield, shield lasts 30 seconds before breaking; cooldown time is 1 hour; item equipment level: level 30, can you bring out the game: no; "

"After playing so many blame, finally dropped a good thing!" Song Jian looked at the deformed orb and nodded with satisfaction;

I replaced the "heart of ice" on my body and equipped it with a deformed orb. The defensive equipment and weapons on Song Fitness are pretty good, but the jewelry, necklaces, and rings are of average quality, mostly a dozen or so. Level 10 equipment is now considered a better accessory;

Song Jian already has an earthen bead that can be turned into an earth element. Now he has obtained a deformed orb that can be turned into a water element. The camouflage method in the future will become more abundant;

After equipping the deformed orb, Song Jian glanced at the body of the BOSS again, and walked towards the place where the light was shining in front;

Soon, there was a stone statue in front of Song Jian. The light was emitted from this stone statue. This is a female statue holding a staff. On its staff, a huge dark blue orb was set;

The whole stone statue is as white as jade, exuding a milky light, spreading outward like a flowing wave. On the ground, it can be clearly seen that an aperture of more than ten meters in diameter is emitted from the stone statue;

When Song Jian walked into the aperture, the lost blood value immediately recovered at a very fast speed. In a few seconds, the original blood value was only half, and it was directly restored to full.

Pressing his hand on the idol, Song Jian's attributes appeared immediately before his eyes;

"Healing goddess statue (building), special strategic item, use effect: this item cannot be moved for 12 hours after being placed, the recovery speed is increased by 1000% within a radius of 10 meters, and the recovery speed is increased by 500% within a radius of 100 meters. Within a kilometer range, the recovery speed is increased by 300%, within a radius of three kilometers, the recovery speed is increased by 100%; every 30 minutes, a gain healing effect is automatically released; special effect 1: light curtain Tianhua (active), ten can be set Connect the nodes. After release, all connected nodes form a light curtain Tianhua array. The array has 5,000 absolute defenses and is immune to all damage for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, it will continue to consume 5000 defense degrees. The defense is zero and the large array disappears. This skill can only be cast once in a 24-hour period. Special Effect 2: Holy Healing (active), casts a Holy Healing on everyone within 100 meters! Restore everyone to the highest state. ; This skill can only be cast once per 24 hours! "

"It turned out to be a strategic architectural treasure?" Song Jian was in front of his eyes. Although this item could not improve Song Jian's own strength, it could play a vital role in the main task of the city he was now completing. Increasing the recovery speed can make the last monster siege battle a lot easier, and both special effects can be used to reverse the battle situation at the critical time of the siege battle!

Song Jian directly put the idol into the parcel box. After moving, the twelve-hour cooling time appeared on the idol. It must be placed after twelve hours;

Immediately after Song Jian put the idol into the parcel box, the entire space began to shake violently. Song Jian rushed out of the stone cave, looked up, and the light curtain on his head began to crack, as if A broken porcelain bowl.


A moment of effort ~ www.novelhall.com ~ The entire light curtain was directly broken, and the lake of tens of thousands of tons was pressed down towards Song Jian. The impact force directly lifted Song Jian out, spit out blood and blood, overhead There were more than a thousand damage figures floating on it;

After rolling in the lake for a long time, Song Jian slowly sinks to the bottom of the water. At this time, he found that the entire lake was boiling like a pot, and the whole boiled. All the monsters in the lake roared toward the position where the array of methods collapsed. Come over

Song Jian was shocked. He quickly controlled the deformed orb and turned into a water element, then quietly stayed beside a lake rock.

After a short while, dense monsters appeared on the bottom of the lake, and Song Jian even saw three forty-level bosses roaring in anger;

Song Jian stayed in the monster group and didn't dare to move. All the monsters were crazy looking for the person who stole the statue of the goddess, but it lasted for more than half an hour and he couldn't find it;

In the end, the monsters gave out an unwilling roar, and gradually dispersed, until all the surrounding monsters had dispersed, Song Jian slowly floated from the bottom of the lake and drove towards the manor castle.
