I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 727: schedule

Half a month later, almost all players in the City of Doom have learned that the City of Hope Alliance is doing a very important task and started to talk about it, and the City of Hope Alliance has started a wave of recruiting players. In just one week, the number of players in the City of Hope League has exceeded one thousand. This is currently the maximum number of players allowed by the League of Nations, otherwise, at least one thousand people can be recruited.

There are not enough people left, and the City of Hope has not given up. It has been directly organized into reserve, as long as it has contributed power in the process of defending the city, and after the alliance upgrades, it will give priority to recruiting players in these reserves.

After that, all the players in the City of Hope Alliance, including the reserve players, began to collect various resources constantly, and a white light rose from time to time in the transmission array. These were players who went to other players to purchase supplies. In just one week, the energy stone of the teleportation array consumed more than half a million doomsday coins!

In the meeting room of the manor castle, there were only Wang Qi and Song Jian.

"Allies, we have collected almost all the materials. Only 20,000 units of gold are left, and 8,000 units of gems are left. At most another week, we should be able to collect them all!" Wang Qi reported to Song Jianhui.

"In addition, the Valley of the Undead has entered the stage of full mining, but in order to meet our task, almost all the funds obtained from mining have been invested in the task, and there are not many doomsday coins left in the war alliance ..."

"Also, we have hired three small league players, about 500 people. At that time, they will also help us defend against monsters siege ..."

Listening to Wang Qi ’s report, Song Jian nodded continuously. In general, the progress of the task was pretty good, and the fourth sword gave birth to the golden weapons needed by the sword spirit. Wang Qi also brought Song Jian over;

The sword with the sword spirit has almost no consumption to release the sword. Otherwise, with the strength of Song Jian, controlling the four swords, there is no way to fight for a long time.

"What about the second settlement task, how is it completed?" Song Jian asked. Now the territory of the City of Hope Alliance is not small. If it is fully paid, it will take at least five or six days, and there must be no dead ends. It is very difficult to miss a monster.

"Low-level monster areas have been cleared up, but in monster areas above level 28, the settlement speed is a bit slow ..." Wang Qi said.

"What about the sewer area?" Song Jian asked.

"The sewer area is the slowest in the settlement ..." Wang Qi was a little bit embarrassed: "In the sewer, the terrain is more complicated. Like the labyrinth, there are many monsters and the levels are above 25. Now we Only pay less than half of the area ... "

Song Jian frowned slightly. The settlement progress was much slower than he expected ...

"Did the map of the sewer area be drawn?" Song Jian asked.

"It has been drawn!" Wang Qi handed Song Jian a map of the sewers in the territory.

"The monster areas on the ground that are difficult to clear are also marked for me!" Song Jian said.

Song Jian is not very satisfied with the progress of the monster's settlement. It seems that he is ready to do it himself.

"Oh, by the way, the leader, this area of ​​the sewer, you need to focus on ..." Wang Qi pointed to an area on the map and said, "This area is suspected of having high-level BOSS and two rogue players. Missing here, has disappeared from my friends list ... "

"What, some players are dead?" Song Jian was shocked. There was only one life in the game. When he died in the game, it was equivalent to death in the real world. Therefore, many players would not get involved in too dangerous areas and just went back. Hunt your own monster;

"Do you know the identity of the real world?" Song Jian asked.

"I don't know ..." Wang Qi said, "We haven't set up a database of players in the Alliance!"

"This matter was also done immediately, of course, to handle these, the brothers would do it voluntarily, and then we need to establish a perfect war alliance welfare and pension system!" Song Jian said.

This game's intervention in the real world has been getting bigger and bigger, the one-day doom currency in the game has risen from the original exchange of 100RMB to one-day doom currency for three hundred.

All the items that can directly improve the strength of the game, the price is also rising all the way, especially the items that increase their attributes are sold at sky-high prices, who wants to become a superman in the real world?

Song Jian's assets now exceed tens of millions of doomsday coins, and they are put in the real world, which is worth tens of billions of yuan. Naturally, players who join the City of Hope Alliance will not be embarrassed;

"Good lord, I'll do it!" Wang Qi replied;

After talking about the construction of the defensive structure, Wang Qi left the manor castle. In recent days, he has been busy with his feet untouched. As a deputy leader, almost everything has been pressed on him, only when he When he couldn't solve it, he would come to Song Jian.

Seeing Wang Qi leave, Song Jian opened the map. Now the City of Hope has occupied thousands of square kilometers of land, but such a large area cannot be defended for the City of Hope Alliance, so Song Jian directly Abandoned some territories and built the city wall three kilometers from the manor castle, so that the statue of the healing goddess placed in the manor castle can play its full role;

Outside the territory that was abandoned, Song Jian was directly filled with various traps and self-explosive devices ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Devices such as mines have been mastered by many players. These days, players who master the process of making mines, They are frantically manufacturing these items, and the entire city of hope has become a minefield outside the League of War;

Even if it is not enough to automatically give up building on the territory, but the monsters above must be cleared up, which is also included in the mission.

"There are three monster areas on the ground that are difficult to pay, one at level 28, one at level 30, and one at level 33 ..." Song Jianshou slowly moved on the map, looking at these monster areas;

It ’s okay to say that the 28th-level monster area will not have a first-level combat boss, but the 30th and 33rd-level monster areas are hard to say. There may be BOSS with first-level combat power, and even will appear. Overlord boss, in this way, the difficulty of clearing will increase;

"It's okay to say that the most difficult is the sewer ..." Song Jian looked at the topographic map of the sewer like a maze in front of him, and suddenly felt a headache. Such a large area may take a day to walk.

"Forget it, do it one by one, let's clear these three monster territories before we talk about it!" Song Jian closed the map and walked towards the manor castle;