I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 725: Lake Hall

Song Jian swam to the place where he saw the light of cracks in the space before, and searched carefully;

If you haven't noticed before, it's difficult to detect what's strange around you. After all, the bottom of the lake is wide, and it's impossible to see what's happening in a while, but now that you know the specific location, it will be much easier to look at it;

Soon, Song Jian felt a breath of array law, this breath was very light, and the surrounding lake water was constantly flowing. If Song Jian didn't know the exact location, and carefully searched for a long time, I am afraid it would be difficult to detect its existence;

Song Jian walked slowly on the bottom of the lake, his steps seemed very strange. He often took two steps forward and took a step back left or right back, and then turned and jumped on a raised rock, and then from the rock Jumping on the back of him, it looks as if he is walking along a very narrow path.

After a while, Song Jian's figure suddenly “snapped” and disappeared from the bottom of the lake without a trace;

"Come in!" Song Jian looked around with a smile of joy on his face;

There is indeed a large array at the bottom of the lake, but it is only an array method of concealment and defense. It has no attack effect, but maybe for some reason, the attack part of the array method has been invalidated;

The most important thing is that this array has existed for too long, and many places have been damaged, otherwise Song Jian would not have found it so easily;

When entering the large array, Song Jian felt clearer, and he could clearly feel the breath flowing in the large array. He also noticed a hint of the content of the large array, and he also had a lot of improvement in his sword array. benefit;

"It's just amazing. It turned out that not only does the world of swords exist in the assessment world, but also the game of law in the game world!" Song Jian entered the space and looked around with an expression of admiration;

Looking up, Song Jian found that he had reached a vast space, and the entire space seemed to be covered by a transparent large bowl, which isolated the surrounding lake;

But this transparent big bowl seems to be broken. From time to time, there will be flashes of light, and there will be space gaps. These space gaps are fleeting, as if the entire array is constantly patching.

At this time, a few meters away from Song Jian, the gap in the broken space flashed away, and then a water element boss more than two meters tall appeared in the space. As soon as this water element boss entered the space, Perceived Song Jian's existence, he issued a warning-like growl towards Song Jian, and then ran quickly towards the distance;

The water element boss is not legs below the waist, but a continuous stream of water that moves very fast. Song Jian's heart moved, and he immediately followed behind this water element boss.

Within a short while, Song Jian saw a palace buried deep in the ground. One third of the palace was sunk underground, and the remaining two thirds were exposed on the ground, surrounded by broken brick and stone tiles. Looks desolate

The boss of the water element rushed into the palace in a hurry, and never came out again. Song Jian waited for a tea, and finally couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart, and ran towards the palace;

Leaping from the broken gate, Song Jian looked around. Because it was buried underground, it looked a little dark, but there was a flash of light in the depths of the palace;

Song Jian rushed towards this light, and before he approached, he heard a roar, and the water element boss was standing at the door, trying to prevent Song Jian from entering;

At this point, the water element boss seemed to be a little bigger than when it first entered, and it was at least a foot tall. The upper body was originally a rolling stream of water, but now it shows a line like strong muscles;

"It looks like the treasure I'm looking for should be in it!" Song Jian was so pleased that he took out the Red Fire Heart Ape Sword and rushed towards the water element boss that was blocking the door;

The water element boss saw Song Jian rushing towards himself with an angry look on his face. The human who interrupted his promotion even dared to take the initiative to attack, which made him extremely angry;

The water element boss's two hands began to rub continuously. In less than a second, an ice arrow had been formed in the palm of his hand, and he shot at Song Jian towards him;

Song Jian flashed and tried to escape, but the ice arrow seemed to have an automatic search function. During the flight, he continued to modify the flight route, drawn an arc in the air, and hit Song Jian's chest;


With a muffled sound, Song Jian felt a strong hit on his body. The impulse suddenly fell, and the entire body was covered with a thin layer of light blue ice, and the speed of movement dropped directly by 50%.

"Five hundred points of injury?" Song Jian was startled, knowing that his current fire resistance and ice resistance had already accumulated to a very high level, and he was still wearing a gold-quality suit, a whole set, attached The set attributes have made these equipment comparable to epic existence. Usually some elemental magic attacks, most of Song Jian can resist or cause only single-digit damage, but now, just an ordinary ice arrow, let Song Jian lost 500 points of injury;

"If you switch to an ordinary player, this blow may be able to kill the opponent directly!" Song Jian's tongue went out, and he became cautious immediately;

Evening snow!

With a long sword in his hand, snowflakes fluttered in the palace, and a thick layer of snow and icy cold appeared on the ground. Along the body of the water element boss, it quickly spread upwards. After a while , The water element becomes a huge pile of ice;

Kaka ~

Just when Song Jian was about to split his frozen water element with a sword ~ ​​www.novelhall.com ~ A crack appeared on the surface of the water element boss, and a huge ice element boss appeared in front of Song Jian's eyes;


The long sword slashed at the water element boss that had been frozen into a pile of water, and immediately cut a white mark, ice splatters, Song Jian also felt a violent reaction force;

Huh ~

The water element boss waved a huge fist and smashed it towards Song Jian. The frozen water element boss was harder than steel. This punch was like a heavy hammer and hit Song Jian's body directly. He flew out.

"Damn, it's self-defeating. This one not only greatly increased the defense of this guy, but also seemed to make the attack more intensive." Song Jian rolled twice on the ground, couldn't help spitting his blood, looked up at him and rushed towards him The boss of the water element that came over revealed a gloomy look in his eyes.
