I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 724: Electric energy stone

This lake is very large. Song Jian knows that the monster hiding in it must be more than just a deepwater crocodile in front of him, maybe there is a more fierce existence.

But for the treasure that can be reborn with a limb, Song Jian believes that it must be under this lake;

After a moment of hesitation, Song Jian slowly sinks into the water and opens his eyes to observe carefully. Song Jian can be underwater for only 15 minutes. After more than 15 minutes, he will start to lose blood, and it will fall faster. For a maximum of ten seconds, all blood and blood values ​​will be lost;

The lake is clear. Song Jian found many monsters underwater. There are dozens of hundreds of monsters similar to deep-water crocodiles, and there are many other monsters without fish-like limbs.

Moreover, there are many water element monsters of CNOOC in this lake, which are similar to those found by Song Jian in Jinyang Lake before, which is not enough and the strength is much higher;

Song Jian came here not to kill monsters and upgrade, but to search for treasures that can be revived with broken limbs. Therefore, he was careful to avoid along the way. Every once in a while, when the belching time is approaching, Song Jian will swim to the lake and rest for a while Continue to dive into the bottom of the lake;

For more than an hour, Song Jian searched for less than one-tenth of the area, which was tiring enough, but he couldn't find anything except to see a lot of monsters at the bottom of the lake.

"Do you really want to cut off a monster's limb and follow it to see how it regenerates?" Song Jian frowned;

At this moment, there was a sudden wave of violent lake water in front of him. Song Jian looked forward, and a large tract of mud was turned up from the bottom of the lake. In the vagueness, it seemed that two monsters were fighting each other in the water;

Almost all the monsters were attracted by the fighting between them, and they swarmed over there, but not long after, each one was like a bird of surprise, and hurriedly fled around.

After a while, all the monsters were far away from these two fighting monsters;

Song Jian carefully examined the attributes of these two monsters. Both of them are monsters with first-order combat power. One of them is a 35-level deep-water crocodile, and the other is a 38-level deep-water lake eel.

The two monsters turned upside down, Song Jian approached slowly, and soon, the two monsters were exhausted. The tail of the deep-water lake eel flickered, and a huge current was released, flying towards the deep-water crocodile. Go, just like a heavy hammer, and flew him directly;


The deep-water crocodile was directly blown five or six meters away, as if it had hit an invisible transparent wall and made a dull sound under water;

There seemed to be a crack in the void, which flickered in the lake water, but this flash of light was captured by Song Jian, and his eyes flashed.

"Can it be said that there is a similar secret in the bottom of the lake?" Song Jian secretly said in his heart, temporarily pressing his heart's eager exploration, waiting for the end of the battle between the two monsters;

It didn't take long for the deep-water crocodile to lose to the lake eel, and slowly backed away. Although the lake eel won, it also suffered a minor injury, staring at the crocodile slowly retreating and not catching up;

For a moment, the deep-water crocodile was nowhere to be found, while the deep-water lake eel lay in place, curled up and shrank into a ball.

Song Jian found that the center of the body of this deep-water lake eel seemed to be rolled with a glittering stone, which was the size of a human head, and was almost buried in the sand at the bottom of the lake, but after a battle, the stone was completely Exposed

This stone exudes a strong light blue light, and a small arc on the surface is constantly beating. The deep-water eel licks the surface of the stone from time to time, a very enjoyable appearance;

At this moment, four sharp long swords suddenly rushed out from the water like arrows, and before it was reflected, the four long swords continued to chop on its body, already in the deep-water lake that had been seriously injured. The eel, after a short time, was cut into pieces directly, and even when he died, he did not see what Song Jianchang looked like;

Song Jian swam over, first picking up the two pieces of material dropped from the deep-water lake eel, then his eyes fell on the pale blue stone;

Because it has been fighting with that deepwater crocodile for a long time, this is that the deepwater lake eel has been seriously injured. Otherwise, Song Jian would not have been able to chop it so easily, so the quality of the items it dropped would not be the same. Not so good, Song Jian just glanced and threw it into the parcel box.

This light blue stone is an energy stone, which can allow pets to evolve and have a certain chance of acquiring electrical attack skills;

But for deep-water lake eels, the energy contained in this energy stone is too abundant. If it is swallowed directly, it may explode its body, so it just absorbs slowly around it;

Because of this, this energy stone eventually became cheaper for Song Jian;

Looking at the stone man and the black dragon Song Jian in the pet space, he hesitated. To whom is this energy stone better?

At this time, the little stone man was falling asleep because he had devoured the core of the earth element lord. At this time, it can be clearly seen that his body has grown more than doubled directly, and is almost as tall as an adult man.

Heilong had already recovered his injury, and when he was doing nothing, he also fell asleep and fell asleep. He seemed to feel that Song Jian was looking at the pet space. He opened the golden vertical pupil fiercely, glanced in the direction of Song Jian, and sent out. A dragon yin seemed to say hello to Song Jian;

Song Jian smiled slightly. The little stoneman is just an ordinary monster. Until now, he has no first-order combat power. If he wants to digest and absorb this electrical energy stone, I do n’t know how long it will take. It ’s better to give the black dragon. After all, the black dragon If you want to absorb this electric energy stone, I do n’t need the effort of deepwater lake eel.

Song Jian held the energy stone ~ www.novelhall.com ~ and chose "use" directly against the black dragon. Suddenly, in the pet space, a light blue energy stone appeared in front of the black dragon.

Seeing this energy stone, the black dragon first curiously pulled it twice with its claws, then his eyes were cleared, and he swallowed into his stomach with one mouthful;

It's stabbing ~

A stream of electric light emerged from the gaps of the black dragon's scales, constantly flowing on the surface of its body, and a sound of dragon groan came from Song Jian's ears. This sound did not sound like pain, but had a refreshing taste;

"It's almost like electrotherapy ..." Song Jian watched the Black Dragon tumbling in the pet space with a few words, and a series of currents appeared from the body surface from time to time, but it is obvious that the strength of the Black Dragon is fast. With the improvement of the level, even the level has begun to break through, jumping directly from level 30 to level 32, and continues to improve;

"It looks like it won't be over for a while, so let's wait for it to fully digest the energy stone." Song Jian shook his head, closed the pet space directly, and walked toward the crack in the space that had flashed before;
