I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 723: Rebirth

Song Jian suddenly realized that the deep-water crocodile ran away at a very fast speed, but after a stun of God's work, he got into the lake and found no trace.

Song Jian stood for a moment, shook his head, turned and walked towards the valley mouth;

At this moment, the mouth of the valley was covered by numerous vines. If you didn't know it was a small valley, I'm afraid Song Jian wouldn't dare to go in.

Aside from the heavy vines, a path appeared in front of Song Jian. The path was tortuous and very difficult to walk. There were bulging rocks everywhere, and the edges were sharp like a knife. If you didn't pay attention, you would leave a scar on your body;

After walking along the path for more than ten minutes, Song Jian suddenly opened his eyes. This is a small valley with a size of only ten acres. The valley is a flat grass field. A few rabbits are eating grass, and when they hear the movement, they look up. Song Jian looked in the direction he was in. After a while, he fled and fled without a trace;

Song Jian looked in the valley, and soon found a white spar that was the size of a human head rolling down on the ground. When he picked it up, it was the swordstone ore. Such a swordstone ore is enough to make five or six blank swords. stone!

However, at this time, the name of the ore is only marked with "special ore", and the attributes are still unknown. Even if the ore is given to the player, I am afraid that most players will sell it to the system store as garbage.

Only Li Ke'er thought that these white spar looked very beautiful, picked up two and took it home, otherwise, Song Jian didn't know yet, there was a swordstone mine here!

However, this area is a level 35 monster area, and there is a level 35 elite BOSS in the Great Lakes of Taniguchi. At this stage, most players in the City of Hope Alliance have not reached level 30. Mining swordstone here is simply letting them die!

There is no way, Song Jian can only get enough food by himself to collect these swordstone mines;

In the grass of the entire valley, there are many similar gangue mines, and the valley is surrounded by gangue veins. Song Jian first collected the gangue mines scattered on the valley and started to perform "mining". Humming Humming Swordstone Mine;

Fortunately, after these swordstone mines are collected, they will be automatically packed into the parcel box, and each grid can hold two hundred units of swordstone mines.

Song Jian spent three days directly here, filling up all the empty positions in all parcel boxes, and collecting tens of thousands of swordstone mines, and finally gave up;

"These sword stone mines are enough to make more than 30,000 high-quality sword stones, even if a Qingyun sword array is arranged!" Song Jian secretly looked at the full package bar.

If you want to learn the sword array, you must learn it in the world of the double-S assessment task before Song Jian. At present, it is estimated that no player can learn this skill;

And the most important thing is that the skills learned from the world of assessment tasks do not need to be subject to skill upgrades, as long as the proficiency is reached, they can be directly upgraded.

In the assessment mission world, Song Jian's sword formation skills have reached the advanced level, but the assessment mission world is not the same as the level in the game world. The advanced level there is only eight in the game world;

Song Jian's current sword formation skill is only eight, and his proficiency is still about one-third, and he can raise another level;

With so many swordstone mines, Song Jian was able to upgrade his sword array skills to level 10 or more in a short time;

Song Jian glanced around the valley. The swordstone mine he collected compared with the veins of the swordstone in this valley.

"The rest will be put here first. Anyway, these sword stones are no different from ordinary stones for other players." Song Jian secretly said in his heart and turned towards the valley;

At the mouth of the valley, Song Jian thought about it, took out more than a dozen sword stones, arranged a hidden array at the mouth of the valley, and completely covered the entrance to the valley, so that no player would accidentally break into the valley. .

After doing all this, Song Jian stepped out of the valley;

Just as he was just out of the valley, he suddenly heard an angry roar, and a huge dark shadow came straight towards him;

Song Jian fixed his eyes and turned out to be the deep-water crocodile three days ago;

"This guy, even revenge!" Song Jian thought of it, and the four-handed sword appeared around his body, like a meteor. The four-handed sword slashed towards the deep-water crocodile;

Four sets of swords are deployed at the same time, the sword is vertical and horizontal, and it is continuously chopped on the body of the deep-water crocodile, immediately blocking its offensive;

"I didn't notice before, I let you run away. Now you come out again, aren't you trying to die?" Song Jian snorted coldly and controlled the swelling waves and swords to perform "Twilight Snow", completely blocking the deep-water crocodiles from escaping back to the lake may.

The other three long-swords continued to display the originally imprinted swordsmanship. There was almost no consumption of Song Jian. Now Song Jian has only bred the sword spirit of three long-swords, and the fourth new sword-breaking sword , For the time being there are not enough golden quality weapons to brew a sword spirit;

The deepwater crocodile was not Song Jian's opponent originally, but the last time he played, Song Jian only slightly exposed some powerful attack damage and scared the deepwater crocodile. This made the deepwater crocodile miscalculate Song Jian's strength ;

Therefore, when four long swords attacked it at the same time, the power was almost several times higher than when they first met Song Jian. This time, the deep-water crocodile suddenly panicked and hissed and wanted to turn and escape into the lake;

But at this time, the surrounding tens of meters were covered with a thick layer of snow. Even the edge of the Great Lake was frozen over a dozen meters away and was covered with a thick layer of hard ice. Then I thought I would escape into the lake like last time. Here, it is simply impossible.

In the end, the deep-water crocodile found that it seemed to turn around and attack Song Jian, and before he died, destroying Song Jian's blood value seemed to be the only option;

A few minutes later, the deep-water crocodile died in humiliation in the thick snow, and his body was chopped out with numerous sword marks. If Song Jian would peel, he would only get a worthless tattered fur;

Looking at the two pieces of material falling from the deepwater crocodile, Song Jian couldn't help but scornfully looked at its corpse ~ www.novelhall.com ~ It's still a 35th-level elite BOSS, even a 30 Level 5 ordinary monsters are not as good.

"Oh, weird?" Song Jian looked at the corpse of the deepwater crocodile and suddenly felt something strange. At this moment, he suddenly found that the right paw of the deepwater crocodile was intact!

"Did I not cut off the right claw of this elite BOSS before, why did it grow up again? Could it be said that at this time the deep-water crocodiles still had the ability to regenerate with broken limbs?" Song Jian wondered;

But he knew that the deep-water crocodile was huge at this time, and its strength should have already exceeded sixty, but it was really normal to say that it was restorative, otherwise it would not be so easy to kill it;

Song Jian took a closer look at his right paw, and found that this right paw really just grew out, and even the color of the skin was different from other places.

The transparent flame slowly burned the corpse of the deep-water crocodile, Song Jian raised his head, looking at the calm lake, a look of curiosity appeared in his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, there is unexpected surprise!"
