I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 716: Deathmatch

The Spartans screamed the bleeding battle, which is to fight to the end, endlessly, but in the arena, only one challenger and gatekeeper can stand to the end, so they call the bleeding battle meaningless;

When Song Jian was moved, thirty blood crows flew towards the Spartans, and exercised control skills against a Spartan Gladiator whose blood value had dropped to half;

The spear originally stabbing at Song Jian suddenly became weak. Song Jian took the opportunity to control four swords, and four flashes of lightning struck him, each of which caused more than a thousand injuries;

The blood value of these Spartan gladiators was less than 8,000 originally. This damage directly dropped the remaining blood gladiators.

"The second one!" Song Jian whispered.

The blood pool summoning skill has been upgraded to a level. These blood crows, which could only be used for investigation, have also mastered a control skill "fascination". This skill is concealed and difficult to prevent, but the duration is very short, only less than Two seconds, and it is difficult to use the target repeatedly. When used again for the same target for a second time, the chance of being resisted will greatly increase;

But for Song Jian, there is no need to keep these Spartans under control, as long as there is a stagnation of one or two seconds, he can cause them a lot of damage, and even directly kill some blood-sparting Gladiators;

"Spar ..." A scream screamed, and another Spartan gladiator was hit by a vortex fireball sprayed by the black dragon. In the fiery dragon's breath, he hung up without even shouting the last sentence. Lost;

The remaining Spartan gladiators had a look of grief and indignation on their faces. One of them even stabbed a spear into the body of a blood wolf fiercely, then launched his skills and attacked frantically for a moment. Dozens of spear phantoms kept stabbing the blood wolf, and a **** blood wolf was beaten into a pool of blood.

Just as he raised his spear in excitement and prepared to shout aloud, the two blood wolves targeted him at the same time and rushed over;

The black dragons in the air did not dare to deal with them. These Spartan gladiators could not fly, they could only desperately avoid the attacks of the black dragons, but Song fitness surrounded at least four gladiators, and the rest were resisting Song Jian's call. Monster.

With the strength of the first-tier combat elite, dealing with these blood corpses and blood wolves is completely unilateral crushing. However, the number of these blood corpses and blood wolves is several times that of the gladiators, and they are not afraid of death one by one. Even if you are seriously injured, you have to bite the gladiator, and it causes a lot of trouble to the remaining gladiators;

The main thing is that Song Jian's powerful attack is not a single one, even two gladiators can resist. Even if four gladiators are besieging Song Jian at the same time, they control four long swords and use four sets of swords. Under powerful attacks, it can only be defeated steadily;

The blood corpses have all been hung up, and there are only seven or eight blood wolves left. Even the blood crows flying in the air have been killed by a gladiator with a spear;

Only the Black Dragon is still raging, Dragon Breath, Vortex Fireball, 35-level black dragon, and learned a new skill, meteorites crash!

Meteorite fall is a kind of compound magic, which can cause triple damage of fire and soil and physical impact on the target, but with the current strength of the Black Dragon, only one meteor can be released at a time, and it will take a long rest;

At this time, the gladiators were glowing with a faint scarlet light. This is the passive attack of bloodthirsty and cruel stacks. As long as the enemy is killed, his attack strength will be increased by a percentage and the duration is very long. There are 120 minutes.

And each time you kill an enemy, the duration will be refreshed, so the more you kill the enemy, the more powerful the Spartan Gladiator will be;

At this time, the leader with the most bloodthirsty and cruel effects is the leading Spartan Gladiator. The bloodthirsty and cruel effects on his body have been twelve layers superimposed and the attack power increased by 120%. However, this effect can be infinite. Superimposed, once these gladiators have superimposed effects, no one can withstand their attacks;

"The spear flew!" The leading gladiator yelled, the spear in his hand crossed an arc in the air, stabbed the body of a blood raven, and blasted the blood raven directly. Blood cruel effect, an additional layer suddenly;

Song Jian frowned slightly. At this time, the blood raven's "fascinating" skills were released almost to the gladiator, and the probability of being released again was too great. It had no effect in battle.

Now the blood crow has become the tool for the remaining gladiators to stack **** and cruelty. Song Jian thought about it. The remaining dozen blood crows suddenly turned into a pool of blood, and returned to the blood pool in the game;


Two blood wolves threw a gladiator to the ground, and sharp fangs pierced the opponent's throat severely, resulting in the death of a gladiator directly;

On the other side, a gladiator who had been besieging Song Jian finally couldn't bear it, roaring loudly and rushing towards the two blood wolves, the spear in his hand stabbed into the body of the blood wolf severely, and then held it up sharply. , Smashing towards another blood wolf;

Gladiators are much more powerful than blood wolves. Even if they face seven or eight blood wolves at the same time, they have no fear, but these blood wolves are very cunning. Wandering around and targeting the heavily wounded gladiators;

The number of blood wolves is also declining. After Song Jian killed another gladiator, all the blood wolves in the arena were also killed.

At this time, in addition to Song Jian and the black dragon above his head, there were only five Spartan gladiators, and the blood value of the five gladiators remained above 60% except for the leader ~ www.novelhall.com ~ The other four were all seriously injured, covered with scratches and sword injuries;

However, the momentum of these gladiators is still undiminished. Even if there are only five people left, it will give people a momentum of one enemy to one hundred. The remaining gladiators have a strong red light on them. The superimposed bloodthirsty and cruel effects have at least ten layers, and the leading gladiator has eighteen layers superimposed on his body;

"Spartan!" The two gladiators yelled, and took the initiative to attack Song Jian with a spear;

At this moment, the black dragon in the air fiercely released a meteorite crashing skill at the two, a millstone-sized meteorite, burning the blazing flames, emerged from the air out of thin air, and smashed hard at the two;


The two Spartan gladiators were directly smashed and flew out, and they were left with blood, and were directly hit by this blow to the dying state;

At this moment, the headed Spartan gladiator suddenly yelled and rushed towards the two of them. The spear stabbed into the throats of the two and harvested the last blood of the two. ;
