I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 715: Ancient Red Dragon

At the moment Song Jian summoned the black dragon, the people in the audience had all paid attention to the black dragon, and no one cared about whether those Spartans could kill Song Jian;

And just then, an angry voice roared loudly: "Human, you will be hunted down by the dragon family endlessly, you insulted a great race!"

Song Jian looked up, and saw an old man wearing a red robe floating in the air, like a **** standing in the air like an oracle, and his angry eyes almost ignited Song Jian. Already.

Behind the old man, the imaginary shadow of an ancient red dragon exudes horror, and almost all the audience around it shivered at its feet;

"Long Wei! This is an adult dragon! And, with third-order combat power!" Song Jian sank in his heart;

Just then, Song Jian suddenly received the system prompt;

System: A dragon mark is set on your body by an ancient red dragon. Your reputation in the dragon family drops to hatred;

System: The dragon's mark will always send special signals to the surroundings. Only the dragons can receive such signals. Within one kilometer, as long as the dragons exist, they will actively attack you and endlessly;

System: Because of the existence of the dragon mark, all dragon beasts, dragon servants, half-dragons, etc. who are impure in blood will fear you. As long as you feel your breath, they will take the initiative to escape, and dare not fight you directly!

"I knew that this kind of thing would happen sooner or later!" Song Jian's face was ugly, feeling the faintness of Long Wei from his body.

At this moment, three golden chains appeared out of nowhere in the arena of the arena of the arena, tightly restraining the floating ancient red dragon.

Then, a black long whip about ten feet in length appeared in mid-air;

"Ancient red dragon violates the rules of the arena. Because the plot is light, the dragon is punished three times!" The sound of the system elves echoed throughout the arena;

Pop, pop, pop ~

The long black whip slammed the body of the ancient red dragon fiercely, and the robe on it radiated a dazzling light, which seemed to activate its own defense skills.

However, it was of no use. The first blow of the whip broke up the robe on it and fleshed the skin drawn from it, leaving a whip mark with deep visible bones;

"Humanity, the pain I have suffered today will be returned to you hundreds of times! I swear by the name of the ancient Red Dragon Tuyatimas Adesia, I will hang your skull on the cliff of Red Dragon ... "

Before he could finish his words, the second whip hit him heavily;

Three punishments for the dragon whip directly hit this ancient red dragon with third-order combat power to the dying state;

After the punishment ended, the ancient red dragon fell from the air and collapsed on his seat. He took a few breaths and stared at Song Jian with vicious eyes. The figure slowly disappeared on the seat. It looks like he left directly.

"Is Tu Atimas Edhiah?" Song Jian's mouth turned cold.

After a farce, everyone's eyes once again fell into the arena. The appearance of the Black Dragon suddenly caused the morale of the twelve Spartan Gladiators to plummet. Although they summoned their courage and screamed at the Black Dragon, after the Black Dragon released Long Wei, these Spartan warriors Suddenly stopped the charge;

"The Spartans are fearless!" A gladiator, headed by a roar, raised his spear and threw it at the black dragon in the air;

The body of the black dragon in the spear-like sting of the lightning caused more than 600 points of damage to the black dragon. The remaining Spartan gladiators seemed to have been prompted, and all yelled, throwing the spear out of their hands. ;

The black dragon roared, his wings fluttered, and a gust of wind was rolled up. These spears were turned down and crooked, eventually causing only double-digit damage to the black dragon;

At this time, Song Jian also summoned four long swords, holding one, and the remaining three looked like satellites, rushing towards Sparta gladiator;

The Spartan gladiator who lost his weapon can only fight with Song Jian with his bare hands and fists. After a short time, his body was chopped out with several sword marks, and his blood value dropped wildly;

"Shield strike!" The gladiators held the shield in both hands, using the shield as a weapon, and smashed hard towards Song Jian;

Clang, clang, clang, clang ~

Song Jian's qi and blood value dropped drastically, and instantly fell below half;

"Tai Chi Sword Technique!"

A faint gray air flow surrounds Song Fitness, blocking all attacks;

Just then, the black dragon overhead roared, and a scorching dragon's breath spit down at the Spartan gladiators;

Boom ~

All Spartan gladiators flew a thousand points of damage above their heads, and with the burning effect, the blazing dragon's breath flames burned on them;

The blood wolves and blood corpses summoned by Song Jian also roared towards the Spartan Gladiator, and a big dogfight was staged in the arena;

With the help of these summons, Song Jian immediately released his hand, and the four long swords were simultaneously exhibiting the Twilight Snowcapped. The entire arena was suddenly covered by thick snow;

Snowflake Sword swept through, slashing at these Spartans, dense numbers of injuries floated from the top of their heads, looking like Ling Chi.

At this time, a Spartan gladiator suddenly leaped high, picked up a spear that was flown by a black dragon fan, and stabbed towards the blood crow on the arena wall;

He wants to stack **** and cruel passive effects. Among these summons, only the blood crow seems to kill some;

The blood crow he chose saw him flutter towards him, but he slightly tilted his head and did not fly away. Scarlet eyes bloomed with a strange look;

At this moment, the sharply spartan's sharp eyes suddenly became blurred, as if he had forgotten what he was doing, and the spear in his hand stabbed towards his thigh;

Uh ~

A blood arrow shot from his thigh ~ www.novelhall.com ~ The pain made him wake up, but his body fell involuntarily towards the ground, and he pierced his leg, almost exhausted His whole body strength directly caused his "disability" effect in his status bar;

When Song Jian was moved, Jinguang Sword of the Demon Sword drew an arc in the air, flashing electric light on the blade, and severely chopped on the already crippled Spartan Gladiator;

Lightning strike!

The speed of this sword was extremely fast. The Spartan gladiator in mid-air had no time to react. He was severely chopped on the back by the Golden Light Sword of the Demon Sword, and made a scream of scream;

The Jinguang Demon Sword continued to chop on him, and by the time he fell, he had already become a corpse;

Feeling the death of his companion, the remaining Spartan gladiator issued a sad howl, turned his palm into his claws, grabbed a few blood marks on his chest, and stared at Song Jian with an angry look. Road: "Blood fight, blood fight, blood fight!"
