I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 717: 22 floors

The **** and cruel effect of the Spartan Gladiator's leader, after harvesting two more companions, it was directly superimposed on the 20th floor, and the red light on his body rose into the air like a flame burning;

The two remaining gladiators glanced at each other, throwing away their shields, smashing at Song Jian, and holding a spear, they rushed towards Song Jian, all fighting together in a desperate way.


The black dragon spewed a hot breath toward the two, and the two of them did not dodge. They attacked Song Jian against the dragon's breath, and the spears flew in their hands. The momentum was like rainbow. Song Jian was joined by the two. After a series of five or six steps, he struck back to stabilize his figure;

Dang Dang Dang ~

A series of golden iron and iron clashes were endless. Two gladiators were sprayed straight by Dragon Breath, their blood values ​​dropped by more than half, their bodies burned with a blazing flame, and their big red cloak also burned. Tugged down and left aside;

Uh ~

Song Jian's shoulder and abdomen were hit by two spears, and two blood holes were immediately poked out;

噔 噔 蹬 蹬

Song Jian stepped back a dozen steps, watching the blood spew like a gush, and quickly performed surgical treatment, stopped the bleeding, raised his head, looked at the two gladiators, his face looked surprised.

At this point, the two gladiators had no human shape at all, their bodies were burning, there was almost no intact skin, their bodies were covered with sword marks, and their injuries were at least five or six times heavier than Song Jian. The two just now were also two. She completely gave up her defense and was chopped on her body by four long swords at the same time, and then took the opportunity to stab Song Jian.

"Sparta!" The two screamed at the same time, holding up their spears, condensing the last spirit on the spear in their hands, their bodies bent backwards like bows, and throwing the spears in their hands almost simultaneously;

After this shot, the two Spartan gladiators softened their knees and lost their strength to lie on the ground, but their heads were always high, and their eyes were cast on Song Jian with the spear;

Looking at the two spears flying towards me like a meteor, Song Jian's face showed a cautious look;

Vientiane swordsmanship, twilight snow!

Song Jian held the Red Fire Heart Ape Sword, and used the first move of the Vientiane Sword Technique. Beside him, the three-handed long sword seemed to be controlled by an invisible arm, and the action was exactly the same as the Red Fire Heart Ape Sword in Song Jian's hand;

Snow flakes danced in the sky, condensing four ice and snow dragons, roaring their claws and grabbing two spears, but as soon as the four ice and snow dragons touched the spears, they were immediately smashed by the energy condensed on the surface of the spears;

"Must be attributed?" Song Jian's eyes showed a look of surprise, his figure retreated sharply, and he immediately retreated under the fence of the arena;

The two spears automatically adjusted the angle immediately in mid air, and continued to fly towards Song Jian without any decrease in speed;

Tai Chi Sword Technique!

Song Jian had no choice but to use the defensive Taiji Sword Technique. The four long swords also used the Tai Chi Sword Technique at the same time. The four grey atmospheres swirled around the Song fitness, and finally formed a huge Yin and Yang fish Taiji pattern. Turn up

As soon as the two spears came into contact with the Taiji pattern, the speed dropped significantly, but they continued to stab steadily towards Song Jian;

Uh ~

The two spears stabbed Song Jian's shoulders regardless of the order, but this time, they stabbed tightly for less than an inch, and fell down weakly;

Disappointed in the eyes of the two Spartan gladiators lying on the ground, they turned to look at the only Spartan gladiator standing on the field;

The spartan gladiator, who was burning with redness, was full of resolute expression. He jumped and landed in front of the two companions. The spear in his hand pierced the hearts of the two and harvested the last trace of blood. value;


The crimson atmosphere of his body became more intense, like a hot flame, and the whole person was like a fireman.

"Spartan!" The **** and cruel Spartan gladiator was superimposed on twenty-two layers, leaping tall and rushing towards the black dragon in the air;

At this time, the black dragon was more than thirty meters above the ground, but the last Spartan gladiator rushed towards his abdomen as if flying;

The shield protects half of the body, and the spear in his hand is like the fangs of a wild beast, piercing the belly of the black dragon severely;

A painful roar rang through the audience, the blood of the puff came out from the abdomen of the black dragon, and the blood value of the blood dropped instantly by more than one-third;

Song Jian was shocked. He did not expect that the other party actually transferred the target to the black dragon. Looking at the black dragon being seriously injured, Song Jian immediately performed a surgical treatment on the black dragon and returned it to the pet space;

In the end, the Spartan gladiator hit the black dragon badly, but he was not very good. He was slammed hard by the black dragon and patted him from the air to the ground. Three deep bone injuries were seen, extending from the shoulder. To the ribs

"How did his damage stack up to such a terrible level?" Song Jian looked surprised at the languished Black Dragon in the pet space. You know, these Spartan gladiators had done little damage to the Black Dragon before, their spears , Can't pierce the black dragon's hard scales at all!

But now, the gladiator in front of him not only broke through the defense of the black dragon, but also damaged the black dragon;

What Song Jian didn't know is that the **** and cruel effects of these Spartan gladiators will increase by 50% after a stack of more than 20 layers. Every time an additional enemy is killed, the critical strike will increase. 5%, the upper limit is to increase crit by 80%;

At this point, his **** and cruel effect has been superimposed on 22 layers, the crit effect has reached 60% of horror, and the damage has been increased by 220%. Just now, if it is another player, he can directly kill the other party;

After rolling twice on the ground ~ www.novelhall.com ~ The last Spartan gladiator, despite the heavy injuries on his body, still holding a spear and a shield, shouting the attack slogan and rushed towards Song Jian ;

When Song Jian moved his mind, the four long swords were brought together into one, and he drank softly: "The sword body is not extinguished!" A golden light suddenly bloomed on his body, and the eight-handed sword slowly swirled around, and a powerful force suddenly appeared in his body ;

Song Jian ’s immortal sword is the real hole card of Song Jian. The four-handed long swords are combined to increase the damage by four times. In addition to the bonus of the sword ’s sword, Song Jian can now cause thousands of swords even if he cuts a sword evenly. A little hurt.

If the spartan gladiator on the opposite side is a sharp spear, then Song Jian is the sharpest sword against the sky, attacking and attacking, and replacing the wounds with injuries. The entire arena is covered with a red breath. Filled with the golden sword qi, the two breaths continued to collide, and for a while became deadlocked;

Song Jian and Spartan Gladiator also fought together fiercely. The spear and sword did not know how many times they collided. Both of them showed their best and wanted to put each other to death!


PS: Thank you for the 500 starting coins for "Oye Night of Feiyue" ~