I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 714: Gladiator

The fence of the arena slowly opened. A gladiator wearing a simple armour, wearing a red cape, holding a spear on his right and a shield on his left, slowly came out of the fence;

"Thirty-fifth level, first-order combat power?" Song Jian narrowed his eyes and looked at the opponent who came out of the fence: "The strength is not as good as the undead knight. How could he be the guardian of the tenth level?"

Song Jian was puzzled, but soon his face changed, because he saw that behind this gladiator, more than ten gladiators dressed in exactly the same way came out of him;

"It's all 35 levels, first-order combat power!" Song Jian's face was gloomy and watery. The former undead knight had some concealment if he cheated. After all, the abyss nightmare was the mount of the undead knight, and barely made sense;

But now, this is just a tear in his face, and Chi Guoguo cheated. From the fence, a total of twelve 35-level Gladiators with first-order combat power;

The most important thing is that when these gladiators came out, they automatically formed a square matrix and raised their spears and shouted, "Sparta, Sparta, Sparta!"

"Misty grass, this is not cheating!" Song Jian suddenly became furious. Anyway, he was just a 35th-level player with first-order combat power, and all the equipment on his body was left in the game. If he were to wear all the gear, he would still have the confidence to fight with these twelve Spartan gladiators.

But now, his strength is less than 60% in the game. He wants to fight with 12 first-tier elite elite bosses who cooperate with each other, which is no different from sending death;

The noise in the auditorium was boiling against the sky, whistling, applauding, and the mad laughter converged;

"This is simply murder!" Zhao Dan's face changed greatly. I did not expect that there would be a team of first-class elite BOSS in the tenth stage of the arena. Such a combination, at this stage, it is impossible for any player to win!

"It's over. I didn't expect this arena to be a trap!" Gao Dongxin's face looked desperate.

All the humans watching in other boxes also shook their heads, and some even left the table directly to prepare to leave, and for a long time in the future, I am afraid that no one will come to challenge the arena.

"Is this more than me?" Song Jian sneered.

Opening the skill bar, Song Jian directly cast "Blood Summon", and soon he was prompted by the system;

System: Do you want to perform the 'Blood Summoning' in the real world? In the real world, use Blood Pool Summoning to double your consumption!

System: In the real world, performing the Blood Pool Summoning will have some kind of bad effect. Will it continue?

Song Jian froze, bad influence? What exactly does it mean? The system did not give an answer;

"Call!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart;

Uh ~

Red lights flashed beside Song Fitness. Thirty crimson crows appeared around Song Jian. As soon as they appeared, they began to fly around. After a while, they fell around the arena. On the wall

The bodies of these blood crows are the size of a basketball, with their wings spreading out, just like a small hawk, and their eyes are blooming with a scarlet red light. When staring at people, they will release a strange The energy that makes people fall into a state of confusion;

"Thirty-level summoner? Song Jian or a summoner?" Zhao Dan was surprised.

There is only a summoner in the game, which can summon so many pets at a time. Ordinary players can only have one or two pets at most. The more the price, the higher the cost.

This is not over yet, Song Jian soon summoned 30 blood corpses and 30 blood wolves;

Next, Song Jian opened the skill bar and put a little skill on the "blood pool call".

Because the blood pool did not continue to upgrade, Song Jian could no longer summon new summons, but after the "blood pool summon" was upgraded, all the summoned blood beasts were upgraded to level 35, and they all got a storm. Passive effect of hitting blood sucking;

The people in the auditorium were stunned. They don't understand now. What kind of profession is this human in the arena?

A two-headed troll with meat wings said sourly: "Are there many summoners great? Well, even if all of them are raised to level 35, none of these summoners have first-order combat power against twelve Spartans. Dar Gladiator, it is only a matter of time before it is destroyed. "

"That is, I am obviously a swordsman. I have to disperse my energy and make so many pets.

"Hahaha, I remember that the Spartan Gladiator has a passive skill, bloodthirsty and cruel. The more enemies he kills, the stronger the superimposed attack power. Is this human comedy funny, and even actively take the initiative to superimpose the attack effect on the opponent! "

Seeing Song Jian calling out so many pets, instead of showing a trace of fear, the twelve Spartan gladiators all roared excitedly: "Victory, victory, victory!"

A Spartan gladiator headed, waving a spear, and yelling at Song Jian: "Charge on the enemy! Its skull will become the glory of the Spartans!"

Banging ~

The twelve Spartan gladiators charged together, setting off a surge of momentum, which gave people an unstoppable feeling;

Song Jian looked at the Spartan gladiator rushing towards him, and a sneer appeared on his face: "Do you think this is over? It's too naive!"

With a heart motion, a black dragon, about seven or eight meters long, appeared above Song Jian's head out of thin air, his wings spread, and a crisp dragon chant resounded throughout the arena;

"Dragon, black dragon, how could it be, how could he have a dragon as a pet!" In the auditorium, countless different races, all stood up in surprise, staring at the black dragon with wings flying above the arena. .

"Although it has not yet grown up, it is indeed a member of the dragon family, and it is also the most powerful black dragon of the five-colored dragon ..."

"Damn, the dragon has a natural rank difference. Even if UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is also the first-order combat power, these Spartan gladiators cannot defeat a black dragon!"

"No, it hasn't grown up, it's still young, these Spartans still have a chance!"

"Did you forget the humans who summoned it, do you think he would watch the Spartans with their brains full of muscles attack the black dragon regardless of it?"

"Does this human really have to accomplish the feat of ten straight wins? Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"


In the auditorium, a loud noise sounded, and everyone even forgot the duel in the arena, and all their attention was focused on the black dragon summoned by Song Jian;

Just then, an angry voice sounded in the auditorium: "Human, you dare to capture the dragon family as a pet of war, this behavior is absolutely unforgivable, you are waiting to be wanted by the dragon family, by the dragon family Hunt for eternity! "


PS: Thank you for the 100 starting coins for the "Flying Moon O Night" ~