I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 713: Critical strike

Fatal blow!

The Undead Knight has finally triggered a critical strike with its passive talent! No matter what strength the opponent has, how much defense he has, and how much blood value he has, there is a great chance that he can kill the opponent directly!

This is the horror of the undead knight, and it is the only one of the first-order combat power that can kill the second-order combat power;

"It was a fatal blow, and it triggered a fatal blow!" Someone in the audience roared, flushed, and looked very excited.

The critical strike probability is extremely low. Few people can see the power of critical strikes. Most people who see critical strikes have died. Now these audiences can see critical strikes with their own eyes. The power of one by one was immediately excited.

Everyone in the auditorium was boiling. Even the humans in the boxes stood up and looked nervously towards the arena;

This is the first time that human beings can reach the ninth level. In addition, almost all the people in the audience cheer for Song Jian's opponents. Unconsciously, all the humans in the boxes are emotionally standing. On Song Jian's side.

"Go to death!" The undead knight yelled, an ecstasy rushed into his heart, no matter how powerful the opponent's attack was, as long as he triggered a fatal blow, the opponent would never have survived again;

"It's a pity that sneaking orb!" Such a weird thought suddenly burst into the mind of the undead knight;

At this moment, Song Jian's Red Fire Heart Ape Sword suddenly burst into a dazzling golden sword atmosphere. The soul of the undead knight sneered. No matter how much he struggled, there was no way to resist a fatal blow!

Holy parry!

Song Jian whispered, the red fire heart ape sword in his hand and the two-handed sword of the undead knight collided fiercely;

Uh ~

As if the bubble burst, all the power of the undead knight disappeared, and the red light on the blade disappeared. After two people collided, they flew towards each other;

Song Jian struggled to get up, and a sword mark more than a foot long appeared on his chest, and blood spewed out;

Surgical treatment!

Song Jian raised his hand to release a healing skill to himself, cancelled the bleeding state, and then took out a bottle of mead and began to recover slowly;

The undead knight rolled on the ground twice and struggled to stand up;

"Why didn't you die?" The Undead Knight was surprised;

Just then, a red light suddenly appeared in the air, hacking at the undead knight;

Click ~

Red light flashed through the body of the undead knight. The standing undead knight shook his body slightly twice, suddenly split into two, and fell to the ground of the arena;

There was no silence in the arena. For a long time, a heartbreaking roar rang from the auditorium: "No! Herculus!"

Shrugging his head and looking up, he saw the undead witch who applied for the **** ruling, roaring wildly, and a scream of screams rang through the arena.

"I will curse you, human, I swear to my Susanna's life, you will definitely ..." Susanna the undead witch looked at Song Jian with vicious eyes and began to sing aloud;

Just then, the arena suddenly thought of a thunder, a sword of punishment made of thunder, stabbing from the air towards the undead witch Susanna;

Boom ~

With a muffled sound, the sword of thunder was severely chopped on the body of the undead witch, and even the scream was not sent out, the body of the undead witch was directly reduced to ashes;

"The rules in the arena are sacred and inviolable. Anyone who dares to offend will be punished!" The sound of the system elves echoed throughout the arena. This time, it was loud and full of endless majesty. ;

There was nothing in the audience, and no one dared to stand up and blame it all.

Song Jian smiled slightly. It seemed that one of his enemies had disappeared, but the other party also gave himself a 35-level gold-quality item.


In this way, the undead knight bounced his passive skill "Deadly Blow" to death. After its death, the Abyss Nightmare issued a long hissing, the figure gradually disappeared, and he returned to Abyss Hell;

"Successful, Song Jian won!" Gao Dongxin grabbed Zhao Dan excitedly and jumped up happily.

"He, what skills did he use?" Zhao Dan's expression on his face was surprised. When Song Jian fought the Undead Knight before, he was amazed by Song Jian's fighting power, which triggered the "Deadly Blow" of the Undead Knight. After the move, Song Jian was able to perform a one-shot rebound skill, and the opponent's passive skills were all rebounded back, which made Zhao Dan feel unbelievable.

"I don't know, so much about him, anyway he won, won!" Gao Dongxin said excitedly;

"Okay, there is the last level, don't be too happy!" Zhao Dan patted Gao Dongxin's shoulder and said.

"No problem, he must be okay!" Gao Dongxin laughed. "Even the undead knight couldn't beat him. The abyss nightmare was scared by him, and he could definitely win the tenth level!"

"You are now Song Jian's little fan girl, so trust him?" Zhao Dan laughed;

Gao Dongxin's face was reddish, and he snorted, and rushed to the stand again, looking intently at the arena.

Song Jian sat in the center of the arena, slowly recovering his state, losing all the equipment bonuses, his actual combat effectiveness fell by more than three levels, otherwise, he would not be injured just now;

Most of the players who came to challenge in the arena, like his situation, lost the equipment bonus, and many players were not used to it. They overestimated themselves, and the result was hatred and defeat. After Jian was fully recovered, the opponent in the tenth stage still did not appear, and the fence door opposite was tightly closed. The surrounding auditorium was silent, and it seemed that everyone was waiting for the opponent in the tenth stage;

"What's the situation? Shouldn't they have an opponent in the tenth level?" Gao Dongxin was dissatisfied. At this time, more than ten minutes had passed, and she was waiting impatiently.

"Isn't it good to give Song Jian more time to recover?" Zhao Dan laughed;

"Huh, he's recovered a long time ago, didn't see if he was ready!" Gao Dongxin said with a slump of his lips;

"It turns out that you don't care about the opponent of the tenth level, but you care about Song Jian waiting too long!" Zhao Dan laughed;

Gao Dongxin froze, and then blushed: "Sister Dan, how do you like to make fun of others ..."

When Zhao Dan teased Gao Dongxin, in the arena, the fence opposite Song Jian slowly opened, and the tenth opponent he was facing finally appeared.
