I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 712: Bloody ruling

Just when Song Jian won the voucher, and the blood value of the undead knight had been worn below 70%, an undead witch suddenly stood up in the audience and shouted, "I am willing to provide a pair of acceleration boots for this poor knight. , Request a **** verdict! "

The audience beside the undead witch shouted loudly and shouted together: "Blood verdict, **** verdict!"

Soon, all the spectators in the audience stood up and roared loudly: "Bloody ruling, **** ruling ..."

"They, what are they going to do?" Gao Dongxin was surprised.

"Bloody ruling? What is this? In the previous game, never before ..." Zhao Dan also looked surprised.

At this moment, the voice of the system spirit sounded in the audience;

"The **** ruling is a sacred ruling initiated by the audience. It will cost one million doomsday to launch the **** ruling. The ruling reads as follows. The audience can help any duel on the arena. article!"

"The duel in the arena is sacred and fair. No matter what grade and level of equipment the audience provides, you must also give your opponent a piece of equipment of the same grade and grade as compensation!"

"The **** ruling cannot be rejected. During the duel, only one **** duel can be launched!"

"The **** ruling will increase the reward of ten consecutive wins by one level!"


Gao Dongxin looked surprised: "This, this, this is cheating, this is cheating, cheating!" In the last two sentences, Gao Dongxin even yelled on the stand;

"I didn't expect that there are so many rules in the arena!" Zhao Dan said in a thoughtful manner, and whispered, "The previous challenger was too weak. He could not understand any information at all. It really came today, no, I have to write down these messages! "

System Genie: Undead Witch Susanna pays a million doomsday to start a **** verdict!

System Genie: Susanna, the undead witch, handed over a piece of 35-level gold-quality equipment, "Rovol's Charger Boots," to the undead knight;

System Genie: Susanna, the undead witch, handed over a piece of 35-level gold-quality gear "Sneak Orb" to Song Jian, the challenger.


Song Jian, who was more than ten meters away from the undead knight, suddenly found that there was an extra item in his parcel, "Stealing Orb".

"Sneaking Orb (Gold), special item, use effect: This item will take effect immediately when placed in the backpack, allowing users to automatically master the full level of" sneaking ". When sneaking, the movement speed is increased by 5%, and the probability of being detected is reduced. 30%; "

Looking at the properties of this orb, Song Jian's face showed a bitter smile;

This piece of gold equipment is very valuable. Stealth is the core skill of thieves and assassins. At present, I am afraid that no player can practice stealth to full level.

And what is ultimately required is that the stealth technique learned by players reduces the movement speed during the stealth process. The first-level stealth technique reduces the movement speed by 50%, while the full-level stealth technique reduces the movement speed by 5%. However, this orb increased the movement speed by 5% while sneaking, and most importantly, reduced the detection probability by 30%;

If such a treasure is placed in the auction house, it will be robbed by players, especially those occupations that will sneak, even if they are ruined, they will also need to collect this treasure;

However, this piece of equipment is of no use to Song Jian at present. Stealth cannot be used in a combat state. This piece of equipment can be used as it is, but it cannot immediately improve his strength;

As for the boots obtained by the other party, as soon as you hear the name, you know that this piece of equipment will increase the user's movement speed, and will definitely have an acceleration skill, which will greatly help the current Undead Knight.

As long as the undead knight can catch up with Song Jian, the current situation will be reversed immediately. In the melee state, the undead knight can even fight with strong men with second-order combat power. Once the passive skill "deadly one" is triggered during the melee "No matter who it is, it is definitely the end of a spike;

Song Jian can clearly see that the undead knight directly put on a pair of boots. This pair of boots is very different from other equipment on it. Obviously, the equipment on it was still a suit. Now after changing a pair of shoes, it may be Will lose a set of attributes;

However, it can be clearly seen that after changing the shoes, the Undead Knight's movement speed has increased a lot. Most importantly, heavy snow can no longer delay its movement speed. The Undead Knight seems to be in the snow. Gliding upwards, rushing towards Song Jian;

"Immune deceleration?" Song Jian narrowed his eyes. He originally thought that there would be some acceleration skills on the shoes, or active skills that temporarily immune to deceleration. , Song Jian's twilight snow-capped sword moves, restrained too much.

"Do you think that I will only limit your speed!" Song Jian snorted coldly, rushing past the undead knight without retreating;

Seeing Song Jian preparing to fight head-on with the undead knight, a loud roar sounded in the audience!

"Fatal blow, fatal blow, fatal blow!" The undead witch shouted, holding her fist.

Under her leadership, almost everyone in the audience stood up and shouted, "Fatal blow, fatal blow ..."

They all want to see that Song Jian's passive skills in the undead knight and the death of a fatal blow, all the humans in the treasure chest are a little silent;

In box 102, a middle-aged man stared at the arena with a serious face and whispered: "Fortunately, these monsters will not appear on the earth ..."

"That's not necessarily true, aren't they already in front of our eyes now, how do you know if they will appear directly on the street in the near future, or even your home?"


Song Jian held the Red Fire Heart Ape Sword and fought together with the Undead Knight. Next to him, the other three long swords seemed to be controlled by the invisible arm, stabbing towards the Undead Knight from all angles;

For a time, it was as if four masters of swordsman were besieging the undead knight.

The noise of "Critical Strike" made the undead knight a little irritable. This passive skill is not something that can be thought of and can be produced. Sometimes it is normal for several battles not to occur once. This is a passive thing. The effect of the skills is too powerful, the chance of appearing is extremely low;

Soon, the undead knight found that in close combat, he was not Song Jian's opponent ~ www.novelhall.com ~ When he cut Song Jian's sword, the opponent had cut his sword forty-five swords, and Song Jian lost 300. If you hit Qi, the Undead Knight will lose 1,500, or even 2,000 Qi.

"Why is your damage so high?" The Undead Knight finally shouted loudly.

Obviously his blood value is five or six times that of the other party, but now his blood value has been lost by more than half, while the blood value of the other party is still maintained above 60%.

The most important thing is that during the battle, the opponent can still find out the items that replenish blood and spirit values ​​from time to time. How can the undead knights stand?

The irritable emotions accumulated, and the undead knight finally couldn't bear it. He roared and waved his sword with two hands, splitting the two long swords in the air, and the whole person jumped up high;

A bright scarlet light flashed across the blade of his hands, and Song Jian suddenly felt a huge threat at him;

"Can you die?" Song Jian's face finally changed, and the sharp-eyed people in the auditorium shouted with excitement.
