I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 711: Undead Knight

"The undead knight, the ninth level turned out to be an undead knight!" Gao Dongxin was surprised, and then his face showed an angry look: "This is cheating, and the undead horse is also a 35th-level elite BOSS!"

"Not only that, but the mount also has first-order combat power, and the strength is estimated to be worse than the Cavaliers;" Zhao Dan shook his head and said, "Moreover, it is not an undead horse, but an abyss nightmare, good at fear magic!"

"How can this be fought, even if Song Jian also has first-order combat power, but how can he win two fights and one!" Gao Dongxin exasperated.

Now it ’s the ninth level, the distance is getting closer and closer, and Gao Dongxin ’s expectations are getting higher and higher, but now, the appearance of the undead knight is like a pot of cold water poured from the beginning;

Song Jian stood up, looking at the undead knight who came out slowly, with a cautious look on his face;

The undead knight wore a black metal armor all over his body, with only two eyes exposing a scarlet light. It sat down, an abyss nightmare with its armor on its limbs and flames burning;

The abyss nightmare is very similar to the undead creatures, with little flesh and blood, and the bones are exposed to the outside, exuding a black abyss;

The undead knight, however, has a passive and powerful existence of "Critical Strike", and is also the only one of first-order combat creatures to have the opportunity to kill the second-order combat powerful;

Coupled with the abyss nightmare under it, two elite bosses with first-order combat power, such a combination will definitely produce the effect of one plus one greater than two;

Seeing the undead knight coming towards himself, Song Jian stepped forward and yelled, "My name is Song Jian, which knight under the Archduke of Undead?"

The chance of an undead knight to be born is extremely small. It can be said that each undead knight automatically possesses the title of nobility from the beginning, and only nobles above the count can qualify them as subordinates;

"My name, Hull ..." said the Undead Knight, but as soon as he said two words, he stopped.

After a pause, the undead knight said, "Human, do you want to know my real name? After killing you, I will tell my name to your corpse, and if I have a chance, I can transform you into an undead Creature, become my war servant! "

Song Jian has some regrets, but the other party is an undead creature. I am afraid that he has no flesh and blood. Even if he knows his real name, he does not know whether the skill shackles can be applied to him;

With a hissing noise, the abyss dream accelerated sharply and rushed towards Song Jian. This was the undead knight's charge ability, which increased the instant speed by 150%, collided with the target, and increased the impact damage by 30%. effect;


On the Song Fitness, a raging black flame suddenly burst into the air, with a strong abyss atmosphere, and it suddenly filled;

"Yi Lili ~"

The abyss nightmare sprinted to a distance of less than ten meters from Song Jian, but the moment the black abyss flames rose, the abyss dream stopped abruptly, the first half of the body was raised high, and the hoofs were waving in the air. After two times, he looked at Song Jian with horror and lowered his head directly to Song Jian;

The onslaught ability was interrupted by his mount, and the undead knight was immediately backswept, with more than a thousand points of damage, floating from the top of his head and entering a stun time of 3 seconds.

I am afraid that the Undead Knight did not think that his mount would betray himself. Since the day he became the Undead Knight, he has never encountered such a situation;

The fourth-order abyss demon flame makes Song Jian who possesses the first-order combat power exude a terrifying atmosphere. Although the abyss nightmare is like the undead knight, it is a thirty-five-level elite BOSS with first-order combat power, but Status is very different.

The undead knight belongs to the aristocracy among the undead creatures, but the abyss nightmare, among the abyss creatures, is just an ordinary monster with a stronger point of strength. Facing the horrible abyss breath emanating from Song Fitness, the natural rank gap allows It did not dare to launch an attack on Song Jian at all;

"Stupid!" Scarlet rays glowed in the eyes of the undead knight, and his right leg kept kicking the abyss nightmare's abdomen, desperately holding the reins of nightmare, trying to make it run again, but no matter what he did , Abyss Nightmare did not dare to take a step forward, and continued to utter a sorrow in his mouth;

"Waste!" The undead knight stabbed Abyss Nightmare's head fiercely, then rolled over and dismounted, took off a long gun hanging from the Abyss Nightmare, was about to rush towards Song Jian, hesitated, and hung the long gun in the abyss On the nightmare, he took a two-handed sword from the other side and rushed towards Song Jian;

Losing the speed bonus of the Abyss Nightmare, the Undead Knight is just a large infantry. Many skills that require the use of mounts are not available, but fighting it is still very dangerous. The passive skills of the Undead Knight " "Critical blow" can be triggered regardless of whether it is riding or melee, and the chance of dismounting melee trigger seems to be greater;

"Can't fight with him!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart, and began to repeat the previous fighting method with the elemental fire lord. He controlled the four long swords, constantly cast the twilight snow, and used the sword shadow step and the undead knight to keep a sufficient distance.

After the undead knight lost his mount to accelerate, his original speed was fast, and under heavy snow, the moving speed dropped to the speed of ordinary people;

Watching Song Jian constantly surround the arena "kite" undead knight, and the abyss nightmare, a harmless appearance, stood in the middle of the arena, constantly snoring, and a burst of angry burst out in the audience. Roaring, seems not very satisfied with the situation on the arena;

"Cheating. This is cheating. An undead knight without a mount, what TM is it called? Unfair!"

"Damn ~ www.novelhall.com ~ You can't do this, it's almost unsightly than a fight!"

"Killing, we need to see killing, not sissy fighting like now!"


"Damn, what are they doing? Two 35th-level elite bosses just now, but they also have first-order combat power. Why don't these **** shout at two fights and one fight!" Gao Dongxin slammed the stand angrily.

"They just want to see how these monsters kill humans ..." Zhao Dan said, "Humans in reality!"

"This bastard!" Gao Dongxin cursed. Song Jian only needs to follow this method, and the mill can also kill the undead knight. If the ninth level can pass so easily, then the chance of a ten-game winning streak will become great.

Just then, an undead witch suddenly stood up in the audience and shouted, "I am willing to provide this poor knight with a pair of acceleration boots and ask for a **** verdict!"
